Chapter 31 The Seventh Day (3)
[3] Follow-up work needs to be arranged reasonably.It is not good if the interval is too long or too short. If it is too long, others will forget you. If it is too short, it will easily make customers feel disgusted.Generally, it is best to contact the customer once within half a month. In addition, when it comes to holidays, you must remember the holiday greetings. Although it is only a few words, it shows that you are paying attention to him and makes him feel important, thereby deepening his impression of you.

[4] Follow-up work requires patience. If the customer refuses twice, he will lose confidence and be unwilling to follow up. You must know that this customer is not only treating you like this, but also other salespeople. The key depends on who can win in the end The customer's approval, maybe he still needs some time to think about it, he needs some time to examine you, learn to dance with rejection, as long as he has potential needs, he will keep following him.

When salespeople follow up with customers, they also have to pay attention to trying to change the call time.Manage your timing so you don't turn your client off: We all have a habit, and so will your client.Chances are you have a meeting every Monday at 10 o'clock, and if you can't get through to them at that time, learn from it and call him at another time of the day or on another day.You will get unexpected results.

[5] You'd better organize and classify the customer's information, so that you know what you know.The customer management system you choose should be able to do a good job of recording the customers that your business needs to follow up, whether it is three years from now or tomorrow.

The above are just some simple follow-up methods and may not be exhaustive.In fact, many methods in sales still require salespeople to learn to be flexible, have a certain understanding, and learn to constantly summarize their own experience.By analogy, self-taught is the highest level of sales.

Perfect after-sales service paves the way for the next transaction

After the salesperson completes a transaction, it does not mean that the relationship with the customer is over.Marketing is a continuous process, and after-sales service is the last and most important link.The purpose of after-sales service is to maintain a good relationship with customers.

In a modern enterprise, all the behaviors of the enterprise are for the sale, and all the behaviors of the sales are for the profit!
In many companies, after-sales is a sub-department of the large sales department!

The so-called after-sales service refers to various service activities provided after the product is sold.From the perspective of sales work, after-sales service itself is also a means of promotion.In the tracking and follow-up stage, the sales staff should take various forms of cooperation steps to improve the reputation of the company through after-sales service, expand the market share of products, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of sales work.

Mr. Lang bought a refrigerator from a company.Afterwards, there was a quality problem with the refrigerator, and Suning Company came to the door twice for repairs and failed to fix it, so it replaced Mr. Lang with a refrigerator of the same brand and model.

On the same day, the salesperson of the company unpacked the refrigerator downstairs from Mr. Lang's house and carried it upstairs to his family. The staff of the company took the first refrigerator and left without leaving the three-guarantee certificate and other materials for the second refrigerator, and the two parties did not go through the necessary handover procedures.

When Mr. Lang came home from get off work, he found stains and mildew on the second refrigerator. He decided that it was a used refrigerator and negotiated with the salesperson.The sales staff pushed the responsibility to the customer service, and the customer service said that the responsibility lies in marketing.Mr. Lang had no choice but to appeal to the People's Court, demanding the return of the refrigerator.As a result, the company doubled the compensation for Mr. Lang's losses.

Every salesperson will definitely talk about how good their products are, but when there is a real problem, you will push me, I will push you, or finally simply push it to the customer service, so at the critical moment, no one can solve the problem. Get rid of.If I am a customer, if there is a problem with the product, I take it to the salesperson, but he blames the customer service department and cannot find a solution. I think I will definitely ask for a return, because there is no one responsible.This not only loses the reputation of the salesperson, but also ruins the reputation of the entire product and enterprise.

A few years ago, Castries bought a big house. Although the house was good, it cost a lot of money after all, so it always felt like it was expensive after paying.Just two or three weeks after the family moved into their new home, the real estate agent who sold him the house called and said they would come to visit.Castries couldn't help feeling a little strange.

One morning, the real estate agent really came.As soon as he entered the house, he congratulated Castries for choosing a good house. After that, he chatted with Castries and told Castries many local allusions.He took Castries around the house a few times, showing Castries the other houses, and explaining how the Castries house was different.He also told that several of the residents in the vicinity of Castries were well-known and famous people.This remark made Castries' doubts disappear and he was full of pride.At this time, the enthusiasm shown by the real estate agent even exceeded that of selling the house.

Castries was greatly moved by the enthusiastic visit of the real estate agent, and his restless heart calmed down.Castries was convinced he had bought the right house and was happy.Since then they have become friends.

The real estate agent spent the entire morning visiting Castries, but did not use this time to find new clients.Is he at a loss for doing so?No, a week later, a friend of Castries became interested in a house next to Castries' house, and Castries introduced him to the real estate agent.In the end, although Castries' friend didn't buy the house, he bought a better building elsewhere from the real estate agent.

It is very obvious that after-sales service is a kind of door-to-door service on its own initiative, and it does not wait for customers to have doubts or requests before they come to solve them.Some short-sighted salespeople who believe that such unsolicited service is a costly waste of time, like a win-or-go bet, are simply wrong.

As a salesperson, you should deeply understand that marketing will never be automatically terminated at the time of the transaction, but will be more actively launched at the time of the transaction, because it means that you have the opportunity to win a "fate order three life, A loyal customer of "Live together".If we stand in the customer's position, put ourselves in the shoes of the customer, do our best to serve the customer, and hope that every customer who comes to buy will become a satisfied customer, so that we will accumulate a huge customer base.

