Chapter 82 Men Are Tigers
Liangfan curled up on the bed, letting the tears flow wantonly, but his heart was hollowed out a little bit.

Why did he send someone to follow her, why didn't he believe her?
She suddenly remembered a sentence she read in a novel not long ago: A man is a tiger. Although he is usually pampered and pampered, he is an out-and-out tiger after taking off his gentle coat. No matter how much he pretends to be a sheep, he can't hide The nature of the tiger.

Liang Fan thought, Gu Lingyun is probably this type of person.When he loves you, he can lift you up to the sky, and when he hates you, he will sternly leave you aside.

For several days, Liangfan didn't go to school, and stayed in the room all day either in a daze or sleeping, not understanding anyone's phone calls, completely isolating himself from the outside world, and Gu Lingyun didn't come back these days.

She is an insecure person. In the past, her sense of security came from herself, but since she married Gu Lingyun, she has completely relied on him. Now he has abandoned her severely, leaving her almost no buffer room for.

Liangfan's stomach was a little empty, she dragged her tired body out of bed, and wanted to go to the kitchen to find something, but she heard a loud knock on the door.

Is Gu Lingyun back?Liangfan's heart was beating violently, he tightly held the ham in his hand, and then went to open the door.

The moment I opened the door, my heart was very complicated, joy, excitement, regret and anger all rushed out at once, but when I saw the person outside the door, only disappointment remained.

Not Gu Lingyun.

"Liangfan, is that why you don't welcome me to your house?" An Ziqing asked seeing her face suddenly collapsed.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, you don't go to school these days, and no one answers your calls. I was so scared that I almost called the police. Later, I asked your family, Mr. Gu, to find out that you have been at home recently."

Liangfan's pouring hand paused slightly, so he knew she was at home all the time, that's why he didn't come back?
That's right, his people have been watching her all the time, what are all her activities that he doesn't know?
Liangfan handed the water to An Ziqing, then sat down on the sofa, took the pillow next to her and hugged her in her arms, curled up into a ball.

An Ziqing noticed her abnormality, "Liangfan, what's wrong with you, are you sick?" As she spoke, she touched Liangfan's forehead with her hand, it didn't feel hot.

"Liangfan, what's the matter with you? Could it be that you had an argument with Gu Lingyun again?"

A look of sadness flashed across Liangfan's beautiful eyes, yes, they had quarreled again.

"Liang Fan, what's the matter with you and Gu Lingyun? Jin Boyan said that he couldn't find Gu Lingyun these days."

"Gu Lingyun isn't in the company?"


Liangfan nodded, and embraced himself again. It seemed that he really didn't want her to find him this time, but a noble person like him was always surrounded by a group of people, so there was nothing to be alone.

And she, except for Gu Lingyun, almost no one can accompany her.

"Zi Qing, I called you that day and Jin Boyan picked it up, did he tell you?"

An Ziqing's face suddenly turned red, she lowered her eyes and nodded, "I said it."

"You..." Liang Fan suddenly didn't know what to say.

She sighed, "Zi Qing, have you known Jin Boyan before?"


"Are you in a relationship with him?"

An Ziqing shook her head.

"Is Jin Boyan married?"

An Ziqing's pupils clenched together, seeing her appearance, Liangfan held her hand, "Ziqing, you can't..."

"He's not married!" An Ziqing interrupted her.

(End of this chapter)

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