Chapter 24 The fifth day (5)
[4] Do not promise equal concessions.In the sales negotiation process, after one party makes a concession on the price of a certain item, it also requires the other party to make a concession of the same extent. At this time, the other party should find an appropriate reason to politely refuse.

[5] If the salesperson makes a concession on the price, but feels ill-considered and wants to take it back, he should make a decisive decision so as not to miss the opportunity, and he can completely withdraw the concession he has made during the bargaining stage.

[6] The range of a concession should not be too large, and the pace should not be too fast.If the concession is large and fast, the customer will feel that your concession is a very easy matter, thereby enhancing the customer's self-confidence and enabling the customer to take the initiative in future negotiations.

Find out the bottom line of customers

In the process of sales negotiation, please believe that there are no stubborn customers, only salesmen who hold tight to the price.

One man recounted a time he had bargained:

When I was on vacation in Singapore, I was wandering the streets once and saw a wooden sculpture.

"How much?" I asked.

"3 yuan."

"6000 yuan!" I said.

"My God!" The peddler patted his forehead with his hands, pretending to faint, and then looked at me, "Fifteen thousand."

"6000 yuan." I have no expression.

"My God!" He turned around in place, then turned to the stall next to him, raised the wood carving in his hand and shouted at the stall, "He paid 6000 yuan! My God!" He said to me again: "The lowest , I’ll sell you [-] yuan to make a relationship, and you can bring your friends here tomorrow, okay?”

I shrugged with a smile, turned around and left, because I only had six thousand in my pocket, and even if I got six thousand, it was still far from fifteen thousand.I had only gone four or five steps when he shouted loudly from behind: "Eight thousand, eight thousand!"

I continued walking and went to other stalls to look at things, but he was still waving: "Come here! Come here! We are friends, aren't we? I'll count you seven thousand, half for sale and half for free!"

I continued walking and walked out of the place where the vendors gathered.

Suddenly a child ran up and pulled me, and I followed him curiously. It turned out that it was sent by the vendor to drag me back to the shop. "Okay! I'm going to rest, it's only six thousand!"

Why is this one available so cheaply?Because he insisted on his bottom line.

So, for salespeople, how should they find out the bottom line of customers?

You can use the method of fabricating the boss's opinion to raise the reserve price.For example, a customer wants to spend 15 yuan to buy a power socket, but the price you want is 20 yuan.You can say, "We all think the price of this product is okay. If I can get the boss to drop it to $17.5, would you accept it?" Using the boss as a shield doesn't mean you have to sell it to them for $17.5.However, if he thinks that 17.5 yuan is also acceptable, you can increase his negotiated reserve price to 17.5 yuan, and now the difference with your request is only 2.5 yuan, not 5 yuan.

Judge their quality standards by offering a poor quality product. "If you only pay $15, would it be okay for me to show you a receptacle with copper contacts?" In this way, you might get them to admit that price isn't their only consideration, they do care about quality.

Recommend better quality products and determine the maximum price they are willing to pay. "We also have sockets with higher performance, but each is 20 yuan." If the customer is interested in this kind of performance, you know he is willing to spend more money.

There is a way to disarm the customer, he will tell you the truth, if he knew you were selling this product, he would not do it.You say, "I'd love to do business with you, but this one isn't mine, let's work together later." You disarm him in this way, and then you say, "I'm sorry I can't sell you this socket , but as far as the two of us are concerned, how much do you pay for it?" He might say, "I think 15 yuan is the lowest price, but I think 18 yuan is also okay."

The customer has an expected price and a rejected price. During the negotiation, the salesperson does not know what his rejected price is, because the salesperson always considers his expected price.If these techniques are used, the salesperson is likely to figure out the customer's rejection price.

It is indeed commonplace in sales work to "grit the bullet" and then let go of bargaining.Sometimes, the salesperson provides high-quality service and high-quality products, and does not want to win by lowering the price. Facing the request of the customer to lower the price, he must calmly explain the reasons for not lowering the price to the customer in a firm tone.

If some customers ask: "How much discount can you give me?"

Salesperson: "Sorry, our company has always stipulated that there is no discount, because the quality of our products is never discounted, so it is difficult to discount the price. If we discount casually, our company's reputation will be ruined."

Customer: "A certain company promised to give us a [-]% discount if we buy their products. Why don't you give us a discount?"

Salesperson: "As far as we know, the company that gave the discount has already incorporated the [-]% profit into the selling price. The company absolutely does not use this method of wool on sheep to please customers. Our current selling price, It is the most reasonable and lowest selling price, don't you think we are a credible and honest company?"

In this example, the salesperson played on the company's reputation to make customers feel that the company could indeed be trusted, because they would rather risk reducing sales than commit fraud.

When customers decide to purchase products, although they all want to save some expenses in various aspects, whether they can save various small expenses will generally not affect the final transaction.This is like a piano that costs 10000 yuan, but you don’t care about a piano bench that costs 300 yuan.As a shrewd salesperson, you must be good at grasping the shopping psychology of customers, hold on to the price and not relax, so that you will increase a lot of extra income.

All in all, bargaining is an essential link in the sales process. As long as the sales staff grasp the customer's shopping psychology and make full use of language skills, they can increase sales revenue.

Clarify the basic principles to be followed when counter-offering

In order to hold on to the price during bargaining, the salesperson should first clarify the basic principles to be followed in the bargaining process, so as to achieve the effect of seeing every move and fighting all battles without danger.

In the actual sales process, if the salesperson wants to keep the price, he must abide by some basic principles:
First, the operational principle.

Sales negotiations must never be unprepared.As people often say, "everything is forewarned, nothing is forewarned".Therefore, the salesperson must be fully prepared before making a counter-offer.

