Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 95 To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is to tell a story

Chapter 95 To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is to tell a story
The familiar smell surrounds Liangfan.

Liangfan sneered, the sadness, anger and disappointment in her heart came towards her like an uncaged beast, she vigorously pushed Gu Lingyun away, and slapped him with a slap.

Gu Lingyun had a chance to escape, but he endured it.

She is big?She doesn't care?Everything is a lie!The moment she saw them kissing, she wished she could go up and slap Lin Siyin hard, wished that her heartache would turn into a blade and stab Gu Lingyun's heart with a knife, so that he could feel her pain well!
But she didn't. In order to maintain her only pride and dignity, and to not look so embarrassed in front of her rivals, she endured it all. They bullied her like this, and she smiled and asked them to close the door. not enough?
"Liangfan, how dare you hit him!" Lin Siyin glared at Liangfan angrily, and ran to Gu Lingyun to check his injuries.

Liangfan was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe, she carefully offered her sincerity to Gu Lingyun, what happened?In exchange for what?It was he who ruthlessly threw her sincerity to the ground and trampled it to pieces!Who has experienced her pain!

"Why, do you feel distressed?" Liang Fan said with a smile, but his gaze was fixed on Gu Lingyun, "I'll wait for your call back."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Liang Fan thought, her world has collapsed, the fairy tale kingdom that the man named Gu Lingyun built for her has collapsed, he once said that he would create a fairy tale world for her, she believed it, but in the end she found out that he is still the same The noble and elegant prince in fairy tales, but she has never been a person in fairy tales, never has been, all along, she is the only one who is whitewashing the peace.

The body suddenly softened and lost all support. Liangfan thought that this time he was going to fall badly. Before she fell completely into darkness, she heard someone shouting her name nervously in her ear. No matter who it was, this time she I can't answer any more.

In the chaos, she only heard the voice of someone talking in her ear.

"How is the child?"

"The child is fine, but the fetal gas is not stable, and it may flow away after a little discomfort. In the future, we must ensure that Mrs. Gu's emotions are stable, and she cannot be stimulated or angry."

"Thank you doctor."

The room fell silent again.

Fortunately, the child is fine.

After a while, there was a rustling sound beside her, and Liangfan felt someone lying beside her, holding her in his arms.

Since you don't love, why bother.

Liangfan woke up, Gu Lingyun saw her wake up, his eyes were filled with joy.

Liangfan frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to push him away, and got out of bed.

The moment she landed, the severe pain from the soles of her feet forced her to break out in a cold sweat.

How could she have forgotten that her foot was hurt yesterday.

"Little thing!" Gu Lingyun panicked and hurried over to hug her.

"Gu Lingyun, if you don't want me to hate you, don't touch me!"

Gu Lingyun froze in place.

Liangfan didn't want to pay attention to him either, and walked towards the bathroom by hopping on one foot.

"Then you hate me."

Gu Lingyun held her firmly in his arms and walked towards the bathroom. Regardless of her struggle, he washed her face and brushed her teeth. When they came out of the bathroom, both of their clothes were wet.

Gu Lingyun put her on the dressing table, trapped her between his arms, and looked down at her.

"I can explain what happened yesterday."

"I thought about it all night and made up an excuse?"

"Liangfan!" Gu Lingyun's eyes were dark and his voice was tense.

It's funny, she, the victim, is not even angry, why is he angry!
"I don't know if Mr. Gu has ever heard a saying. To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is to tell a story. I have heard too many stories, and now I don't want to hear them."

(End of this chapter)

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