Chapter 23 The fifth day (4)
[3] Discounts are subject to assessment.In the sales process, if the discount really plays its role as an incentive, instead of becoming a natural income, then it is especially critical and imperative to evaluate the discount.Discounts without assessment are like product price cuts. Although the range is large, it may have little incentive effect on customers. Moreover, if it is not handled properly, it is very likely to become the root cause of falsified goods and dumped goods.Therefore, the discount assessment is very important.

[4] The discount should be gradual.In actual market operations, many salespersons tend to make a fatal mistake. At the beginning, the discounts are very strong, and some products even suffer a small loss. The purpose is to quickly enter the market through a relatively strong channel discount policy. , Occupy the market, and then, by gradually reducing the discount rate, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of profit.In fact, this is wishful thinking. The result of this approach is bound to be a reduction in strength, and a decrease in sales and market share year-on-year. Therefore, the formulation and launch of the discount policy must be done step by step.

In the sales process, how salespeople give discounts is a seemingly simple but complicated matter. It reflects the level and ability of salespeople to use discounts. As an enterprise and salespeople, only when discounts are used flexibly and skillfully can discounts be made. Only when it is used by the sales staff can it truly play its guiding and motivating role, so that the sales staff will not be burdened by the discount, and will not be bent by the discount, and finally let the discount really achieve the purpose of increasing market sales.

Don't rush for success when trading, customers will have a sense of accomplishment when bargaining
For most customers, successful bargaining will also make them feel that they are buying more affordable than others.Sales work must know how to satisfy this psychological desire of customers.

In the process of sales negotiation, if the customer asks for a discount on the product, what should the salesperson do?This is a question that salespeople often encounter. Should they make concessions or insist?If you make concessions, customers will not believe it and feel that your product is too fake.If you insist on the original price, the customer will be unhappy and feel that you are not easy to talk to, and there is no room for negotiation at all.Therefore, salespeople are often in a dilemma at this time. They want to make a deal but are afraid that the customer will not buy. What should they do?
So, how can we effectively solve this problem?
Generally speaking, there are four main reasons for a customer to ask for a price reduction: first, he thinks that the value of your product does not match the price; second, the product he bought before is cheaper than the current one; third, his economic There is a gap between the affordability and the price of your product; fourth, he thinks that your peers sell products cheaper.So the customer asks for a price reduction.

In the sales process, it is normal for salespeople and customers to bargain.

Bargaining is a normal psychological need of consumers, and the purpose is to obtain a certain psychological balance.Only when the customer finds this balance point psychologically, will he finally make a purchase decision.If the balance point is not reached, the customer will negotiate with the salesperson to find a solution acceptable to both parties in the debate between you and me, so as to achieve a win-win situation.

However, psychologically, people hope to get a more affordable price when negotiating with the salesperson. Therefore, as a salesperson, don't rush for success when making a transaction. Customers feel that the price they have given is too high, so they feel that they have suffered a loss in this transaction, and sometimes have doubts about the quality of the product.As a result, it is not beneficial to both buyers and sellers.

The following is a shopping experience of a couple, which vividly illustrates that accepting customer requests too quickly does not bring much benefit to the salesperson:
When a couple was flipping through the magazine, a landscape painting caught their attention in the middle advertisement.

The wife said: "Look, how antique is this landscape painting! If it is hung in the corridor or hall of our house, it would be great."

The husband also agreed: "Well, yes, I'm thinking of buying a similar painting to put in my home, but I don't know how much it will cost, and the price is not listed in the advertisement."

After two months of searching, they finally saw this landscape painting at an antique and handicraft fair.The wife said very happily: "That's it, that's it!"

"That's right, it's true!" The husband replied, "But we have agreed that we won't take any more than 500 yuan."

So the husband went up and asked: "I won't say much. I'm going to offer a price for this landscape painting. I don't like bargaining. It's 250 yuan. Can you sell it?" The salesman said without blinking: "Take it away."

What will be the reaction of Mr.Complacent and self-satisfied, he thought: "Great, I saved half of the money!" No, you can imagine how you would react in the same situation, and his first reaction must be: "What's going on, maybe 150 yuan can be settled. There must be something wrong with this landscape painting!"

