Chapter 7 The Second Day (2)
[3] Evaluate customers objectively.Everyone cares a lot about what other people think.But as a salesperson, if you are very concerned about other people's evaluation of yourself, then you will generate pressure invisibly and make yourself nervous.Therefore, the salesperson might as well forget about himself for a while, and evaluate the customer objectively instead.Carefully observe the customer's expressions and words to find the customer's shortcomings.In this way, the salesperson will change from passive to active, and the pressure will be gradually eliminated.

[4] Let go of your voice and speak out loud.When you meet a customer for the first time, try to let go of your voice, speak loudly, or learn to be humorous once in a while, these will immediately relax the nervousness of the salesperson, and the fear will naturally disappear.

[5] Straighten your mind.Sometimes the salesperson is very easily overwhelmed by the status and title of the customer, and will unconsciously feel psychological pressure.In fact, customers also have a fragile side of human nature. They are also human beings, so why should you be afraid of them.

All in all, as long as you can keep the above points in mind and use them frequently, when salespeople face customers, you will develop a "thick-skinned" spirit and successfully pass the "face barrier" over time.

Visit every customer with creativity

You know, without creativity, everything is low-level repetition. The traditional and conservative sales methods have long been unable to adapt to the development process of modern enterprises, and you can only be a mediocre salesman for life.

A successful salesperson is often those who are unwilling to follow the old ways and dare to innovate boldly.Only by constantly innovating and innovating everywhere can we be different and quickly open up the market.

However, in many sales processes, compared with innovation, many salespersons still prefer to work according to the rules, thinking that innovation is only the power and responsibility of decision makers, and as long as they do their job well, they are working in a principled and down-to-earth manner. Performance.Salespeople who are still clinging to this kind of thinking have actually been out of the track of social and business development.

Why do some salespeople have always been very successful in the sales process, while others are always unable to avoid failure?
Generally speaking, failed salespeople tend to visit customers blindly.They knocked on the door of the customer's office in a hurry, introduced the product in a hurry, and after being rejected by the customer, they hurried to visit the next customer.They are busy all day long, but they don't get much.

In fact, a salesperson is better prepared to impress one customer than to call on ten customers in a hurry and end up with nothing.

Therefore, this requires the salesperson to investigate and understand the customer's needs and problems before visiting the customer, and then put forward constructive suggestions for the customer's needs and problems.For example, methods that can increase customer sales or enable customers to save costs and increase profits can be proposed.

Mr. Smith has been in the US sales industry for over 20 years.In the past 20 years, he has sold a variety of products, from a layman to a sales elite.When someone asked him about his successful experience, Smith said: "The salesperson must visit the customer with an idea that is beneficial to the customer. In this way, you will have fewer chances of rejection and you will be welcomed by the customer."

When Smith was selling wood tiles for flooring, one of his customers was a hardware factory manager.The factory manager has been worrying about the increase in costs for many years.The reason for the increase in cost is probably that the company purchased many special materials with slightly different specifications and stored them intact.

Smith has been thinking about how to help customers reduce costs. After consulting a lot of information, he came up with an idea.Then, Smith came to visit the director of the hardware factory again and talked about his idea in detail.According to Smith's idea, the factory director reduced the 286 types of inventory to 126 types, which resulted in faster inventory turnover and greatly reduced procurement, inspection and storage, storage, and storage, thereby reducing costs.

Later, the director of the hardware factory purchased more products from Smith.

From this example, we can see that Mr. Smith used the ideas in his head to win the favor of customers, and finally led to the transaction.In the fiercely competitive business world, only those salesmen who can continuously innovate can win the first chance; while those salesmen who follow others can only watch others achieve higher performance and have rich wealth.

A sales elite once said: "Looking at the needs of customers for themselves is always more important than what our salespeople say. According to my personal experience, unless I have a concept that is beneficial to customers, I will not Will visit him."

When a salesperson proposes a good idea to the customer, it will definitely be welcomed by the customer, because you help the customer solve his very difficult problems and meet the customer's needs, which is better than you say to the customer: "What product am I here to sell?" It can impress the hearts of customers even more.

In short, the salesperson must visit with the belief that he can help the customer.You can come up with an idea that will help your customer as long as you have the idea of ​​how it will be helpful to the customer engraved in your mind.

