Chapter 10 The third day (1)
Learn to listen and build a trusting and harmonious communication atmosphere

Dale Carnegie once said that in business, being a good listener is far more useful than boasting yourself.If you're interested in what the customer has to say and you're eager to hear it, orders usually come unsolicited.

In the sales process, salespersons need to introduce relevant information of their products to customers in order to achieve the purpose of persuading customers.But at the same time, salespersons also need to obtain customer information. If the necessary information cannot be obtained from customers, then the salesperson's entire sales process will be half the effort.

Start with caring about customer needs and create value for customers

We must consider from the customer's point of view, understand the needs of customers to make better business, pay attention to customers, pay attention to customer needs, pay attention to the interests of customers, in order to achieve a win-win goal.

Sales is a science, and it needs to develop a person's full potential to do well.Although most of what we sell is tangible or in kind, the key to successful sales is people.Salespersons and customers are social individuals, but both parties have a mutually beneficial and win-win relationship.

When the world-renowned McDonald's recruits personnel, the standard is: "Only those who have the potential to succeed will be admitted. Basically, what we want is people who can get along with others."

In the sales process, the appropriate expression of the salesperson will leave a very deep impression on the customer.If you tell the customer: "We have recently produced a new product that can reduce your company's production costs, now let me ask you a few questions, okay?" Ask questions about the characteristics of the new product being sold that are superior to other products, so that customers can understand the actual benefits of their purchase.

When Xiaobai, a salesperson of a health care product company, entered a residential complex for sales, she saw a pregnant woman and an old woman sitting on a bench in the green area of ​​the community. She went to the security guard of the community and pretended to ask casually: " That looks like a mother and daughter, right? They really look alike." The security guard in the community replied: "Yes, they are a mother and daughter. The daughter is about to give birth. The mother comes from her hometown to take care of her, and the father is alone. home."

So, Xiaobai also came to the green space, and she reminded the pregnant woman very kindly: "Don't sit on the chair for too long, it's a bit cold outside, you may not feel anything now, but you will feel uncomfortable later, when you give birth After the baby is born, you have to pay more attention." Then, she turned to the old woman and said, "Young people don't pay much attention to these things now, and it would be much better to have your reminder and care."

"As a mother, the concern for her children is naturally unparalleled. Isn't that what the saying "the only mother in the world is good" is the truth? If mothers don't care about their children, who will care about their children?"

"Auntie, I heard that cold air is coming again. The weather this winter is really not as good as in previous years. You are getting older, you must pay attention to keeping warm, so as not to avoid headaches and colds, but also reduce the pain of arthritis. You see Check out this padded down jacket for seniors, it's warm and comfortable and very durable..."

When they talked about pregnancy and postpartum precautions, postpartum body recovery, and the need for nutrition for the elderly, Xiaobai had a very happy conversation with the mother and daughter.Afterwards, the mother and daughter had already started to look at the product information and samples in Xiaobai's hands and were ready to buy.

If the salesperson does not pay attention to the customer's needs, then even if the product is hyped, it will not help.In the above example, Xiaobai, the salesperson, grasped the customer's love for children, and then grasped the center of the conversation, which finally led to the transaction.

After determining the customer's needs, although the salesperson can communicate with the customer according to these needs, this still fails to achieve the purpose of sales communication, which requires the salesperson to skillfully shift the topic from the customer's needs to the core of sales communication on the question.

For the actual needs of customers, sales staff need to carefully analyze them before communicating, so as to accurately grasp the strongest needs of customers, and then start to find common topics based on customer needs.

All in all, it is a long-term process to pay attention to the needs of customers and improve service quality, but as long as you work hard and insist on "everything starts from the customer, everything is for the customer, everything is responsible for the customer, and everything is to satisfy the customer", you will be able to comprehensively improve the industry. Service quality, service level, to achieve their own goals, develop their own ideas, so that they can also make good use of "sweet words" in the sales process to achieve sales tasks!
Use humor to open customers' hearts

Humorous conversation is inseparable in sales occasions. It can make a serious and tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed and lively, and can make people feel the kindness and kindness of the speaker, making the salesperson's point of view easier to accept.

