Chapter 9 The Second Day (4)
Sales staff can use good eloquence to make customers interested and willing to cooperate, so as to make the transaction possible.

[3] Establish good customer relationship.

From approaching the customer, to the beginning of the sales negotiation, to the establishment of the cooperative relationship, the salesperson needs to create a good communication atmosphere and establish a good relationship with the customer.All of these require salespeople to have good eloquence.

[4] Accurately deliver product and service information, allowing customers to accept the value of their products and services.

In the sales process, sales staff can let customers know and accept the value of their products and services only with good product introduction and display.

Good eloquence is not only a commitment that salespeople must fulfill to improve their careers, but also a responsibility that must be shouldered to optimize the sales market.If a salesperson has good eloquence, it will add a high-quality weight to his brilliant career.

The practical experience of many sales elites tells us that good eloquence can be acquired and improved gradually through learning and training.Generally speaking, the basic methods of eloquence training for sales staff include the following aspects:

[1] Often do basic exercises such as articulation and pronunciation.

[2] Often watch the speeches of famous people and imitate them.People usually listen to the radio, watch TV, and movies every day, so the sales staff can follow the announcers, actors, and actors to imitate them at any time, pay attention to their voices, intonations, demeanor, and actions, and imitate while listening, while listening to them. Watching and imitating, after a long time, the speaking ability of the sales staff will be improved.

[3] Read inspirational or eloquent books for at least 20 minutes a day to cultivate a positive attitude and learn some skills.

[4] Always look for opportunities to give presentations.Good eloquence is not just advocacy in writing, but requires actual practice by salespeople.If you have few opportunities to speak in public, you can often speak in front of a mirror.

[5] Read books every day to increase your knowledge reserves and vocabulary.While reading books, make an oral summary of what you have learned to exercise your memory, response and language coherence.

The rhetoric is used to being the same, which can easily arouse customers' resentment

In the sales process, when the customer's needs are determined, the salesperson can communicate with the customer according to these needs, but this still fails to achieve the purpose of sales communication. Don't be one size fits all.

When a salesperson introduces the relevant information of his products like reciting texts, if he is accustomed to a routine of rhetoric, it is easy to arouse the disgust of customers. When he stops introducing and hopes to get some feedback from customers, he usually finds that customers There was no intention of speaking at all, the only thing they wanted to say was "hope you leave immediately".

For example, this is what Xiao Zhao, a salesperson, would say every time he meets a customer:
Salesperson Xiao Zhao: "Hello, I am a salesperson of ×× company. This is a new product launched by our company. It is durable and beautiful in appearance, and it is very suitable for you."

Customer: "We don't need this product."

Salesperson Xiao Zhao: "Can you take a look at the product information first?"

Customer: "I'm very busy now, I don't have time to look at your products, please leave here immediately."

Does the above sales rhetoric seem very familiar to you? In fact, the key to interacting with customers is to find the entry point of the customer and start with the entry point that the customer likes.

Sales is a kind of orientation to the needs and desires of customers. It is precisely because of this orientation that after entering the era of "marketing", in this special era, it is necessary to fight well in "ideological warfare" and "psychological warfare" to complete sales. After the battle, this requires us to have a perfect grasp of customer psychology, understand customer needs, meet customer needs to the greatest extent, and guide customers to discover needs that they have not discovered.

Some salespeople are used to thinking about issues from their own standpoint, hoping to quickly instill information about the products they sell into the minds of customers without considering the needs of customers at all.This kind of sales communication that focuses entirely on your own wishes is destined to experience many twists and turns, because customers often interrupt your sales and let you "leave immediately", even if the customer allows you to finish the boring opening remarks, he will not let you go. Will keep these things in mind.

Therefore, in the sales process, the salesperson should think more about "how to grasp the customer's psychology more intuitively", instead of just doing work based on experience or taking it for granted.Since customer psychology itself is a developing and dynamic process, it is absolutely impossible to think that you have an understanding of customer psychology just by looking at sales performance in sales.

In the sales process, salespeople often need to prepare sales pitches, some for themselves, and some for training sales staff. So, how should a set of really effective sales pitches be obtained?

[1] Analyze your own product.The salesperson is required to analyze the various attributes of the product clearly, and make corresponding comparisons with competitors' products. You can use the "grid" method. In a table, the salesperson puts his own products and competitors' products on the table Together, each aspect is compared, focusing on attributes such as price, function, and configuration that customers care about.Only after clarifying all these, can we know ourselves, know ourselves and the enemy, and maximize our strengths and avoid weaknesses in actual work.

[2] Draw up the interests of customers.After analyzing your own products, you need to refine and summarize again, turn product features into your own advantages, and then turn them into customer benefits and find out real proofs. The proofs here include certificates issued by authoritative departments and actual The results of the verification also include the stories of other consumers using the product. Storytelling is a very effective way to reassure doubts.

[3] Grasp the market as a whole.Integrating the market work is often the easiest thing for many salespeople to ignore, but in fact, it is essential to show their professionalism when dealing with customers. In the future, only when communicating with customers can there be collisions and sparks of thought.

[4] Summarize the experience and put it into writing.The salesperson should make more summaries of the above aspects, and after in-depth analysis, implement them into specific words. Only then can you really have your own set of sales rhetoric, and you will be confident when dealing with customers. Take it easy and deal with it freely, and ultimately help you achieve your sales goals.

[5] Constantly summarizing and adjusting in practice.Sales is a practical skill, and only by constantly summarizing can it be continuously improved, especially when communicating with customers, emotional control, speech speed and intonation are all things that should be in the writing of sales rhetoric, but are difficult to grasp. Continuously summarize and improve.

