Chapter 25 The Sixth Day (1)
Learn how to eliminate customer objections to products
It is a completely normal behavior for customers to raise objections, because customers face various risks when choosing products. In order to maximize profits, they must pay attention to various issues related to products. Customers can only make decisions after their concerns and doubts are eliminated; on the contrary, If the customer does not have any objections, this is an abnormal behavior.

However, in the face of objections, how salespeople should deal with them is the biggest problem.

Principles for handling customer objections

Customer objection is an obstacle to the sales process, but it is also the customer's right.Salespeople must be prepared to handle and resolve customer objections if they are to be successful in selling their products.

In the sales process, if the salesperson encounters rejection and objection, it does not mean that the customer is not interested in the product and service and is unwilling to buy his own product.The function of objection is to show that customers still have concerns and problems that have not been resolved, and it does not mean that customers are unwilling to accept the company's products.

Preventing problems before they happen is the best way to eliminate customer objections. When the salesperson perceives that the customer will raise some objection, it is best to raise it and give an explanation before the customer raises it. To cause displeasure by correcting a client's perception or rebutting a client's opinion.It is entirely possible for sales staff to figure out customer objections in advance and deal with them first, because customer objections occur with certain regularity. For example, when sales staff talk about product advantages, customers are likely to think about the problem from the worst aspect; sometimes , The customer did not raise an objection, but the salesperson's expression, action, wording and tone may reveal something, and the salesperson can answer it first when they are aware of this change.

Most objections need to be answered immediately, so that customers can be prompted to buy and respect for customers.

Objections from the following customers require the salesperson to remain silent for a while:
When the client's objection is obviously untenable and self-defeating;

When the customer's objection cannot be justified in a few words;

When the customer's objection exceeds the salesperson's ability level;
When the client's objection appears ambiguous, ambiguous, and incomprehensible;

When the customer's objection involves deep professional knowledge, it is not easy for the customer to understand immediately.

It is very unwise for salespeople to rush to answer such objections from customers.Many experiences have shown that it is better to answer one question calmly than to answer ten questions wrong in a hurry.

In fact, many objections from customers do not need to be answered, such as unanswerable strange talk, topics that are likely to cause controversy, nonsense, jokes that can be laughed at, and objections that are irrefutable correctness.

If a salesperson wants to become a sales elite, he must treat and handle customer objections correctly, and at least follow the following principles when handling objections.

[1] Prepare in advance.

Before the salesperson walks out of the company's door, he will list all kinds of objections that customers may raise, and then consider a perfect answer.Facing the objection of the customer, doing some preparations in advance can make you know well and deal with it calmly. On the contrary, you may panic or fail to give the customer a satisfactory answer to persuade the customer.

[2] Choose the right moment.

An authoritative organization in the United States has found through a study of thousands of salespersons that the chances of serious objections from customers encountered by excellent salespersons are only one-tenth of those of ordinary salespersons. Can give a relatively satisfactory answer, and can choose the right time to reply.It's safe to say that salespeople who know when to answer customer objections will be more successful.

[3] Don't argue with customers.

The client raised an objection, which means that he expressed the need for more information.Once there is an argument with the customer, when they come up with various reasons to persuade the customer, even if the salesperson wins the argument, they completely lose the opportunity to close the deal.

Salespeople must also separate the customer from their objections when they encounter them.That is, to separate the client himself from every objection they raise.That way, you won't hurt the client himself when breaking through objections.To understand the psychology of customers when they raise objections, we must pay attention to protecting the self-esteem of customers.If you say their objection is ill-advised and unreasonable, then you are hitting your client's emotions and hurting their ego, and while you win the battle of logic, you lose the battle of emotion, and you can't get success.

[4] Listen to the customer and finish speaking.

When customers keep raising objections, it actually provides you with information to persuade customers.If the customer says a few words, the salesperson will retort with a lot of words, which not only interrupts the customer's speech and makes him feel angry, but also reveals a lot of information to the customer. People are in a very disadvantaged position, and customers will come up with many reasons for refusing to buy.As a result, of course, no deal was possible.

[5] Lead customers to answer their own objections.

Successful salespeople always entice customers to answer their own objections.There is a sales motto: "If you say it, they will doubt; if they say it, it's true." The customer raised an objection, stating that deep down in their hearts they want to make progress, just guide them how to make progress.As long as you work hard on this, give customers time to ask, and guide them, most customers will answer their own objections.

During the sales negotiation process, customers often raise various objections, and these objections exist throughout the sales process.This is not only a normal phenomenon in the whole sales process, but also an obstacle that must be crossed to make sales successful.In this sense, whenever a customer has an objection, it is the real beginning of the entire sales work.Therefore, correctly treating and properly handling the relevant objections raised by customers is the ability that modern salespersons must have.Only by correctly analyzing the types and causes of customer objections, and adopting different strategies for different types of objections, and properly handling them, can sales personnel eliminate objections and facilitate the final transaction.

