Chapter 26 The Sixth Day (2)
Article [-]: If the customer does not admit his mistake and I still insist that he is wrong, it is my fault.

Sixth: In short, the customer will never be wrong, this sentence will never be wrong.

Article [-]: The customer can never be wrong at all, and it is a big mistake to discuss whether the customer can be wrong.

This code illustrates a truth: the customer is always right.Many business service industries now follow this principle, and many companies include such slogans as "customer is always right", "customer first", "service first" and other similar slogans in their corporate purposes.

There are signs like this hanging in many Wal-Mart stores:
[1] The customer is always right;
[2] If the customer makes a mistake, please refer to the first article.

This is a vivid portrayal of Wal-Mart's customer first principle.Some employees said with emotion, "Wal-Mart made us realize for the first time that the customer is always right."

Mr. Haster once faced one of the most embarrassing situations during his tenure as a sales manager: the sales staff of the company could not meet the sales quota, had no enthusiasm for work, and the sales volume dropped sharply.Later, the situation became more serious, and the sales department had to call a meeting of all sales staff. Sales staff from all over the United States were called to participate in this meeting.Mr. Haster chaired the meeting.

First, Hurst asked some of his best salespeople to stand up and ask them to explain why sales were down.After the salespeople whose names were called stood up one by one, they all had a common reason: customers are becoming more and more picky and difficult to serve. They are obviously wrong, but they always say that the product is not good.

When the sixth salesman began to list the difficulties that prevented him from meeting his sales quota, Haster said, "I'm going to tell you now. Your mistake is to put all the mistakes and blame on the customer, which affects your work ethic, so you don't work as hard as you used to. As long as you go back to your sales territories and implement 'the customer is always right' well, you will be able to sell more products. Are you willing to do this?"

People said "yes," and it did.All the excuses they have emphasized: customers are becoming more and more picky and difficult to serve, and they are obviously wrong, but they always say that the product is not good, as if it does not exist at all, and they all disappear.

Customers are the source of wealth for the company, and the company is the source of food and clothing for the sales staff. How can the company gain a foothold if it loses customers?How can the salesperson gain a foothold?Therefore, the sales staff should have a deeper understanding of the concept of "the customer is always right" and implement it in the subtle work.At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate the highest state of mind of "it's all my fault": "It is my fault that the customer refuses, because I lack sales skills; because I am not foreseeable; because I cannot provide good service to customers... "Learn lessons for sales failures.

Not only that, the sales staff also need to dig deep into the needs of customers and find ways to satisfy them, so that they can seize market opportunities, lead competitors, and dominate the market.

People often say: "The customer is God." "God" is always right and has "reasons", so don't argue with "God".Because you offend a customer, you may lose a group of consumers.Therefore, the salesperson must take this sentence as the premise of all work.

Point out product differences and eliminate customer objections

When communicating with customers, sales staff need to fully demonstrate their product advantages, which is conducive to impressing customers.But the salesperson first needs to figure out which are the product features and which are the benefits of the product.

Salespeople must be able to see the advantages of the company and their own products, and keep those advantages in mind. To compete with competitors, they must have their own advantages, and they must use a winning belief to face customers and consumers. .Because you are not only selling products, but you are also selling yourself. Customers will only accept your business crystals if they accept you first.

The customer wants to buy after listening to the product introduction of the salesperson, but he will say that I want to compare and see how much others are selling, so the salesperson needs to analyze the same product and service of competitors.But is his price more expensive than yours or why he is cheaper than yours? Is it because his products are not as good as yours, his service is not as good as yours, and the company's added value is not as good as yours?If you know how to take the initiative to put all kinds of conditions of competitors on the table, analyze and compare your customers, and if your advantages are better than those of your competitors, you will not let customers say that I want to compare and compare.

Usually, the characteristics of the product refer to the specific facts of the product, such as the functional characteristics and specific composition of the product; while the benefits of the product refer to the value of the product to customers.When introducing a product, the salesperson should convert the features of the product into the benefits of the product. If the relevant benefits of the product cannot be stated according to the specific needs of the customer, the customer will not be deeply impressed by the product, let alone be persuaded to buy it. .And if the benefits of the product are strengthened according to the needs of customers, customers will be deeply impressed by this feature and be persuaded to buy.

"It's true that the brand of this product is not very loud, but its advantages are the most suitable for you. Its power-saving function can let you enjoy it for 3 days, and you don't have to worry about how much electricity you will use. And its price is also cheaper than Similar products are much cheaper, so why not do it?" said a mobile phone salesperson.

An air conditioner salesperson said to the customer: "The price is a bit high, but its performance is excellent and user-friendly. With it, you will have a comfortable summer."

"The service of our products is well known. Excellent performance coupled with excellent service will make it more convenient and comfortable for you to use."

In the above sales negotiation process, the salesperson's rhetoric is relatively convincing.They can grasp the characteristics of the product, highlight the strengths of the product, and downplay the weakness of the product.When salespeople introduce products to customers, if they cannot impress customers with the value and advantages of the product, they will be very passive in the next work.Therefore, when introducing products, we must maximize our strengths and avoid weaknesses, and introduce the functions of products based on the key parts of the customer's needs, so as to win sales success.