When he walked towards the parking lot with that landscape painting, he thought to himself: "This landscape painting should be very heavy, why is it so light? Is it a defective product?"

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it at all. When the landscape painting is hung in the corridor, it looks beautiful, and it walks every minute and every second.It's just that the mood of the couple is always not easy.Why?It was this salesman who accepted their $250 offer too readily.

Objectively speaking, this price was already very low for that salesperson, and the salesperson did not make much money at all.However, the couple will feel that they have been cheated and the purchase is expensive. This is the human psychology at work.

Therefore, in the process of negotiating prices with customers, salespersons should raise their own thresholds, don’t reach an agreement so easily, and let customers feel that you are giving up the item because you are very unwilling to give it to them. If you sell it, the price you gave is already the bottom line that makes your profit so thin.In this way, customers will have a great sense of satisfaction psychologically and will appreciate you.To make customers feel that they have taken some advantage from you when doing business with you, and have a sense of psychological satisfaction, they will be happy to continue to cooperate with you.

A suit store called "Meijia" in Tokyo, Japan, accurately grasped the buying psychology of customers who want to take advantage of more benefits, and effectively used the discount sales method to sell, and achieved success.

The specific method is: first issue an announcement, introduce the general situation of a product’s quality and performance, and then publicize the discounted sales days and specific dates, and finally explain the discount method, that is, 15% off on the first day, 16% off on the second day, and [-]% off on the second day. [-]% off on the third day and the fourth day, [-]% off on the fifth day and the sixth day, and so on, and [-]% off on the No.[-] and No.[-] days.The effect of this sales method is that there were not many customers in the first two days, and most of the visitors were to inquire about the truth and watch the excitement.On the third and fourth days, the number of people gradually increased, when it was [-]% off.Customers rushed to the counter like a flood to buy.Since then, it has been sold out day after day, and the product has already been sold out before the [-]% off sale date.

What if the product itself cannot be reduced in price?The salesperson must give him a reasonable explanation.It can also be said from the following aspects: first, the company stipulates that the price cannot be reduced; second, the price of a single product cannot be reduced; Value, to meet customer needs without compromising prices.As long as the salesperson speaks well, the customer can understand your mood and naturally won't bargain with you.

Therefore, an excellent salesperson, if a customer asks for a price concession, he will say: "Mr. X, I understand your feelings very well. Of course, everyone hopes to buy the best product at the lowest price." You can rest assured that for such a good product, we sell N sets every day, and the price has never been lowered.If the price is lowered, one is that the company does not approve it, and I will be fired if the price is reduced; the other is that the sales are unfair, and our product is sold at a uniform price in the entire market; face.Make him happy, make him feel at ease, let him feel that he is worth more than he is worth.Customers will naturally not bargain.

On the contrary, if the salesperson makes the price immediately once the customer asks for a lower price, the customer will not trust you.Those who do sales should always remember: there must be a reason for asking the price, because we just opened; because I just opened the door today; because you buy more products, because you often take care of my business; because you place an order immediately; Because you help me introduce customers and so on, so I can sell it to you at a lower price.Just find a reason for customers to be happy, and they'll be happy to buy.Because he enjoys the treatment that others cannot enjoy.If you lower the price for no reason, the customer will feel that you have made him a lot of money.So the salesperson remembers that when a customer asks you to reduce the price, even if the product can be reduced in price, you should ask him to do something in turn. Only in this way can the transaction be fair and the customer can feel at ease.

In addition, even if the product has a very high profit, the price reduction should not be too much at one time.In this way, customers will be even more distrustful of product quality.Although you want to lower the price psychologically, you can’t rush to agree to the customer on the surface. Only when the customer achieves the goal with difficulty can he have a sense of accomplishment and be willing to buy.Because customers don't want cheap products, but they like to take advantage.Therefore, the price reduction must let customers know that the product itself is very expensive, and because of certain reasons, it is sold to you at a low price.This makes customers feel very valued.

