Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 69 It's Not Ugly, It's Beautiful

Chapter 69 It's Not Ugly, It's Beautiful
The cool sea breeze blowing did not affect the two people embracing on the beach at all.

Gu Lingyun hugged Liangfan tightly in his arms, stroking her hair with his big hands.

"Little girl, look up at me." His voice was low and hoarse, and his warm breath touched Liangfan's face with a trace of warmth.

"I don't want it, it's too ugly." Liangfan buried his face in his arms, against his chest, and refused to raise his head.

"I said it, I won't dislike it." Gu Lingyun kissed his hair lightly and sighed in a low voice.

Liangfan shook his head and refused to agree.

Gu Lingyun smiled lowly, grabbed Liangfan's chin with her big hand, and forcefully forced her to look at him.

Liangfan's eyes were red, his hair was messy, and there were a few grains of sand on the side of his face, looking cute and funny.

The corner of Gu Lingyun's mouth tilted.

Liangfan thought he was laughing at him, quickly lowered his head, bit his lip and refused to speak.

Gu Lingyun held her cheeks and kissed her between the brows, "It's not ugly, it's pretty."

Liangfan's fist landed on his chest, "Gu Lingyun, just make sure I don't want to leave you, bully me hard."

Gu Lingyun raised her eyebrows, a little dumbfounded, who decides who?

I miss him, Gu Lingyun, who is 30 years old. Not to mention his experience in many battles, he has seen many women who are fat, thin, and thin, but now he has fallen into the hands of a little girl.No wonder Fang Tianqing made fun of Liang Fan every day.

I don't know who moved first, but when the two of them came back to their senses, they had already kissed each other. Although the blue sky, the sea, and the cool breeze were not as beautiful as imagined, they were still much better than imagined.

The world is like the eyes of two people, only him and only her.

In the afternoon, the two of them took a nap together, and it was evening when they woke up.

When Gu Lingyun and Liangfan got up, Aunt Wu had just come back from the outside, holding a piece of red silk in her hand, her face full of unconcealable joy.

"Aunt Wu, did something happen?" Liang Fan asked curiously.

Aunt Wu's eyes narrowed when she smiled, and her eyebrows were raised high.

"I went to the Buddha Temple today and calculated the marriage for my son. The monk said that my son's marriage will come soon. Hehe, my son is almost thirty, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend. I have been with his father all the time. Waiting to hold a grandson, other people's children are running all over the place, and my son is still unmarried. Finally, God opened his eyes."

Hearing what Aunt Wu said, Liang Fan's eyes lit up, "Buddha Temple? What temple, where is it, why haven't I seen it?"

"It's not very far from the village. You can drive for more than two hours."

"Is it working?" Liang Fan asked again, forgive her curious baby, she is really interested in these things.

"You little girl, you must not say such things casually, the Buddha Temple must be spiritual, bah bah bah, what a sin."

Liangfan stuck out his tongue, and nestled into Gu Lingyun's arms.

"Seeing that you two have such a good relationship, I will also go to the Buddha Temple and ask the Buddha to bless you to have a baby soon." Aunt Wu smiled.

Liangfan blushed suddenly, Gu Lingyun hugged her and just smiled.

Aunt Wu went on to say: "When you go to the Buddha Temple, you must pay homage to Venerable Ananda, so that he can bless your couple with more love and happiness."

"Honor Ananda?" Liang Fan asked, feeling a strange feeling in her heart, as if something slipped through her heart, but she couldn't grasp it.

"You girl, why don't you even know Venerable Ananda?"

(End of this chapter)

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