"Underdog Tactic" is not unavailable, but it should be used with caution

In the actual sales process, if necessary, you might as well use the "sorrow tactics", show a pitiful face, deliberately expose your weaknesses to the customer, enhance the customer's sense of superiority and gain his sympathy, and then achieve the purpose of the deal, but This method should be used with caution.

As the saying goes: "A child who can cry has milk to eat." The same goes for sales.Although tears are not as lethal as swords and guns, they are effective.

Look at such a story first:
One day, the salesman Xiao Zhang went to the temple to sell some Buddhist supplies.

The monk in the temple said: "It's so good, the benefactor is so kind and virtuous, can you donate these Buddhist supplies to the temple?" When Xiao Zhang heard this, he said with tears in his eyes: "It's so good, Master doesn't know about it. If my family doesn't have An 80-year-old mother needs filial piety. There is no 2-year-old child to feed. I will definitely give these products to you. I know that monks are all compassionate. For the sake of my 80-year-old mother and 2-year-old child , can you support me and buy my products?" The monk was speechless after hearing this, and immediately paid for the purchase.

In fact, this is the "underdog tactic".The so-called "sorrow tactics" are actually the application of the "psychologically low position" method in psychology. Simply put, it is: everyone hopes that others are in a lower position than themselves, while themselves are superior, as long as their own superiority If you feel satisfied, you will agree to many things unconditionally.

The "sorrow tactics" require salespeople to put down their posture, tear off their face, and win the sympathy of customers.People's hearts are strong. Many Chinese and foreign candidates for political elections, in addition to adopting the "silver bullet" offensive, often also like to adopt "sorrow tactics". They mobilize their wives and children to voters I begged bitterly, hoping to win the sympathy of the voters, raise the momentum, and grab the sympathy votes of the stray voters.

In the United States, a company signed a contract with another company. Party A and Party B reached an agreement, but they still did not sign a contract. However, Party C is willing to sign a contract with Party A at a lower price at this time.

Out of business reputation, Party A informed Party B of the situation, and proposed remedial measures that were impossible.Party B understands Party A's mentality and does not want to change the substantive conditions, so he repeatedly explained and shed tears sincerely during the negotiation process.As everyone knows, the tears shed by the young representative of Party B had a huge effect. The atmosphere of the meeting immediately became dull, and the attack power of the representative of Party A was frozen.

Subsequently, the representative of Party A suggested to discuss internally after the adjournment to discuss how much the tears of the representative of Party B are worth?Please discuss.In the end, Party A agreed to make another tens of thousands of dollars in concessions.In this way, the tears of Party B's representative won the sympathy of Party A's personnel, and the transaction was successfully completed.

It can be seen that the underdog tactics are indeed a great persuasion secret to selling products in the sales process.In the sales process, this mourning tactic often appears.For example, the salesperson begged the customer blindly during the sale; or the salesperson wanted to stick to the price after the second price reduction, and in order to break the deadlock, the salesperson invited the customer to see his superior supervisor.When the customer walked into the room, he saw the supervisor with a towel wrapped around his head, a blanket around his waist, with a sad face and a sick look, and at the same time said pitifully: "Headache, stomachache, waist pain, I was forced to do it by you." Be anxious.” In this way, no matter how tough and ruthless the client’s position is, he will be easily moved, and in turn shake his original intention.

However, salespersons should bear in mind that the "sorrow tactics" are available, but they must be used with caution.Unless it is a last resort, don't use this killer tool lightly.

This is because the occasional "sad soldier tactics" that arouse the sympathy of others usually have a wonderful effect of winning by surprise.However, if it is a person who often adopts a low profile and begs others to win sympathy, it is like a young man who is good at begging on the side of the road, not only cannot arouse the sympathy of the customer, but will make the customer feel disgusted. It is not worthy of sympathy, and even attracts disdain and contempt.

Therefore, in actual sales combat, the "sorrow tactics" should be used with caution.

Hit the snake and hit the seven inches to find the customer's breakthrough point
Every customer has their own weakness, and this weakness is their breakthrough point. What you should do is to find their breakthrough point and hit their weakness.

