Chapter 22 The fifth day (3)
When quoting, the salesperson adopts the strategy of "requiring a higher quotation", which means asking the salesperson to ask for a higher price and to make concessions slowly.Using this strategy, the salesperson can undercut the customer's confidence in the first place, while at the same time taking the opportunity to understand the customer's strength and position.If salespeople can make good use of this strategy during sales negotiations and strive for opportunities for discussion, there will be unexpected gains.

When sales enter the quotation stage, the salesperson should pay attention to the following: when quoting, the determination of the highest price must pay attention to the customer, that is, to study the customer's transaction method and attitude, and treat them differently.

In the sales process, if customers pursue their own interests too much and put pressure and influence on the salesperson from the beginning, the salesperson must build up confidence and put a certain amount of pressure on them at a high price.

If it is not just the seller who is negotiating with the customer, but there are many competitors, then you only need to set the price to a position that can at least attract the attention of the customer, so that it is attractive and can maintain the sales negotiation .

When the sales negotiation has progressed to a certain level, the prices of both parties should almost be settled. Since there is still a certain gap between the price of the seller and the price of the buyer, the salesperson can adopt a low-price strategy in order to prevent the buyer from aggressively bargaining.This low price strategy can be achieved by:

[1] If the customer really finds the price of the product high and unacceptable, the salesperson should demonstrate the product sold with some inferior competitive products to emphasize the advantages of the product sold.The product differences shown in the demonstration will immediately eliminate customer objections.

[2] When a customer raises the issue that the product price is too high, the salesperson can emphasize all other factors that can offset the high price.If the price is really high, and a dispute has arisen because of it, then the only way is to list all the advantages of the product, which will help to remedy the lack of high price.

[3] When quoting, the salesperson should try to quote in a small unit of account no matter how large the number of transactions is to be negotiated, so that customers can easily accept it.For example, the transaction of some products is based on the unit of container or ton, but it is still quoted in the form of yuan per kilogram or one hundred kilograms when quoting.It is easier to close a deal in this way, and the reason is that this kind of quotation can make customers have a false impression.

[4] Price comparison is to compare the products sold by the salesperson with similar products, and compare the higher price of similar products with the price of the product in question, then the price of the product in question will appear to be lower.When using this strategy, the salesperson must have at least one higher-priced similar product in his hands.

In addition, the salesperson should also pay attention when quoting: the quotation must be clear, without reservation, without hesitation, and there is no need to explain it when making a quotation.The reason is: customers generally will not accept your quotation, or will not accept it immediately, so they must inquire.If you explain it immediately after quoting, it will make the customer realize, "Ah! So you are concerned about these issues."

The asking price is higher than the net price, and reserve room for negotiation

Only when you dare to ask, customers will feel that your products are genuine.As long as it is not too outrageous, your asking price must be higher than the real price.Asking the price higher than the net price will make your sales negotiations more flexible, and the buyer and the seller will have room for a game, and a win-win situation will be created.

In the sales negotiation, if the customer asks the salesperson to offer a price, the salesperson may wish to offer a higher price, which can reserve a lot of space for the following negotiations.Of course, in order to let customers know that you are trading in good faith, the price you offer should not be ridiculously high.

Yang Shuai, a worker at the winery, made a written request to the leader for a wage increase.Half a month later, the leader asked him to negotiate a new labor contract.

However, to Yang Shuai's surprise, the leader gave him a detailed introduction to the sales and cost situation as soon as he came up, and the manager also spent a long time talking about the financial prospects for the next year.

Such an abnormal conversation made it difficult for Yang Shuai to deal with it.In order to buy time to consider countermeasures, he picked up the meeting materials on the table and read them.The top one is his written request.

When Yang Shuai saw it, he suddenly realized.It turned out that the worker made a mistake when typing: he wrote 12% instead of asking for a wage increase of 21% [and his expectation was originally intended to end with a wage increase of 7%).No wonder the leaders make a fuss over a molehill.

