Chapter 87 Who Is Single

When Liangfan woke up, he found himself lying in the hospital again.

She smiled wryly, why did she form such an indissoluble bond with the hospital?

"Sister-in-law, you finally woke up!"

Seeing him, Fang Tianqing almost cried out of excitement.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Sister-in-law, you have been in a coma for three days."

three days?She just had two dreams, but why every time her dream was related to the Dajin Dynasty, could it be because she has been researching this Dynasty?
"Little sister-in-law?" Seeing Liangfan in a daze, Fang Tianqing called out again.

"Young Master Qing, have you been taking care of me for a while? Thank you. I'll treat you to dinner when I'm discharged from the hospital."

"No..." Thinking of someone's words, Fang Tianqing took back the rest of the words.

"Nothing?" Liangfan asked.

"No, you're welcome, hehe." Fang Tianqing explained carefully.

After a while, he asked again: "Sister-in-law, why don't you ask me if Ling Yun is taking care of you these days?"

Liangfan's eyelashes trembled, her pale face lacked a trace of blood, but she smiled weakly, "He probably won't come."

In fact, she knew that Gu Lingyun probably didn't leave Jincheng, or he was in the company, maybe it was his order, and she didn't want her to know his situation, and she didn't want them to take her to see him.

"Little sister..." Fang Tianqing hesitated to speak.

Liangfan smiled comfortingly and said, "Thank you for taking care of me these days. I'm awake now, and there's nothing serious about it. If you have something to do, go and do it first. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

Fang Tianqing heard the meaning in her words, but he comforted her again and left.

Liangfan stood by the window and watched Fang Tianqing's car go away before returning to the window.

She changed her hospital gown, found her wallet and mobile phone, and went out.

When going through the discharge procedures, the little nurse was a little reluctant, saying that it was arranged by Mr. Gu.

Liangfan was furious, so he called the dean. Although the dean didn't know about Gu Lingyun's relationship with her, Gu Lingyun brought her here twice, and he didn't dare to neglect him. In the end, he obediently went through the discharge procedures for Liangfan.

After leaving the hospital, Liang Fan called An Ziqing, and the two made an appointment at Lao Ji's hotpot restaurant.

An Ziqing received a call from Liangfan and hurried over.

And Gu Lingyun also received a call from the hospital, and Gu Lingyun's nerves sank after hanging up the phone.

Fang Tianqing leaned on the sofa, holding red wine in his hand, "I said Ling Yun, don't play too much this time, I saw my sister-in-law today and didn't even ask you a word."

"Is that enough?" Gu Lingyun glanced at him coldly.

Fang Tianqing immediately sat upright and fell silent.

"Where's Boyan?"

"Bo Yan is embracing a beautiful woman now, how can he have the time to deal with single dogs like us."

Goosebumps suddenly appeared on Fang Tianqing's arms. Why did he feel that the temperature in the room dropped a lot after he said this?

He looked at Gu Lingyun, and saw him sitting at the desk with a dark face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yes, he is the only single dog in this house.

"Lingyun, it's not that I'm worrying unnecessarily. If you continue to leave my sister-in-law alone like this, I'm afraid you will become single soon."

"However, I'm not worried about my sister-in-law at all. The Gu family can get a lot of compensation after divorce. My sister-in-law is still young and a rich woman. It shouldn't be a problem to find a man who is younger than you and you like. You should live a happy life." It's not bad, but it's a pity that your child will have to recognize someone else as his father when the time comes."

"Have you said enough?" Gu Lingyun asked him in a dark voice, with obvious anger on his face.

Sure enough, when it comes to sister-in-law, she is not calm.

"Lingyun, do you want me to teach you how to get my sister-in-law back? I'm better than you at dealing with women."

A dozen files suddenly flew towards his head, Fang Tianqing slowed down a beat, and a blue file folder flew right into his face.

"Gu Lingyun, you are so ruthless!" Fang Tianqing rubbed his nose, really wondering if his proud high nose bridge had been broken by him.

"Don't go away!"

(End of this chapter)

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