Let's look at the following case first:
In the dry and hot desert, a snake is lurking in the sand, waiting for an opportunity to catch food.At this moment, a little bird flew down to the sandy ground to look for food, so it was inevitably targeted by the snake.The snake approached the little bird, but in an instant, the little bird slapped the snake's head again and again with its claws. Although the power of the little bird was very weak, it seemed that it did not pose a threat to the snake. , but it keeps beating.In this way, while dodging the snake's bloody mouth, the little bird slapped its head with its claws with exactly the same accuracy.When the bird slapped more than 1000 times, the snake finally limp and limp on the sand, unable to get up again.

In fact, the final success of the little bird lies in the fact that it pinpointed the key point to subdue the snake. The so-called seven inches of snake hunting means that the king is the first to catch the thief.This method is also highly advocated in military struggles, listing the enemy's vital points, seeking methods, measures, and strategies to attack the enemy's vital points, and striking at the enemy's vital points, so that the enemy is in a passive state, so it gradually leads to failure.

In the sales process, the salesperson should also learn to find and control the breakthrough point, so that the transaction will become much smoother.

Wu Gang, a real estate salesperson, knows how to find the key points of the customer's purchase every time he leads a customer to see a house, and makes a breakthrough from the key point.

Once, a couple went to see a house. The wife liked swimming very much and wanted to buy a house with a swimming pool.Wu Gang saw his wife's special preference for swimming pools, so he focused on breaking through from this point.When looking at the house, if the husband said, "Look, this house is leaking." Wu Gang would say to his wife, "Madam, look at the beautiful swimming pool behind." That place needs to be renovated." Wu Gang said to his wife, "Madam, look, you can see the swimming pool behind from this angle." Then, at this time, the wife would say: "Yes! Swimming pool! I The most important thing to look at this house is the swimming pool!"

Therefore, the transaction will become very smooth.

The success of this salesman is inseparable from the fact that he grasped the business opportunity and accurately selected the breakthrough point for customers.Therefore, if you find a breakthrough point to persuade customers, the chances of success will become greater.In a sense, sales is not about selling things, but about buying the opinions of customers, that is, to continuously improve according to the opinions of customers, to satisfy customers, and finally to buy the loyalty of customers.

In the actual sales process, if you want customers to pay special attention to your products and achieve very satisfactory results, you must have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of customers.Therefore, customer information channels have become an essential link.This requires that salespersons should maintain a meticulous mind, constantly seek the information they need to reach a deal in the process of contacting customers, find out the "weakness" of customers, and then break through one by one.

Generally speaking, the process of finding customer breakthrough points is as follows:
The first step: build customer information channels;

Step [-]: Identify customer needs;
Step [-]: Make sure your attack direction is correct;
Step [-]: Try to find out the customer's purchase process;

Step [-]: Find out the key sales figures and match them up;
Step [-]: Always have close contact with customers.

It is often said that "the things around us are not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery." In the process of communicating with customers, if you can find the customer's breakthrough point and hit the customer's weakness, then the transaction will also change. Much smoother.

Be [-]% confident in your product
The confidence of the sales staff comes from the trust in the product, and there is no discount [-]%, even a little doubt about their product will affect the final transaction.

In many cases, to a large extent, doing sales work is to win the acceptance and approval of customers, and finally sell the products successfully.If even the salesperson himself doubts the products he sells, it will be difficult for him to successfully sell his products to customers.

Next, let’s take a look at the story of the world-renowned sales guru Joe Gillard:

When Joe Girard sold Chevrolets, he knew very well that there were better cars than Chevrolets, and he could afford any other car, but he insisted on driving Chevrolets.In this regard, Joe Girard explained: "You have to believe that your product is the best in its class."

While many other Chevrolet salesmen go to work in Cadillacs and Mercedes, they sell Chevrolets but often drive other brands of cars. Customers often wonder: Does the salesman disdain to sit in the car he sells? ?Eventually they send the message to the customer that the customer has distrust of their product and the sales job is going to be tough.

In Europe and the United States, many salespersons put forward: "You buy it, and then sell it." If you are not interested in the products you sell, and you are unwilling to buy them, how can you arouse the enthusiasm of customers to buy products?

The most effective way to make customers believe in your products is: you must believe in your own products, and you must firmly believe that what you provide to others must be the best products and the best services.

(End of this chapter)

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