In the process of sales negotiation, sometimes it is inevitable that there will be embarrassing scenes, or even a deadlock.At this time, if the salesperson uses humorous language properly, it will bring comfort to both parties and shorten the distance between each other. Turn hostility into friendship, so that customers can understand their intentions in a cheerful atmosphere, and then break the deadlock.

Kamhara Ippei, the Japanese salesman, once had such an experience:

"Hello! I'm Hara Ippei from Meiji Insurance Company."

Customers say, "Oh..."

After carefully reviewing the business card handed over by Yuan Yiping, the client raised his head and said slowly: "A salesman from an insurance company came to me two or three days ago, and I drove him away before he finished speaking. I am You won’t be insured, and it’s useless for you to say more. I think you’d better leave quickly, so as not to waste your time.”

Yuan Yiping was serious, and even pretended to be a little angry and said: "Thank you for your concern! After you listen to my introduction, if you are not satisfied, I will cut seppuku on the spot. Anyway, please spare some time for me!"

The customer couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you really want to cut seppuku?"

"That's right, stab it like this..." He replied while gesturing with his hands.Client: "Just wait and see, I'm going to make you do seppuku."

"Come on! Since I'm afraid of seppuku, I have to introduce it carefully!" At this point, the expression on Yuan Yiping's face suddenly changed from "serious" to a grimace, and both the client and Yuan Yiping couldn't help laughing.

No matter what, the salesperson always tries to make the prospective customer laugh, and then laughs himself. When two people laugh at the same time, the strange feeling disappears, and the hearts of each other are communicated at a certain point. .Not only will this spice up the conversation, but it will also endear you to clients because of your quick thinking and wit.

In the specific environment of the above case, Yuan Yiping used a very exaggerated technique to create a very comedic scene and broke the deadlock. It cannot but be said to be a masterpiece of humor.It can be seen that the salesperson's hearty personality and humorous conversation are very important factors to win the favor of customers.

In the process of sales negotiation, humorous language can not only ease the atmosphere of the conversation and break the deadlock, but also stimulate the customer's consumption awareness with humorous language, so that the customer can enter the sales circle set by the salesperson without knowing it.

A sales elite once told such a story, which is very intriguing.

On Valentine's Day, two of my colleagues and I met for dinner in a certain hotel.After drinking for three rounds, a black and thin flower seller suddenly came to our table. I really don't know how he got in.

The three of us waved our hands together, saying that there are no girls, what kind of flowers to buy, and go find someone else!The little guy didn't move, and said with a smile: "It's popular for men to give flowers now!" After speaking, he took out a rose from his arms and handed it to a colleague, saying, "Uncle, let me give this to you!"

We were puzzled, but the little guy patted his chest and said, "I'm a man too!" The colleague was embarrassed, and in order not to let everyone misunderstand "men's feelings", he immediately took out 10 yuan, even saying that this rose was bought. .

I laughed out loud.Unexpectedly, the little guy took out another branch and handed it to me, and said to the colleague: "I will give this to this uncle for you!" Now it was the colleague's turn to laugh.I hurriedly took out 10 yuan and said that I would also buy one.He is a bachelor, I can't accept the roses he sent!
Afterwards, the little guy took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table and handed it to another colleague, who helped him to light it.The little guy put down the lighter and said, "Boss, let me beat your back!" After speaking, he embraced the flowers with one hand and beat his back with the other.

Another colleague winked at us and said deliberately: "I don't buy flowers." The little guy smiled: "Boss, you don't need to buy flowers, just give some money later, this is a kind of service." Hearing this , Another colleague waved his hands again and again: "Okay, okay, I think it's better to buy one." Immediately took out [-] yuan and handed it over.

The little guy bowed deeply, thanked him, then turned and ran away.We couldn't help admiring the kid's ingenuity.To be honest, the three of us are all sales elites of the company. We didn't expect that a flower seller would "take" all of them in a few minutes today, which was really beyond our expectations.