Yang Shuai had the bottom line in his mind, and waited silently to see what suggestions the leader would make after making a sad speech about the difficult situation of the factory.Sure enough, the factory suggested a wage increase of 12%.After negotiation, they finally reached an agreement with a salary increase of 15%, which was 8 percentage points more than their expectations.It seems that Yang Shuai's original request was too low.

American politician Henry Kissinger once said: "The result on the negotiating table depends on how much your request is exaggerated." Therefore, the price you charge to customers must be higher than the price you actually want.

The world's top international negotiators openly say that if you want to negotiate with him, you should know that he is asking for more than what he wants from you. "My clients are not stupid. I want more, and they will see it immediately." If you think this way, you must especially remember that "the price you want to ask the client must be higher than the price you actually want." "the rules.Although the client does have such an idea, using this strategy will often give you the upper hand in the sales negotiation.

Generally speaking, the asking price is higher than the real price, which seems to have at least the following advantages:
[1] Asking the price to be higher than the net price can leave some room for negotiation to the sales staff.In the sales negotiation process, once the salesperson bids, it is 90.00% reasonable to lower the price, but if the salesperson wants to raise the price again, it is almost a miracle that is unlikely to happen unless there is a particularly good reason.In the customer's psychology, he hopes that he can buy your product at the lowest cost.

So if the salesperson asks for more than what you expected to sell for, that means there is some flexibility involved.This allows customers to negotiate prices with you.And if the salesperson's asking price is unambiguous, and the attitude is "buy it if you want it, or leave if you don't buy it", then the sales negotiation cannot even start.The customer's attitude may be "then we have nothing to talk about".

[2] The sales process is complex and changeable. In a certain situation, as long as it is reasonable, even an asking price that seems unacceptable to customers can sometimes be expected to be sold.No one knows when a miracle might happen.Maybe your patron saint is watching you from the clouds: "Oh, look at the salesman of such and such company, he has worked so hard for so long, he should give him a break!" transaction.

[3] Charging a higher price will make your product appear to have higher extrinsic value.When a salesperson shows a customer your printed price list, you are communicating the potential value of your product to him.This affects inexperienced customers more than experienced ones.

[4] Asking a high price is a way to satisfy customers psychologically.If a customer finds out a more reasonable price when purchasing a product because of his hard work, and makes a deal at a reasonable price at which part of the water is cut off, he will have the psychological satisfaction of making a profit on his psychological level.But if the salesperson gives the customer the best price at once, the customer will have nothing to talk to you, and there will be no greater sense of psychological accomplishment.

Inexperienced salespeople always offer the best price at the beginning, trying to close the deal as soon as possible.A salesman said to his manager, "I'm going out today with this deal, and I know the competition is fierce, and they're bidding all over town. Let's make a big discount, or we'll have a harder time getting orders." For skilled sales negotiators, they know the value of asking high prices.This is a great way to create a win-win situation for your customers and yourself.Although some customers will feel that the merchant's asking price is a bit high, they don't take it seriously. Some smart customers know that it is normal for the initial asking price to be a bit extreme.In the process of sales negotiation, the most common result is that the two parties negotiated a compromise result. Such a result is to reserve space to satisfy both the customer and themselves.

Based on this, it is not difficult to see that the asking price higher than the net price does have many advantages.In some cases, even a high asking price can be expected to succeed, as long as it is justified.In actual sales, the salesperson should boldly put forward an appropriate asking price, and find reasonable reasons for the position at the beginning of the sales negotiation, so as to achieve good sales results.

Tips and tricks for giving discounts
Proper use of discounts can make sales "icing on the cake", but improper use may cause companies to "burn themselves", and even eventually "lose the wife and lose the army".

Sales discount, in general, refers to a kind of price discount given to customers by sales staff for sales behavior or results that meet the established requirements when selling products to customers. It is actually given to customers on the transaction price. A certain percentage of concessions.

