Chapter 86

"Ge'er, don't be afraid. I will take you back to the palace."

"Xiao Yao, the person you are waiting for is coming soon."

"small thing……"

Countless voices rang in Liangfan's ears, and those pairs of different eyes flashed alternately in her mind, causing her headache to explode. The voice seemed to come from her heart, and it was hard to get rid of it no matter what.

It became quiet in a blink of an eye, and the scene changed for a while.

In front of you is a majestic and gorgeous palace, with colorful glazed tiles shining dazzlingly under the light.

It didn't take long for the red lacquer carved door to be opened, and a man in a black robe came out.

A gust of wind blew up, raising the silver hair that was casually scattered behind him.

There is no wrinkle on the pale face, but it is sickly that cannot be concealed.

It was only then that Liangfan realized that the robe was a bit loose on the man.

The man coughed twice, and an elderly eunuch chased him up from the hall, carrying a black fox fur with gold trim in his hand.

"Your Majesty, it's cold, put on some clothes."

"Don't worry, I have my own internal strength to protect my body."

After saying this, he coughed twice again.

The old eunuch paused, but still handed over the fox fur, "Your Majesty, this is given to you by Concubine Zhao. If you wear this fox fur to see her, she will be very happy."

"Really?" The emperor looked at the old eunuch, a flash of joy flashed in his cloudy eyes.

The old eunuch nodded.

Concubine Zhao!Liangfan was startled, the emperor was Gong Ziran!Liangfan recalled the story that the doctor told her that the son Zhan really turned gray overnight after Meng Elegy's death. Could it be that Meng Elegy was already dead at this time?Then what identity is he playing? Why did Young Master Zhan treat her like that in that cave?
With doubts, Liangfan walked behind Young Master Zhan.

Perhaps because he wanted to miss his beloved woman, son Zhan didn't ask anyone to follow him at this time.

Liang Fan sighed softly, Meng Elegy and son Zhan also had a bad relationship, if there is an afterlife, they should be strangers in the end of the world.

There was a faint fragrance from afar.

After walking for a while, Liangfan saw Young Master Zhan stopped in front of a courtyard.

On the plaque of the arched door, there are three large characters of "Luomeiyuan", the handwriting is delicate and elegant, and it can be seen that it was written by a woman.

I saw Young Master Zhan stretching out his hand to open the door and walking in. What caught his eye was a plum blossom, white and red, intertwined, white like snow and red like fire.

After walking along the winding path for a while, Mr. Zhan stopped.

Liangfan looked up, and there was a tomb in front of him.

I saw Young Master Zhan stretching out his hand to caress the stone tablet as if lovingly, as if he was caressing the most beloved person.

As Liang Fan approached, the words "Tomb of the Dead Wife Meng Yange" came into her eyes vividly.

I couldn't help being amazed, not to mention that the emperor's wife can only be the empress, according to the etiquette system of the Dajin Dynasty, the empress should be buried in the imperial mausoleum after death, not this Luomei Garden.

It turns out that the young master Zhan has a deep affection for Meng Yange, but it's just that fate tricks people, and the love is deep and the relationship is shallow.

Liang Fan thought about his relationship with Gu Lingyun, whether it was the same, or whether it was because of the deep relationship.

"Ge'er, look, the plum blossoms in Luomeiyuan are blooming again."

"Ge'er, do you know how many years you have slept here?"

At this time, the son of Emperor Zhan has no majesty, just an ordinary man who has lost his beloved wife.

"Ge'er, do you know that since you left, there is no Ananda in this world."

Liangfan listened quietly by the side, her breathing became lighter, she knew that son Zhan couldn't see her, but she didn't want to disturb the imperial concubine from the bottom of her heart.

A cold touch came from the hands, is it snowing?Liangfan looked up, and the sky was clear.

There was a wet feeling on her face, she reached out to touch it, and her hand was crystal clear.

she cried?

(End of this chapter)

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