However, what surprised us even more was that when we walked out of the hotel, we saw several roses on almost every table, even the security guard had one in his pocket!
Successful sales come from the art of language.An excellent salesperson is a person who knows how to integrate the art of language into product sales.

There is such a salesperson, once he dumped mosquito repellent in the market, and his eloquent speeches attracted a lot of customers.Suddenly, someone asked him a question: "Can you guarantee that this mosquito killer can kill all the mosquitoes?" At this time, he immediately replied wittyly: "No, in the place where you didn't spray, the mosquitoes will be killed." Live very well!", this joke made people happily accept his products, and soon, several large boxes of mosquito killers were sold out quickly.

In the sales process, telling some small jokes can quickly reduce the hostility of customers to the salesperson and promote the success of sales, but it must not be excessive. If you fail to grasp it, it will leave customers with a frivolous and unreliable impression.

In short, for salesmen, bringing humor into the field of sales, creating a scene of laughing with customers in unison, forming a humorous sales art style, will have more hope of winning in the fierce market competition and unexpected joy.

Do what you like, and constantly expand the common ground with customers

Sales staff must constantly strive to expand the common ground with customers, so that customers can have more intimacy and resonance with us.

When meeting customers, many salespeople will be extremely nervous, because customers are used to being wary of salespeople.Sometimes, customers will even show a hostile attitude, but in order to achieve spiritual communication with customers as soon as possible, so as to build a relationship that can talk about everything, sales staff can continue to expand the common ground with customers, so that customers can put down their guard. Mentally, accept yourself.

After analyzing the sales records of insurance companies, a researcher found that many of the policies sold had a phenomenon that the age, religious beliefs, political views or other habits of the customers were similar to those of the sales staff.

Once, Luo Qiang, a building materials salesperson, heard that a builder needed a large amount of building materials, so he went to discuss business.However, it was soon told that someone had already arrived.Luo Qiang did not give up, and then repeatedly asked to meet with the builder.The builder couldn't stand Luo Qiang's entanglement, and finally agreed to meet with him, but the time was only 10 minutes.

Before the meeting, Luo Qiang decided to use the strategy of "following what he likes", although at that time he did not know what interests and hobbies the builder had.When Luo Qiang walked into the office, he was immediately attracted by a huge oil painting hanging on the wall.He thought that the builder must like painting art, so he tentatively talked with the builder about a local art exhibition.Sure enough, the builder talked with Luo Qiang with great interest, and they talked for an hour.When parting, the builder promised Luo Qiang that half of the project undertaken by Luo Qiang and all the building materials for the next project would be supplied by Luo Qiang, and Luo Qiang was sent out of the house in person.

In the sales process, you must have had such an experience. When talking with someone for the first time, if you can find out in the chat that you have the same place of birth as the customer or have studied in the same school, the customer’s previous alertness The psychology will disappear in a short time, and the feelings will quickly become harmonious.If a customer likes to swim but you don’t, and he says he likes Sichuan cuisine, you must say that the Northeast taste is good. In this case, it is difficult for you to communicate.Many times, people often have such a psychological tendency. Even if he is a person who is wary of customers, once he can find the common ground with both parties, he will not be wary of customers.

When Rogers, a salesman, went to a company to sell computers, he happened to see several books on financial investment on the bookshelf of the company boss.It happened that Rogers was more interested in financial investment, so he chatted with the boss about investment.In the end, the two chatted in full swing, from stocks to foreign exchange, from insurance to futures, the appreciation of RMB, and the best investment model, but they lost track of time.

It wasn't until he was about to get off work that the boss suddenly remembered and asked Rogers: "How about the product you sell?" Rogers immediately seized the opportunity to introduce him, and the boss said after listening: " Okay, no problem, let's sign the contract now!"

From acquaintance, conversation to final acquaintance with customers, Logis has found the common ground of "financial investment" between them.

It can be seen that finding a common topic with customers to achieve "resonance" can make the sales process easier for salespeople, and customers will be very happy. It can be said that everyone is happy.Therefore, it is very important for both parties to communicate to find a common topic.

So, how can we match what we like and find common ground between ourselves and our customers?

[1] Use words to test and detect common ground.

(End of this chapter)

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