Chapter 8 The Second Day (3)
In many cases, the sales process is a process of persuading customers, and salespeople must convince customers that their products can bring benefits to customers.To convince customers, you must first convince yourself that you truly believe that the products you sell can bring benefits to customers.If a person who does sales work doesn't trust his own products, how can customers trust you?Don't always feel that you are inferior to others. When you have no confidence in your products, customers can also feel your lack of confidence, and then have doubts about the products.When a customer feels that you are confident in your product, then he will also increase his confidence.As long as you positively believe that your product is the best, then you will be able to convey this awareness to customers and break through their psychological defense in one fell swoop.

If the salesperson is full of confidence in their products and thinks that the customer is lucky to buy the product, and it is a loss not to buy the product, it is easy to impress the customer.

In 2001, Ma Yun said in a speech at the "Digital China" Forum of Beijing High-tech Industry International Week: "When we founded Alibaba, many people commented that we can't do this or that. No matter whether others believe it or not, we believe in ourselves When we make any product, we only need to ask ourselves three questions, first, is this product valuable? Second, is the customer willing to pay for this value? Third, how much is he willing to pay?”

Ma Yun said: "There are not many people who really believe in me, but I have confidence in myself. I want to create an online base for small and medium-sized enterprises centered in Asia. As a result, we succeeded, and we became China's real service for businessmen and In the world, we have become one of the few surviving Internet companies and a leader in online international trade."

Just imagine, if you can't even be sure of your own products, how can you make customers affirm you and your products?When a customer buys your product, it is nothing more than to be sure that your product is really good!
So how much you believe in your product, how much you believe your product can help customers, is very important in sales.

Build a good relationship with customers
In the process of sales, only by establishing a good relationship with customers can we really do a good job in sales and become a sales elite in a short time.

If a stranger asks you to buy a watch, I believe no one will buy it; if your good friend asks you to buy it, I believe some people will buy it; if your lover asks you to buy it, most people will buy it.Why is there such a phenomenon?Because there is one thing at work, that is "relationship", when a person has a very close relationship with you, it is easy for you to agree to his request.

In ancient India, there was a king who wanted to choose one of his three sons to be the new king, so he discussed with his ministers a way. He asked his three sons to send a letter to the general guarding the frontier. , At the same time, they sent architects in the palace to imitate a huge stone with very light materials on their only way to the frontier.

Later, the three sons delivered the letters to the generals guarding the frontier and returned to the palace one after another.The old king asked his three sons, "How did you deliver the letter?"

The eldest son said: "I encountered a huge rock on the road, so I took a long detour to deliver it."

The second son said: "I also encountered a huge rock, so I had to row a boat over it by water."

The younger son said: "I also encountered a boulder, but I walked directly from the road."

Hearing what the younger brother said, the two elder brothers were very surprised. There was a huge boulder on the road. How did he walk across the road?The old king also asked, "Didn't you touch the boulder?"

The youngest son said: "I touched it, but I wanted to see if I could remove it, but when I touched it lightly, it rolled down."

In the end the youngest son won the throne.

In fact, to establish a good relationship with customers also has to remove a boulder, which can be pushed away as long as the mentality of the salesperson is changed. This boulder is: the customer is always the strong side, and the salesperson and the customer are not equal.

The salesperson helps the customer to solve the problem, and the customer helps the salesperson to conclude the deal. Everyone is in an equal relationship, and there is no one who is strong or weak between the two parties, only whether they can meet each other's needs.Therefore, the positioning of sales staff and customer relationship is: mutual help and mutual equality.

So, as a salesperson, how should you establish a good relationship with customers?
[1] Do what you like.

In the process of sales, praise appropriately and communicate with customers seriously.This kind of matching method can increase the customer's goodwill towards you, and then establish a good relationship with them.

[2] Sincere praise.