Turn customer objections into a prelude to a deal

Gain experience from the customer's objection, as long as you don't admit defeat, the customer's objection will always be that there is no purchase yet.

When customers express disapproval, disapproval, doubts or objections to the products sold and services provided by the sales staff, how can the sales staff quickly resolve and gain the trust of customers?

How can the salesperson achieve the critical and turning point in the customer's purchase by effectively handling customer objections?Quickly upgrade a prospect to a customer?

How can the salesperson obtain the approval of the customer, let the customer quickly let go of their objection, agree with us and make a purchase decision?
When the customer says very politely: "Thank you, you speak very well, and your product is also very good, but I don't want it now."

How does the salesperson feel at this moment?

anger?Annoyed?Think customers are wasting their time?Are customers kidding themselves?The customer is bored and deliberately amuses himself?

Salespersons should remember: the prerequisite preparation for effectively handling objections: adjust cognition.

Many of you should remember the famous story:

A long time ago, there was a fat man who ate cakes, and he didn’t feel full until he ate the sixth cake, so he said to himself: “If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have to eat the first five cakes, and I would eat the sixth cake directly. I'm full."

This may be some blind spot in ourselves that people don't see: our attitudes towards things.If we regard the customer's objection as the prelude to our success, when hearing the customer's objection, the salesperson said to himself: "Great, I have already eaten the fifth pie, and I will be full soon." Feeling."

Take the customer's objection as a prelude to the deal.Success is in sight, and when receiving objections from customers, what the salesperson has to do is to quickly deal with objections from customers, carry out demining work, and strive for final success.

There are three ways to effectively handle customer objections:

[1] Appease customers' emotions and meet their emotional needs.

According to the research results of psychologists for many years, people care more about the process of producing a certain result than the result itself.When a customer hesitates to decide whether to buy or not to buy, he is very painful. Once he decides to buy or not to buy, he will feel relieved.

Therefore, customers also need the understanding and support of sales staff.In the sales process, the attitude of the salesperson is very important, and the fair and pleasant atmosphere created by the salesperson in the whole process is very important to the customer.

When a customer feels happy and valued, he will stay longer and buy more of the product or service.

When a client feels threatened or unsafe, he will quickly leave the scene and bring himself back to safety.

Therefore, when a customer has doubts about your product or service, it is useless to just solve the problem. You must know how to appease the customer's emotions, talk directly to the customer's emotion, truly understand the customer's needs and aspirations, and understand the customer's emotional needs is, and respond to it.

In today's highly homogeneous and customer-oriented market, we should pay attention to the purchase details that customers care about, not just the selling points and benefits designed by the product itself.Pay attention to every customer, they are real people standing in front of you, paying attention to his emotion and needs will greatly increase the transaction rate.

In the process of paying attention to customers, salespeople learn to use questions, related questions, and guide customers to make decisions step by step by listening instead of explaining.The key to communication is what information the customer gets.Make good use of our non-verbal communication factors to influence the customer to make his "own" choice.

[2] Don't over promise, really explain the situation.

It's easy to "paint a big pie" and state the good results after purchase, but salespeople should not forget that customers know their needs best.Excessive promises by salespeople will only increase the psychological expectations of customers and make customers have too high expectations for products and services.If there are some defects in the products and services, it will create a very bad impression on customers, affect customers' repeated cross-purchase, and affect the reputation of products in the market.

The appropriate approach for salespersons is: understand the customer's purchase list, reshape the customer's purchasing standards through listening and asking questions, or try to meet the top three priorities, and at the same time, emphasize the actual benefits that some of these unique advantages can bring to customers and psychological superiority.

If the customer asks some questions that have no obvious answer and different people have different opinions, this requires the salesperson to understand the customer's position, thoughts and hopes with compassion, and try to satisfy the customer's purchase needs.

[3] Moderately impact clients instead of waiting forever.

Sometimes, a customer's purchase also requires a person behind him to firmly "push" the salesperson forward, encouraging him to try new things and realize his potential.

Perhaps the most difficult of all encountered undecided customers.They are not clear about their needs, and they don't even know whether to buy or not to buy.However, our sales staff can be sure that our products and services can bring benefits and obvious benefits to him.

The best way for a salesperson to face this kind of customer is to moderately influence him instead of passively waiting.Some small tricks can affect the customer's final decision: while talking with the customer, start to fill in the customer information or the cash register, and use some non-verbal forms to strengthen the psychological suggestion.If the customer is not too sensitive to the price, we can also take some guiding actions: take the customer directly to the cash register, continue to introduce the product while billing, and signal the customer to pay.

customer is always right

There is no wrong customer, only wrong product, wrong service and wrong communication.Because the customer is always right.

In the sales world, there was once such a code of conduct:
Article [-]: The customer will never make a mistake.

Article [-]: If the customer is found to be wrong, it must be my mistake.

Rule number three: If I'm not wrong, it must be my fault that makes the customer wrong.

Article [-]: If the customer makes a mistake, as long as the customer does not admit his mistake, he is not wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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