Chapter 85

"Lingyun, what happened to you and sister-in-law?"

A few days ago, Gu Lingyun suddenly called their brothers to Night Lost City for a drink, and they were not allowed to ask anything, just drink, and later warned them that if Liangfan asked about his whereabouts, they must not speak out.

It seems that he must have quarreled with Liangfan, otherwise, who else has the ability to provoke President Gu to be so abnormal.

Gu Lingyun took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, then hung up after a simple explanation.

When he returned to the floor-to-ceiling windows again, the little black spot on the road disappeared.

Holding the phone tightly with her big hand, Gu Lingyun stood by the window for a long time before sitting back at the desk.

"How is the Xianghua Group's affairs going?"

"That old bastard Li Xianghua has been playing around all the time, and he can't listen to a single word he said."

Gu Lingyun narrowed his eyes, "Follow what he likes."

Fang Tianqing looked at him puzzled.

Jin Boyan asked, "You mean women?"

Gu Lingyun nodded, "It is well known that Li Xianghua is lustful, we might as well start from this point."

"There's a knife on Sezi's head, that's all." Fang Tianqing said.

There was an instant silence in the office.

"Lingyun, where is the little sister-in-law?"

"I've already brought Ying and Mei back." Gu Lingyun leaned back on the chair, pinching the space between his brows wearily.

Jin Boyan saw the exhaustion on his face, "Go and rest for a while, I haven't slept well for several days recently."

"I really don't know what you and my sister-in-law are thinking. You can't live a good life. Why are you arguing every day?" The two people who are clearly in love always encounter all kinds of hardships, Fang Tianqing can't stand it anymore.

Gu Lingyun put her hands on her eyes, her voice was a little tired, "Go and do your own things, I'll take a rest for a while."

Just when Gu Lingyun was about to fall asleep, the mobile phone on the desk rang.


"Lingyun, are you resting?" A soft female voice came from the phone with tender concern.

"Is there anything?"

"Hmm... have you forgotten? Today is my birthday."


"I just cooked some dishes you like. I heard from my uncle that you haven't had a good meal recently. Come and eat today."

"Well, let me see if there is time tonight, is there anything I want to bring?"

"No, I'm satisfied as long as you come." Lin Siyin's voice was tinged with joy.

"Well, so be it." After finishing speaking, Gu Lingyun hung up the phone.

Originally, Gu Lingyun didn't want to go, but Uncle Lin said that day that Lin Siyin was found to be suffering from mild depression, which was not good for her condition. Uncle Lin hoped that Gu Lingyun would spend more time with Lin Siyin.

I met by chance on the side of the road that day, and he accompanied Lin Siyin to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Lin Siyin's birthday.

Gu Lingyun suddenly remembered that the little thing's birthday is also in the past few days. If it wasn't for that incident, the two of them might be planning how to spend this birthday now.

Liangfan returned home, opened the door, a chill came over, and the room was completely dark.

She turned on the light at the entrance, changed her slippers, threw the clothes on the ground casually, and collapsed on the sofa.

The headache was severe, and the strength in her body seemed to be drained. She couldn't even pour herself a glass of water.

In fact, it's not that far from the living room to the upstairs bedroom. In the past, she skipped across it, but today she doesn't have the strength to support her.

Finally, darkness surrounded her.

(End of this chapter)

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