Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 81 Why Mr. Gu Always Appears So Timely

Chapter 81 Why Mr. Gu Always Appears So Timely

The originally quiet street suddenly burst into piercing flute sounds.

Liangfan looked out through the car window, and saw several black cars driving towards them, and then parked around them, enclosing Mu Zheqing's car inside.

And the car that drove over at the end was something Liangfan was all too familiar with, it was Gu Lingyun's car.

Liang Fan was stunned for a moment, and immediately pushed the door to go down, but Mu Zheqing pressed her hand.

"I'll go down with you."

Liangfan could only nod his head.

The first person to get out of the car was Gu Lingyun's assistant Song Yu. He walked to the back of the car and opened the door respectfully.

I saw Gu Lingyun's tall figure coming out of the car, still wearing a black coat, in stark contrast to Mu Zheqing beside Liangfan.

At this moment, Liangfan only had one thought in his mind: how did Gu Lingjun know she was here?

Gu Lingyun squinted his eyes as deep as the ocean, and his eyes fell on Liang Fan who was standing with Mu Zheqing in front of him. He lingered for a while, and finally fixed on her injured hand.

It seems that what Ying said is correct, she was indeed injured, and she was indeed with Mu Zheqing.

Liangfan tightly twisted her clothes with her hands, the sky blue down jacket was stained with blood from her hands, but she didn't know it.

"Come here." Gu Lingyun's voice was very soft, but with a shocking majesty.

Liangfan's heart trembled, he wouldn't be angry.

Just a few steps forward, Mu Zheqing grabbed her wrist.

"Mr. Gu, I just said a few words to Liang Fan, you won't disagree?"

Gu Lingyun frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on Mu Zheqing's hand holding Liangfan.

"Actually, I have a question that I've always wanted to ask Mr. Gu for advice."

"Say." Gu Lingyun looked at him with a sharp gaze.

Mu Zheqing slightly raised a smile, "I just want to know why Gu always appears in such a timely manner every time I'm with Liangfan, it seems like a good calculation."

His words successfully caught Liang Fan's attention, and she was wondering why Gu Lingyun would appear so quickly every time she was with Mu Zheqing, and he even knew where she was going.When the flowers on Moshang were blooming, and when he went racing with Mu Zheqing, he really expected to show up. She was a little puzzled at that time but just didn't ask.She really found it strange that Mu Zheqing mentioned it like this today.

Gu Lingyun looked at Liangfan from a distance, seeing her drooping eyes and frowning, her thick eyebrows couldn't help but tighten.

Various thoughts surged in Liangfan's mind, and the answer seemed to be coming out soon.

With clenched fists hanging on her sides, she took a deep breath and smiled at Mu Zheqing, "Senior, you should go home first, and I'll contact you later."

"Liangfan." Mu Zheqing looked at her with deep eyes.

Liang Fan didn't answer him, but walked towards Gu Lingyun.

Mu Zheqing watched Liangfan get farther and farther away from him, but felt even more unwilling. He promised that this was the last time for Gu Lingyun to take Liangfan away from him!
"Gu Lingyun, let your people go after the senior." Liang Fan said to him, his voice was flat, and there was no wave in his eyes.

Gu Lingyun's eyes locked on her tightly, but Liangfan passed him and got into the car.

She is very confused now, and she doesn't know what kind of emotion to use to face Gu Lingyun. She is afraid that what she said will be some hurtful words, and she doesn't want to destroy the relationship between herself and Gu Lingyun, so all feelings can only be suppressed .

With gloomy eyes, Gu Lingyun waved his hand to signal his subordinates to evacuate, and then got into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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