Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 80 Everything about me, Mu Zheqing, is yours

Chapter 80 Everything About Me, Mu Zheqing, Is Yours

"Senior Mu, why are you here?"

Mu Zheqing started the car and drove towards the hospital.

After a long time, he replied: "Come to the school to meet a teacher."

Liangfan nodded, but didn't speak.

Ever since what happened last time, Liangfan always felt awkward sitting with him like this again.

She thought for a while and said, "Senior Mu, just send me to the intersection ahead, I can take a taxi to the hospital by myself."

Now that I have made it clear last time, then don't get entangled anymore, it's good for him as well as for yourself.

The speeding car stopped suddenly on the side of the road.

Mu Zheqing just looked at the road ahead in silence, the veins in his tightly clenched fists bulged, it was obvious that he was suppressing something.

Liangfan looked at him and realized that he had lost a lot of weight.

She was still dressed in white clothes like water, but it made her feel distressed inexplicably.

This kind of different kind of affection is not like the love between a man and a woman, but it is also difficult for her to get rid of, like an entanglement that has long been doomed in the dark.

"Senior Mu?" Liang Fan asked tentatively.

Mu Zheqing's eyes fell on her, his eyes were red, and the burning emotion inside made Liangfan's heart flustered.

"Liangfan, do you still remember what I told you after you sneaked out that night?"

——Liangfan, no matter when and where I put it, I will devote my whole life to protecting you.

Liangfan's smile was a bit desolate at this time, she never expected that she would keep this sentence firmly in her heart, as long as he mentioned it casually, she would think it out.

"Liangfan, this sentence is always valid for you, I will protect you forever, just treat me as a bitch."

Liangfan was stunned for a moment, and the sourness in his heart surged.

I still remember when we first met, he sang affectionately on the stage with a guitar in his arms. He was so radiant and energetic, and he was so lonely today.

She even forgot that he is also a person with his own pride, the eldest son of the Mu family, and the future heir.

And how could he use the unbearable words "vile" to describe himself.

"Mu Zheqing, why do you spoil yourself like this! I, Liangfan, am just an ordinary person who can't get on the stage. Why do you have to be wronged repeatedly for me! What you did for me is not worth it at all! What I like is not at all You! It was never you! Why do you treat me so well, why!"

As he spoke, the tears in his eyes trickled down his cheeks.

Mu Zheqing felt distressed looking at her, but because of her inexplicable love for "Mu Zheqing", he had always called himself "Senior Mu" very unfamiliarly, but today she called him hysterically. The name, he suddenly felt that the name he had used for nearly 30 years was so pleasant to the ear.

Mu Zheqing gently hugged Liangfan, who was trembling by his side, into his arms, feeling extremely satisfied.

This is enough for Liangfan, and what you said today is enough. From now on, everything about me, Mu Zheqing, is yours, whether you want it or not, it is yours.

"Mu Zheqing, it's not worth it, what you did for me is really not worth it."

Mu Zheqing locked her tightly in his arms, sniffing her fragrance, his voice was full of tenderness, "Silly girl, I'm worth it just because of your words."

"Don't be under pressure, just be with Gu Lingyun, but don't refuse my kindness to you."

His voice was so soft and gentle that Liangfan didn't know how to reject him.This is not good for him or her, but she no longer has the ability to refuse.

Although she had no other feelings for Mu Zheqing, this moment was extremely chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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