Deep down in every human being there is a very strong desire to be approved by others.And sincere praise is the recognition of customers. In the process of communication between sales staff and customers, the skill of praise is a compulsory skill.Compliments can be divided into explicit praise and secret praise. Ming praise refers to complimenting customers directly. For example, your factory is very clean, you look good today, you are beautiful, etc. Secret praise refers to complimenting people invisible. You praised the client and didn't feel that you praised him, but he was very comfortable psychologically.

[3] Find the same point with the customer.

People’s complexion will change. When a customer hears that you are here to sell products, his complexion will often turn cold. If you ask him where he is from, he will say Shandong, and you will say that you are also from Shandong. His Your complexion may change from cold to hot. If you are customers from the same county, your attitude may become better. Why?Because there is something in common between you and the customer, everyone agrees with their background and hobbies, if your background and the customer's hobbies are the same, he will naturally like you.

[4] Contact and cooperation.

Sales staff should take the initiative to contact customers and not allow customers to contact themselves.Only with more contact and more exchanges can we become more and more familiar with each other.

One of the conditions for winning the trust of customers is to cooperate more.There is one happy event on the minds of IBM's salespeople: a product problem.It stands to reason that product problems are a bad thing, but how can it be a good thing?This is because IBM's sales staff will quickly solve customer problems, and through such a cooperative process, customers can further their trust in them.

[5] Do the extension work well.

Many times, people tend not to look at one thing alone, but to connect two unrelated things.This point is crucial to sales, especially in the face of customers. Many things have nothing to do with sales, but they can affect the success or failure of sales.Extension includes good extension and bad extension. For example, a salesperson invites a customer to eat at a restaurant he likes. The customer is very happy with the meal, which will promote the smooth progress of the transaction. This is a good extension; however, If the restaurant salesperson who buys the customer out likes it but the customer doesn't like it, it will drive the business to failure, which is a bad extension.Therefore, salespersons should pay attention to doing more extensions to facilitate the transaction.

Adapt to emergencies

In the sales process, the salesperson will always encounter various situations, which requires the salesperson to deal with them one by one calmly, tactfully and flexibly, to eliminate unfavorable sudden factors, and even turn them into favorable factors. Never let go of any favorable sudden factors to add weight to your sales.

Before selling, making necessary preparations is a common feature of sales elites.However, this does not mean that the sales process must be as specific as possible, and must be implemented according to the plan.Because things are always changing.There will always be some unforeseen situations on the scene.Therefore, an excellent salesperson must learn to adapt to changing circumstances.

A salesman who sold a tempered glass wine glass to a large group of customers began to demonstrate the product after he finished the product description: throw a tempered glass wine glass on the floor without breaking it.But, unfortunately, he happened to take a glass that was not of good quality, and threw it suddenly, and the glass was broken.

For such an unexpected incident, he had never happened in the process of selling wine glasses before, which was beyond his expectation, and he was also very surprised.However, the customers were even more stunned when they saw this situation, because they had already believed the salesman's sales description very much, but they just wanted to see it with their own eyes to get a proof, but in the end such an embarrassing situation appeared.

At this time, if the salesperson is also at a loss and has no idea, let this silence continue, in less than 5 seconds, some customers will leave in a hurry, and the transaction will suffer a disastrous failure.But the salesperson had an idea and said: "You must not buy a cup like this, I will not sell it to you, so I will break it now." An embarrassing situation, but also won the trust of customers, the transaction was a complete victory.

The mug seller displayed a speaking tact.It can be seen that in the process of sales, it is very important to know how to adapt to changing circumstances.

Now think about it, in the sales process, if you encounter the following situation, how would you deal with it?
For example, when you are introducing products to a new customer, suddenly, an old customer calls.He told you to revoke the purchase promise that he had promised you before.Obviously, at this time, you must be under double pressure. You want to save the defeat with the old customers, but you are also worried about leaking information about the sales discord in front of the new customers.It would be foolish for you to panic in a situation like this, or yell into the phone to tell him he didn't believe what he said.The result can only be that old customers cannot be retained, and new customers are driven away, and the result is chicken and eggs.