Here are a few steps that must be followed when analyzing competitors.How to compare with competitors has the following six steps:

[1] Start by knowing your competition.What is Knowing Your Competitors?You have to do three things: first, obtain all their materials, brochures, and advertising brochures; second, obtain their price lists; third, understand where they are weaker than you.

[2] Never criticize your competitors.Maybe your customer is a friend of your competitor, or maybe your customer is a relative of your competitor, so if the salesperson criticizes the competitor in front of the customer, there will be some risks. The customer might not buy from you, or the customer thinks that you People are too narrow-minded.Maybe the customer has been doing business with your competitor for many years. He admires your competitor and just wants to inspect you. The salesperson lost a business because he criticized his competitor.

[3] Salespeople should show the difference between themselves and competitors, and your advantages are stronger than them.A salesperson selling Mercedes-Benz cars saw a customer come in.Salesperson: "Sir, what car do you drive now? He said I drive a BMW. BMW is a very good car on the market. The advantages of BMW are luxury, high-end, German production, and high quality. All the advantages represented by BMW are It is what we admire and admire. Mercedes-Benz has all these advantages. At the same time, what advantages does Mercedes-Benz have that BMW does not have at present? Sir, if you don’t buy a Mercedes-Benz today, I really recommend you to buy a BMW, because it is indeed in addition to The second best car in the market after Mercedes-Benz." Not only did the salesman not criticize and attack the opponent, but he also praised the opponent, but after complimenting the opponent, he also showed which advantages of Mercedes-Benz cars are better than BMW.So the third point is to show the difference between you and your opponent, and your outstanding advantages are stronger than them.

[4] Sales staff should emphasize the advantages of their products.

[5] Salespeople should remind customers of the shortcomings of competitors' products.It is to remind rather than to emphasize, and the emphasis will become criticism, so it is to remind customers of the shortcomings of the opponent's products.

[6] A salesperson can pull out a testimonial from a competitor's customer who later turned to buy from you.

Eliminate customer resistance,
Turn "needed" into "needed"

Adjusting mentality is the real key to improving performance.The real breakthrough point of sales lies in the establishment of interpersonal relationship and the interaction and influence in the relationship.

In many cases, when the salesperson sells different products, each customer raises basically no more than 6 objections:
[1] no money;

[2] No need;
[3] too expensive;
[4] no time;
[5] I don't know if it is effective;
[6] Think about it, let's talk about it after a while, and leave a business card.

Look at the following case first:
A salesperson dialed the customer's phone and asked to meet, but was rejected by the customer, but he was able to respond flexibly.

Salesperson: "Mr. Han, hello, I am Wang, a salesperson of XX company, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

Mr. Han: "What's the matter, tell me."

Salesperson: "I know that you need X product very much. According to your actual needs, I have specially prepared a set of implementation plans. See when you have time. We can meet on Thursday or Friday, whichever you want Is the time more convenient for you?"

Mr. Han: "I'm really busy, wait until next month."

Salesperson: "Mr. Han, I know you are very busy at work, but if you delay this matter a little, I'm afraid your company will lose a lot! I only need 15 minutes, and the 15 minutes will bring The value may be immeasurable, I know you are very busy, but I believe you will be able to spare 15 minutes, what do you think?"

Mr. Han: "Well, okay, let me take a closer look and contact you later."

Salesperson: "Well, I just happen to be stopping by your office on Tuesday afternoon to run some errands, will you be there? I'll just need 10 minutes, and then you'll know if this is what you've always wanted."

Mr. Han: "Let's do this first. You can call me next week, and we will arrange a meeting time."

Salesperson: "Mr. Han, do you have a schedule handy? How about we just settle on a time now? Is Tuesday morning at 10 am convenient? Or is Wednesday morning better?"

Mr. Han: "I'd love to make a date now, but I'm not sure if I'll be out on a business trip on Tuesday."

Salesperson: "Mr. Han, we can adopt the management by exception method. Let's fix a time now. If you have something to do temporarily, we will change the time when we arrive."

Mr. Han: "Then Thursday afternoon!"

Salesperson: "Okay, thank you for sacrificing your precious time for me, I will be there on time."

Many times, traditional concepts have been misleading us.For example: [-]. The customer is God, and they are always right; [-]. If the customer is wrong, please refer to the first one.In the actual sales process, the staff are also human beings, and they will also be affected by the emotions and aura of the customers, so it is difficult to carry out their work according to the above-mentioned "non-human" standards.

When we return to the human level, establishing a harmonious relationship between customers and staff is often the most important and critical part of sales, but unfortunately it is often the most easily overlooked and hardest step to achieve quickly.

But no matter who loses or wins in theory, in the end the sales staff cannot get the results they want.Let's look at three possible scenarios:
[1] The salesperson speaks sharply, saying that he has won the customer, and the customer feels uncomfortable, so he does not make a purchase decision.

[2] The salesperson was arguing with the customer with red faces, and the customer became angry and left in a huff, and the sale fell through.

(End of this chapter)

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