In today's market, after-sales service is not that the customer has already bought your things and you go to serve him, but to establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship.Before customers buy your products, you can use these principles to promote customers to believe in your products and you more.As for the person who has bought the product, you have to ask him to go further and maintain a more trusting relationship with you.

The essence of an enterprise is to pursue profit maximization, but after-sales service is a purely negative profit department. It seems that sales must be important?In fact, it is not the case. After-sales service is a support and supplement to sales, which is beneficial to sales. To give an example, Haier is a company well-known for its good after-sales service.In Haier, sales are the first, but if there is after-sales, after-sales is higher than sales!In a word, there is no continuous sales without good after-sales service!There will be no profit, and there will be no business!
[1] Listen to customer complaints.

Every customer has complaints.No customer is completely satisfied and [-]% happy. He will have problems more or less. Listen to his complaints and don’t worry, don’t be afraid. The more you listen to him, the more you can grow and improve, and know how you can improve.If he is willing to complain to you, it is equivalent to giving you the opportunity to serve him again, and there is nothing wrong with making him satisfied again.If he has complaints, you should solve them, strengthen his impression, and make him feel that your service is good.Many salespeople don't like to listen to customer complaints, he is impatient with customer complaints.

[2] Well-timed condolence letter.

We want to send a condolence letter at an appropriate time. It doesn’t matter whether a customer has made a purchase decision or not. I’m going to send him a condolence letter soon, and now the method of thank you letter is very simple, and the e-mail will pass in a few minutes, which can save you a lot of time.

[3] Inspect the situation after sale.

For customers who buy your product, you have to make frequent return visits until the customer is proficient in using it.Before they are proficient, customers will always encounter many problems, especially those with very professional knowledge. Customers will definitely encounter many difficulties when using it, which requires sales staff to do some regular after-sales visits.For consumer products, it is necessary to investigate customer usage, and these are relatively important questions.

[4] Provide up-to-date intelligence.

Providing customers with business information, introducing the company's new products and new service items, all need to be done during after-sales service, which is equivalent to continuously establishing a good relationship with customers.We should be good at using the principles of reciprocity, promise of friendship, etc. While providing customers with business information on new products and services of the company, we can also get a lot of information about other companies from customers.

Grasp the key points of the transaction and grasp the initiative of the transaction

In order to close deals with customers and achieve sales goals, different closing strategies should be adopted according to different customers, different situations, and different environments, so as to grasp the initiative and conclude deals as soon as possible.

In the sales process, the best form of control is to ask more and better questions.

Sometimes the process of selling is like driving a car: The driver who asks the question is the driver who controls the direction of the sales process, and the person who answers the question is the passenger in the car.

However, in the eyes of most salespeople, answering customers' questions is sales.They mistakenly believe that this will show their extensive professional experience and will prompt the potential client to make a decision.In fact, once the customer frequently asked questions, he took the driver's seat and controlled the entire sales process.

If your salesperson asks bad questions, he will also lose control of the sale.Most sales questions go like this: "We could save you money, would you be interested?" "Is this the one you want?" "What else does your business need?" Problems, and can not help salespeople get enough information to propose effective solutions to customers.

Only by asking high-quality questions can you demonstrate the company's qualifications and professionalism to potential clients.For example, if you are a salesperson who sells advertising, your questions should focus on the goals and challenges of potential customers, instead of asking customers in a standard way: what kind of advertising plan do you have and what is your budget.In this way, the salesperson can gain a deeper understanding of the customer and make more attractive proposals.

Here are a few ways to help salespeople ask better questions:

[1] Identify your key goals.

What information do you need to drive a sale, or develop the best solution for your client?The questions asked will vary from client to client.

[2] Think about the customer you will be dealing with.

The higher a person is in an organization, the more strategic questions should be asked of him.Therefore, asking questions at a height appropriate to the client and understanding the goals, challenges, and obstacles of the client's business can bring you valuable information.

[3] Ask more about "what" and less about "is it".

What is causing this problem?What measures have you taken to achieve your goals?What obstacles did you encounter?What are your desired outcomes? --Use open-ended questions to find out what customers' problems are, so you can improve your sales process and show customers what kind of solution your product or service is.

[4] Questions are carried out step by step, and the SPIN-style questioning method is used flexibly.

The so-called SPIN refers to: inquiring about the status quo [Situation], discovering a problem [Problem], eliciting potential consequences [Implication], and investigating value gain or loss [Need-pay-off].Four types of questions, step by step, ask customers' current and future needs, and guide customers to think: what is the value of the problems that your products or services can solve to you.

Finally, another common mistake that salespeople need to be aware of is giving up the initiative in the first place.

In the initial stages of contact with a customer, salespeople usually present a proposal to the customer before proceeding with questions and answers.This is not smart, because the customer will take the initiative in the questioning process.Therefore, sales training emphasizes that you should first ask questions to potential customers, and then adjust your plan based on the customer's answers to meet the special needs of customers.If you can propose a proposal to a potential customer that meets the customer's needs, then it is not difficult to win the order.

In general, the tactics of taking the initiative in sales are very common.However, when a salesperson makes a sale, his focus on the product often makes him forget these tactics.Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to do some reminders.

Put customers in control of the conversation.Often, customers want to take the initiative in the conversation.This will give them a sense of control.Then let them do it, talk to them about whatever the customer wants to talk about.Their responses can hint at what questions to ask next.That way, you'll have a good idea of ​​what to ask without having to guess or cross-examine.

(End of this chapter)

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