A mature salesperson will definitely say politely to old customers: "It's okay, but I'm talking with a friend about something very important right now. Look, how about we meet tomorrow and talk about it in detail?" After hearing such words, the old customer will not continue to entangle with you on the phone, and he will quickly agree to your request.In this way, you have an opportunity to negotiate with him in order to maintain the original transaction; on the other hand, the new client will not only be happy that you value him, but also feel that you rejected a date because of him. Sorry, it's very helpful for you to close a deal with him.

In the sales process, salespeople often encounter strange people and things. If they just stick to general principles and don't adapt to the situation, it often leads to the failure of the transaction.Therefore, the quality of emergency handling is directly related to whether sales activities can get out of the deadlock and get out of the trough smoothly.In the face of unexpected events, the salesperson should deal with them calmly, avoid and resolve unfavorable factors, and seize favorable factors, so that unexpected events will not affect the final transaction, and may even facilitate the transaction.

Practice good eloquence, language is the real productivity
Speaking is an art. Only when you speak the right words at the right time, in the right place, to the right person, can your language truly produce productivity.

In this era full of fierce competition, only by convincing customers can you truly grasp the hearts of customers.Language is the basic tool for human beings to transmit information and communicate emotions, so good eloquence has become a basic need for human communication.

In the process of negotiating with customers, salespeople must have skills in speaking and art in communication; good eloquence can help salespeople to facilitate transactions, and good communication skills can change customers' perceptions of you.When communicating with customers, you must take care of your mouth, use your mouth well, and know what to say and what not to say.

Good eloquence also plays a decisive role in sales staff.However, most laymen have a very big misunderstanding about the eloquence of salespersons: many people think that salespersons need to be slick, talkative, flattering their bosses, flattering their subordinates, and fooling customers. gold.In fact, these are contrary to the basic requirements of the sales staff.

If the salesperson does not know what to avoid, it will cause sales failure; if the salesperson does not know what to do, it will cause stagnation.

People who sell peppers may often encounter such a well-known hot issue, that is, buyers often ask "is your pepper spicy?" This question is difficult to answer. How to solve the hot issue that customers care about?
If the person who sells chili says "spicy", maybe the person who buys chili is afraid of spicy food and leaves immediately; but if the person who sells chili says "not spicy", maybe the person who buys chili likes spicy food , the business still can’t be done.

One day, a woman selling chili was leaning beside the tricycle. At this time, a buyer came and asked: "Is your chili spicy?" The light peppers are not spicy!" The buyer paid for the dark peppers and walked away satisfied. In the end, there were not many light peppers left.

After a while, another buyer came and asked, "Is your chili spicy?"

"Long peppers are hot, but short peppers are not!" replied the woman selling peppers.

So, people who bought peppers began to pick them up according to her classification criteria.As a result of this round, the long peppers sold out quickly, leaving only the darker, shorter peppers.

Later, another buyer came and asked, "Is your chili spicy?"

"The hard-skinned ones are spicy, but the soft-skinned ones are not spicy!" the woman selling peppers replied confidently.

Finally, another buyer came and asked, "Is your chili spicy?"

"The ones with stems are spicy, but the ones without stems are not spicy!" The chili seller replied... In a blink of an eye, all the chili peppers were sold out, and the chili seller went home with a satisfied smile on her face.

As a salesperson, not only need to have a shrewd mind, but also need to have good eloquence.As the saying goes: "If you can't buy and sell, you can't talk, but when you talk, you can sell three things." Good eloquence is a powerful guarantee for successful sales.

The success of the final transaction often depends on the three words "speaking".Experienced sales experts believe: "A salesperson who cannot further persuade customers to buy a product cannot be regarded as a real salesperson-they can only be regarded as gossiping women at best!"

Generally speaking, a good one can play the following roles:
[1] Skillfully handle customer objections and resolve customer concerns.

When a customer raises an objection, the salesperson can resolve the customer's concerns with good eloquence, thereby promoting the establishment of a cooperative relationship with the customer.

[2] Stimulate customers' willingness to cooperate and facilitate the final transaction.

(End of this chapter)

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