Chapter 70 A Thousand Years of Love (1)

It may be that the villagers in this village all believe in the Buddha. Aunt Wu was very devout when she told Liangfan and Gu Lingyun the story of Venerable Ananda.

Ananda is one of the venerables around the Buddha. He has a handsome face and is very popular with women.

Manjushri Bodhisattva once said: The appearance is like the full moon in autumn, the eyes are like pure lotus flowers, and the Dharma is as big as the sea, flowing into Ananda's heart.

According to legend, before Ananda became a monk, he met a young girl on the road, and she was fetching water there.When the woman looked up and saw Ananda, she offered Ananda the water she had just drawn up. After drinking the water, Ananda thanked him and continued on the road, but she didn't know a ladle of water.

Practitioners are most afraid of fate, and it is also fate that they cannot avoid.

After achieving the right result, Ananda's mind was hard to calm down, and he could not devote himself to cultivating the Buddha, so he told the Buddha the cause and effect.

Buddha asked: How much do you like this woman?

Ananda bowed to the Buddha and said solemnly: "I would like to be transformed into a stone bridge, and endure the wind and rain for 500 years, the sun for 500 years, and the rain for 500 years. I just ask her to pass by the bridge."

How much would you like it?
But fall in love at first sight for the rest of your life?But pay and wait without asking for anything in return?
"Ananda, when that woman passes by the bridge one day, it will just pass by. At this moment, you have become a stone bridge, and you are destined to stay with the wind and rain. You understand all this, and you are still only for that encounter. Willing to suffer from nature."

"Ananda, how much do you like the woman passing by the bridge, so that you sacrifice your life and accept the suffering of love?"

Ananda worshiped the Buddha again, "Women are reincarnated, and the predestined relationship is difficult to entangle. They don't remember their previous lives, and they don't know Ananda. Ananda begged the Buddha." He just wanted to see him once.

The Buddha sighed, "Love is difficult."

Ananda turned into a stone bridge, after 500 years of wind and sun, but the woman still did not appear.

At this time, the Buddha appeared and asked, "Ananda, have you seen that woman?"

"Ananda didn't." Ananda's delicate face could not hide the disappointment, "Buddha, Ananda is willing to leave with the Buddha."

"Amitabha." The Buddha looked at Ananda with pity, and said, "Ananda, your heart is not pure, you should stay in the human world, experience the experience of this world, and experience the suffering of reincarnation."

500 years later, another new stone bridge was built here. On the guardrail of the stone bridge, there is a huge stone that exudes a faint silver light.

On the day when the bridge was built, a man in white walked across the bridge. He was in a hurry, but he didn't lose half of his temperament, and he was still as elegant as a lotus flower.

This man is Ananda.

He walked to the end of the bridge, stopped suddenly, looked behind him, and found that there was no one there, so he laughed at himself and continued on his way.

However, the stone emitting silver light seeped water at this moment.

The Buddha asked: "Garu, are you satisfied?"

Jiaru cried: "No, why? Why am I just a bridge guardrail? If I were spread in the middle of the bridge, I could touch him! I just want to touch him."

She and Ananda only had a relationship of giving water, and she fell in love with Ananda with just one glance.In order to see Ananda again, she prayed every day, and finally her sincerity moved the Buddha.

She said she just wanted to see Ananda.

The Buddha told her that if she wanted to see Ananda, she had to give up everything now, including relatives and friends, and then practice for 500 years.

Jiaru looked at the Buddha firmly and said, "I don't regret it."

Later, Jiaru turned into a stone and lay in the wilderness. For 500 years, he had not seen a single person until he was discovered in the last year and a stone bridge was built.

After the Buddha pondered, he said: "If you just want to touch him, then you have to practice for another 500 years."

 Because it is related to the emotions of the hero and heroine, the story of Ananda must be told. I don’t know if anyone can guess the reason~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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