However, in the process of giving discounts to customers, salespeople often have some misunderstandings. The existence of these misunderstandings often prevents discounts from functioning normally, and sometimes even causes undesirable phenomena such as cross-selling and dumping of goods.

Generally speaking, in the actual sales process, common discount misunderstandings are as follows:
[1] The bigger the discount, the better.Many salespeople often regard discounts as their "killer trump card" or even "life-saving straw", and think that the bigger the discount, the better.The purpose of doing this is nothing more than: First, use the larger discount as a "scepter", so that you can call the wind and rain, "left and right" customers, and let customers obediently listen to themselves.The second is that I think that the company and products have a lot of room to operate, and it doesn't matter much to give customers more discounts, and I can get personal favors.The third is that through a relatively large discount policy, it is possible to occasionally carry out pressure on goods, stimulate channels to increase sales, and encourage customers, so that in the end, you can be slick in all directions, have both sides, and achieve a good effect of killing two birds with one stone.

[2] The discount is the profit.In actual sales, when some salespeople instill discount policies in customers, they are often used to misleading customers, asking them to buy and sell, and regard the discounts given to them by the company as profits. "Upside down" sales in order to obtain greater discounts, so that product prices appear "upside down", and the distribution of channel profits is thus unbalanced.Driven by the idea of ​​"discount is profit", customers often do not increase the price to sell to obtain profits, but bet the "treasure" of profits on discounts, resulting in disorder and fragility of the channel chain.

[3] A discount is a promotion.Some salespersons often regard the promotion as a discount in order to "save trouble" when the company's promotion is not very standardized, and throw it all to the customer, thus making a very serious mistake.In fact, the main function of discounts is to stimulate customers to purchase and sell, which is more of a push in the market, but promotion is more used in terminals and consumers, which reflects a pull.If the promotion is given to customers as a discount, the promotion often loses the function of promotion, and becomes an additional profit for customers in disguise, so that the promotion cannot play its due role, but on the contrary may spoil the customer.

[4] A discount is a drop in price.In actual sales, many salespeople often regard discounts as a "conventional weapon". "The "hot potato".However, when the discount reaches a certain level, the customer's funds will be seized, locked up, and many other unbalanced feelings will appear. Therefore, in order to reduce the financial pressure, they will continue to put pressure on the manufacturer to reduce the price, thus Let the discount become the "culprit" of product price reduction.And if the price of the product is reduced, it will affect the stability of the market price system and trigger a new round of channel restructuring, which may eventually cause the product to decay from a "golden bull" to a "thin dog" or "problem product".

In the sales process, if the salesperson understands the many misunderstandings in the above discount operation, he can use the discount policy skillfully and flexibly with a target in mind.Any discount policy is a "double-edged sword". If it is not done well, it will hurt others as well as yourself. Therefore, how to give customers a discount policy ingeniously and flexibly, so that it can play a positive role in promoting the market, is the salesman It is a strategic issue that requires careful consideration.

In fact, giving discounts to sales staff is indeed a science. If the discount is just right, it can not only save the limited resources of the enterprise and make "good steel be used wisely", but also increase the "chips" in the hands of sales staff. So that they can flexibly control the channels, skillfully deal with market competition, and make discounts a powerful weapon to squeeze competitors.

[1] Turn discounts into rewards.In the sales process, many salespersons dare not reduce their discounts easily. It is often related to the fact that the discounts are relatively fixed during the operation process of the salespersons, leaving too much for granted to customers. However, if the discounts are to be used freely, they must truly play their role. Function, a very effective way is to turn discounts into rewards. Since discounts cannot be easily changed in the minds of customers, as a salesperson, you might as well turn discounts into rewards and "brainwash" customers when talking about customers. be clarified.

[2] The discount should be retractable freely.If the salesperson can only release but not accept when using the discount policy, it usually means that the market and channels are immature, or even very fragile.In fact, only when the manufacturer's discount policy can be retracted freely can the discount policy be truly used flexibly and customers can revolve around the "baton" of discount.

(End of this chapter)

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