Dealing with customers with different personalities requires different skills

Grasping the purchasing motives and psychological characteristics of different customers and adopting different reception skills can effectively improve the success rate of sales. This is the basic skill that every salesperson must master.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. If salespersons want to really persuade customers to buy their products, they must know themselves and their opponents, so that they can win every battle. In addition to understanding customers' real thoughts, salespersons must also grasp the customer's personality and match what they like. This is very important. important.

Han Ling, a kitchen supplies salesperson, has a unique method of judging customer needs, which is called the "back door" method.

Whenever Han Ling was going to sell a dishwasher to a restaurant or hotel, he always entered through the back door so that he could see the equipment in the kitchen, check whether the cups and silverware were clean, the dishes and where they were cleaned , which competitor's product is being used.In this way, Han Ling can judge whether there is a demand here.If it exists, he will make a marketing plan very seriously according to the specific situation of the restaurant; on the contrary, if he thinks that the demand of the restaurant is very limited, Han Ling will follow the general procedure to market, and then hurry up to the next one.

This salesperson is undoubtedly very smart. He understands that different customers will have different requirements, and customers in different periods will also have different needs.If the products you provide cannot meet the needs of customers, or if customers don't need your products at all, then it is futile to spend more time on such customers.Therefore, if you want to treat different customers differently, you must first clarify the different needs of customers.

So, in the face of several different types of customers, what attitude should the salesperson use?The following lists several customers with different personalities, and the sales staff can refer to them:
[l] Consultative customers.

Consultative customers usually entrust the sales staff to judge which product is suitable for them.

The reason why such customers consult with the sales staff is entirely out of trust in the sales staff. Therefore, at this time, the sales staff should do their best not to disappoint the customers.

In the face of negotiating customers, the salesperson should make reasonable recommendations and choose to make suggestions at the right time, instead of trying to sell expensive products, regardless of whether they are suitable for the needs of customers.

[2] Silent customers.

Silent customers are often difficult to speak, taciturn and introverted.When negotiating sales with such customers, they are always used to looking forward and backward to what the salesperson said, without any opinion, and sometimes even if they have a well-thought-out plan, they are unwilling to say it rashly.However, such customers are often polite and very polite to the salesperson. Even if you nag, you will never take an uncooperative attitude. They are always smiling and polite, but they speak very little. Find a way to get him to speak first.But how do you get such customers to speak up?It depends on the eloquence of the salesperson.For example, say some questions that customers like to answer, or topics that they care about, and so on.Salespeople must be patient when dealing with such customers. After asking a question, even if the customer does not answer immediately, they must wait politely, and wait for the customer to open their mouth before asking the next question.

[3] Indifferent customers.

Even if this type of customer is face to face with the salesperson, they still feel alienated, and they are unwilling to say even ordinary pleasantries, with an attitude of "let's talk quickly if you have anything to do".When dealing with this kind of customers, the salesperson must speak enthusiastically. No matter how disappointing his attitude is, in order to achieve a result, he must not be discouraged. Dealing with them proactively and sincerely will eventually allow them to break their silence.

[4] Cautious customers.

This type of client is cautious and conservative by nature.Before deciding to buy a product, they will make careful inquiries about all aspects of the product, and wait until they have a thorough understanding of the agreement before making a final decision.And before they make up their minds, they are often used to discussing with relatives and friends.

For such customers, the salesperson should take the trouble and patiently answer the questions raised by the customers.When speaking, the attitude should be modest and respectful. You should neither be eloquent nor eloquent. Instead, you should be honest, unpretentious, straight and not twisted. Although the words are simple, they must be to the point and give people the impression of honesty.All in all, try to avoid outbursts in contacts.

[5] The humble client.

When this type of customer chooses products, they usually choose products that are not expensive, or that are not of poor quality and that are not too complete in functions.

When a customer buys a cheap product, no matter how much the consumption is, the salesperson should regard it as God, and never let the customer feel that buying cheap is shameless.

[6] Pride in large clients.

The purpose of this type of customer's airs is nothing more than vanity, and he needs others to affirm his existence and status.In the sales process, such customers are often used to overturning the opinions of the sales staff while boasting about themselves.For this kind of customer, if you want to push the boat smoothly, you must first satisfy his vanity, not only to listen carefully, but also to echo a few words from time to time.For his opinions, the salesperson should not make a positive refutation, wait for the opportunity to subtly turn him into an audience, and let him echo you.

[7] Knowledgeable clients.

If you meet a very knowledgeable customer, then the salesperson may wish to talk about it theoretically, citing classics and citing extensively, so that the conversation is full of philosophy, the words are subtle and elegant, and give people a good impression.You can also put forward the problem you want to solve as a request, let the customer guide you, and treat him as a good teacher and helpful friend, and you will get his support.

[8] See the customer who thinks differently.

This type of customers will be very enthusiastic when they are in a good mood, and even make you feel flattered; however, when they are depressed, they will behave coldly and renege on their promises, giving people an elusive feeling.The most important thing to treat such customers is to fully understand and master their psychology.For example, when a customer is in a bad mood, if you can let him pour out his inner dissatisfaction so that he can get rid of the psychological pressure, it will be of great help to your sales work.

All in all, in the sales process, salespeople should adopt different ways of speaking when dealing with customers with different personalities.Only by casting spells according to the person and making the best use of the situation can we get twice the result with half the effort.

If a person wants to become a sales elite and achieve outstanding performance, he must not only understand himself, but also understand customers.Customers with different personalities have their own behavior patterns and ways of thinking. When the salesperson understands the customers with different personalities and their actual needs before making sales, the sales work will become better and better.

Day 2 experience

You can use the above methods as much as possible to strengthen your work attitude.The important thing is that you write down your experience and constantly reinforce this work attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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