For the value-added services of products, this is also the best way to meet customers' demand for price concessions.When the salesperson cannot meet the customer's needs on the one hand, you need to comfort him by adding value on the other hand.Although we can't agree to your request in terms of price, we can deliver the goods to your door, refund invalid, etc., so that he can get a balance in his mind.In this way, customers can buy happily and use it with confidence.

For products that can be negotiated, if the customer asks for a price concession, then you have to ask him: "Do you want the goods now? Or how many pieces do you want?" Wait, the customer will understand , The price of the product can be negotiated, but there must be conditions. If his conditions are not met, he will naturally be embarrassed to make unreasonable demands.

These are some communication methods to solve product price bargaining, for reference by all sales staff, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.Of course, specific problems can be solved flexibly according to circumstances.

Skills for Responding to Customers' Continuous Asking Prices and Blindly Lowering Prices

The salesperson enters the substantive sales stage through the pre-sale preparations, looking for customers, and visiting the customers. The most critical issue involved in this stage is the price.

Many salespeople either lost the order because they couldn’t bargain, or even though it was completed, there was no profit, so they had no choice but to comfort themselves, as if they had made friends.Nowadays, many salespersons rely on commissions to increase their income with a very low basic salary. If they do not master the skills of bargaining, although their sales performance is good, their income is very low, and they have to leave the sales position in the end.Therefore, I personally think that bargaining is the weapon that salespeople need to master most.

In price negotiations, the customer has already made an offer such as "This is the last bid" or "This is the highest price", which sounds like there is no room for such an offer.In this case, the salesperson must not believe it lightly, and must test the customer's determination first. After testing, the customer's determination has been made, and there is no room for compromise. The salesperson will either sign or lose the deal.If after testing, the customer is just bluffing, it is necessary to counter-offer. Therefore, counter-offering is necessary, and the price should be reasonable and scientific.

First of all, do a good job in logistics before counter-offering.

After the customer quotes, the sales staff will immediately respond appropriately to the customer's quotation. Under normal circumstances, after one party quotes, the other party may not unconditionally accept the price quoted by the former.In the sales process, the price is what people care about most, and people often have the following psychology:

[1] Want to buy cheaper products.

[2] In order to surpass competitors and develop ourselves well, we need to purchase products at a lower price.

[3] In order to show one's negotiating ability, one must defeat the opponent in the bargaining.

[4] I want to show off my talents in front of the people around me.

[5] Worried about losing money.

[6] See the client's concession as a sign of improving one's own status.

[7] As a rule of thumb, only bargaining can induce customers to make concessions.

[8] Do not know the value of the product, do not know how much it is worth.

[9] Want to find out the real price of the product.

[10] Want to buy cheaper products from a third party, so try to cut prices and put pressure on the other party.

[11] In addition to price, customers have other important opinions, and the price issue is just a cover.

[12] Customers want to use bargaining to achieve other purposes.

Counter-offering is to make a second quotation based on the price offered by the customer. In order to make the bargaining develop in a direction that is beneficial to oneself, after receiving the quotation, the salesperson should carefully read all the contents of the quotation, and judge the customer through the content. Intentions, analyze which one is crucial and which ones are secondary.

In the process of counter-offering with the customer, the salesperson should first ask the customer the basis of the quotation and how much room for accommodation there is under the main conditions. Guess customer motivations and intent.In the inquiry, one's own intention cannot be disclosed. If the customer asks a similar question, he should give the least answer, and master what should be said and what should not be said.

Second, make concessions in the bargaining process.

Compromises and concessions often occur in price negotiations with customers, but it is very difficult to make appropriate concessions and grasp the overall situation, because both parties are evenly matched negotiating opponents with rich negotiating experience.

Generally speaking, there are several ways to deal with the concession problem in bargaining with customers as follows:

[1] Do not make unnecessary concessions.In the process of sales negotiations, every concession must be exchanged for corresponding concessions in other aspects of the customer.

[2] The concession of the salesperson should be just right.When needed, salespeople can make small concessions in exchange for customer satisfaction.

[3] On minor issues, the salesperson can make concessions first according to the specific situation, so as to induce customers to make concessions on important issues.

(End of this chapter)

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