Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 96 Gu Lingyun, Why Do You Bully Me Like This?

Chapter 96 Gu Lingyun, Why Do You Bully Me Like This?
Fortunately, Xiaoqiu came to ask them to go downstairs for breakfast at this time, otherwise Gu Lingyun would definitely make Liangfan die of anger.

When going downstairs, Liangfan wanted to go down by himself, but Gu Lingyun refused to let him go, Liangfan couldn't hold him back, so he let him go, don't waste the labor for nothing.

During the meal, I didn't see Lin Siyin, presumably because I had done something like that and left without shame.

Liang Fan would give her a thumbs up for this point, if it was her, she wouldn't be able to stay any longer, a man who knows current affairs is a hero.

Today, her in-laws didn't let her go back to Jinxiu Garden because of her poor health, so she stayed because she couldn't refuse, but she didn't expect that Gu Lingyun didn't go to work either.

Liang Fan nestled on the sofa in the living room basking in the sun, ignoring Gu Lingyun who was sitting beside her.

It seems that the elders in the family still don't know what happened last night, and they don't know what method Gu Lingyun used to fool him.

"Come, come, eat some fruit." Shen Xinrui put a plate of fruit in Liangfan's hand with a smile, "Your father sent someone to bring it back from France overnight, just for you to eat it this morning, try it quickly." .”

"Thank you Mom." Liang Fan replied with a smile, his eyes were a little red, at least the second elder of the Gu family was sincerely kind to her.

"Liangfan." After Shen Xinrui left, Gu Lingyun called out.

"Yeah." Liangfan replied lightly.

"What happened last night was not what you thought."

"Yeah." That's what she saw.

"Can you listen to my explanation carefully?"

"I'm listening, you explain."

"Hey, hey, why are you grabbing my fruit?"

Gu Lingyun snatched the fruit from her hand, threw it aside, picked up the coat to wrap her around her, picked her up in the air and walked out.

"Gu Lingyun, what are you going to do?" Liangfan didn't understand what he meant, and asked in panic, could it be that he didn't like her and wanted to throw her out?
Liangfan's voice attracted the second elder in the kitchen, "Gu Lingyun, you bastard, what are you going to do?" Shen Xinrui was furious, what if Gu Lingyun, a bastard, strangled her little grandson Liangfan's belly!
"Go home!" Gu Lingyun spit out these two words, and went out with Liangfan in his arms.

In the car, Liangfan huddled tightly to the side, keeping the distance between himself and Gu Lingyun as far as possible. He was in such a hurry to go home, so he wouldn't have committed domestic violence to her, didn't he just let her slap her yesterday.

Suddenly, the car stopped on the side of the road.

Liangfan looked at Gu Lingyun with some fear.

She didn't hide her defensive expression at all, Gu Lingyun was completely in his eyes, and felt a dull pain in her heart, she always liked to pester him, when did she ever have such an expression.

He sighed lowly, stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, and kissed her with his head down regardless of Liangfan's struggle, Liangfan pushed him hard, but he was too strong, she couldn't resist at all, but she didn't want him to smell it Kissing her on the lips of another woman, thinking about it like this, the grievances in my heart flooded like a flood, tears easily forced out of my eyes.

Feeling that the person in his arms has settled down, Gu Lingyun's kiss deepened, until he tasted a little bit of astringent saltiness, his arm holding her stiffened, and he hastily let go of her lips.

The girl in front of her was already crying in a mess.

Gu Lingyun wiped her tears in a panic, then hugged her into his arms again, "Little thing, don't cry, don't cry."

Instead, Liangfan's tears grew more and more.

"Gu Lingyun, why do you bully me like this? I have no father or mother. I don't have the power and power like you, but I am also a person. I am not a puppet without feelings. Why do you bully me like this!"

"Gu Lingyun, I hate you!"

Hearing Liangfan's accusation, Gu Lingyun's heart was about to break.

He hugged her, gently stroking her back with his big hand to comfort her, "Little thing, don't cry, it's my fault, I will explain it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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