[1] Procedure for researching customer offers.

The general steps in researching a client quote are:

Understand the general content and key content of the quotation, and master the method of the customer to write the quotation.

Mark the quotations for unclear parts, compare customer quotations with your own inquiry requirements, compare customer current quotations with past transaction prices, find out differences and similarities, analyze reasons, and prepare for questions.At the same time, the sales staff should also pay attention to the customer's quotation attachments, such as product samples, the purchase and sale of licenses, etc.If there are multiple quotations, it is necessary to compare the methods, items, scope, etc. of each quotation in detail, and also consider the payment terms, delivery methods, responsibilities and obligations of each quotation.

[2] Research the content of the client's offer.

Analyze the characteristics of customer quotations: first of all, we must find out the weak points of customers, and we must also analyze the situation and characteristics of previous revisions and changes in prices.

Analyzing the customer's attitude: mainly analyzing the customer's attitude and performance on this transaction; the attitude, performance and price reduction range of the previous transaction.

Analysis of price reduction factors: It is necessary to analyze in detail the factors that are conducive to prompting customers to reduce prices.

[3] Study the customer's offer intention.There are generally 3 intentions of customers to quote:
Customers matter and must get content.

Customers are secondary and can be compromised.

Content that customers want, but have wiggle room for.

A bargaining chip to induce customers to make concessions.In this way, the customer will face three choices: acceptable; must be rejected; can continue to negotiate.

To this end, the seller can take some specific steps to ensure the implementation of his overall intention in the counter-offer process.For example, you can do the following preparations first:
[1] List two tables.One sheet contains the issues and transaction conditions that the party cannot make concessions in principle in accordance with the terms of the contract, and the other sheet contains the specific items that the party can consider making concessions or giving preferential treatment. It is best to attach numbers to form a step-by-step concession and range.

[2] List a list of questions, in order to grasp the order of the questions asked.There are certain rules about when to discuss what issues. For example, in import negotiations, the own party often proposes price terms and counter-offers to customers after other major contract terms have been drafted with customers one by one.

[3] put forward various negotiation schemes.A negotiation often requires many rounds, and it should be adjusted at any time according to the needs, and a new negotiation agenda should be put forward. At the end of each round of negotiation, the client's position should be reiterated or a contingency solution should be proposed for those problems that are difficult to resolve and the two sides are at loggerheads. Program.

Second, the principle of roundaboutness.

As far as the structure of the detection stage is concerned, there are generally many aspects such as opening speeches, strategy assessments, and position clarifications.The salesperson's opening speech design in the probing phase can be straight to the point and calmly clarify their position.

For example, the salesperson quotes: "Everyone knows that our flour has been selling well in the international market, so the more reasonable price is 3000 yuan per ton, and the delivery time can be faster." The customer then clarified the customer's point of view: "You I just talked about 3000 yuan per ton, I think you are the highest price, right?" Instead of asking challenging and unpleasant questions, such as "You are the highest price, let's have fun and quote a reasonable price. Otherwise, it will definitely arouse the customer's resentment, even anger, which will lead to the customer's retort and the failure of the negotiation.After the customer clarifies, the statement design of the customer's position can be: "To be honest, if your price is too much beyond what we can pay, we can also consider quotations from other countries. Frankly speaking, we compare The price of interest is $2000 per ton.”

Another situation is that the design of strategic valuation can seek unity in diversity and create greater opportunities for cooperation.Still taking the flour transaction as an example, the salesperson wants the customer to pay in cash, while the customer wants to exchange the goods with rubber.To this end, both parties can devise a wide range of options: "How about linking price to sales?" "It is better to link price to delivery date." "Is it okay to choose the CIF price?" "Is it better to pay 60% of the flour in cash and 40% of the flour in rubber?" "Let's analyze which idea is better now, okay?" "Of course, you see How about linking the selling price with the delivery date?" "This is a possibility, but do you think it is more in line with business practice to link the selling price with the sales volume?" "This is also a good idea, but I think it is the best Is the best way to combine the price with the delivery date, sales volume, payment method, etc.?"

No one attacked anyone in the above-mentioned strategic designs, which promoted the smooth development of the detection stage in a friendly and harmonious way.

Third, the principle of appropriateness.

Appropriateness means that the concessions should not be made too quickly or too much at once, because people always cherish things that are hard to get, and always cherish the results of hard work.In the negotiation, if the concession is made too quickly and too much, it will make people feel that their position is weak, which will instead enhance the client's self-confidence and enable the client to take the initiative in the negotiation.However, the concession must have sufficient speed and quantity, so that the customer can get some benefits, see the prospect of the final transaction, and lay the foundation for entering into favorable contract terms on other important transaction conditions.

Fourth, the principle of nitpicking.

In bargaining, other tactics can also be implemented at the same time. For example, customers can adopt a nitpicking method, carefully and repeatedly pick and choose, ask many questions and requirements, and seize the weak links in the customer's product or plan to make a big fuss.The advantage of doing this is to gain more room for bargaining in order to minimize the selling price; it can also let customers know that they are shrewd experts and have the idea of ​​retreating; at the same time, even if the negotiation result is unfavorable to customers, Customers can also take many problems that we have picked up and go back to deal with them.

Fifth, the principle of timing.

On issues that customers think are important, try to make customers make concessions first; on relatively minor issues, according to the actual situation, customers can consider making smaller concessions in advance, giving customers greater satisfaction, and in exchange for customers Concession on issues it deems important.

Day 5 experience

Every Friday, re-examine the work situation of the week, and objectively analyze how far away you are from the sales elite.

(End of this chapter)

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