Chapter 32 The Seventh Day (4)
The questions the salesperson asks should help them clarify what the customer's goals, selection criteria, and quantifiable benefits are.Likewise, the only way to understand what customers define as value, and how a salesperson's product generates value, is through specific, quantifiable metrics.Also, fighting for control of the conversation isn’t going to get you more sales, so why waste your time?

Finally, as the salesperson follows the customer's lead to move the conversation forward, your question prompts the customer to articulate their next goal or selection criteria to you.Salespeople shouldn't be the first to come up with new goals or selection criteria, that needs to be done by the customer.Again, his sense of control can help you.

"Talking without asking is not selling".If salespeople want to control the entire sales process and materially influence the outcome, they must teach themselves to "ask", not just "talk" in general.The whole process of sales training also needs to be "asked", and let the trainees tell you whether they understand, understand, have problems, and apply.

Twenty common sales closing methods

As a salesperson, you must be familiar with the methods of closing transactions in the sales process and be able to use them flexibly.

Generally speaking, the methods of sales transactions include the following [-] types:

[1] Direct transaction method.

After the salesperson gets the buying signal from the customer, he directly proposes the transaction.When using the direct request method, try to avoid rushing as much as possible. The key is to get a clear buying signal from the customer.For example, "Mr. Wang, since you have no other opinions, let's sign the bill now." When you make a request for a deal, keep silent and wait for the customer's response. Don't say anything, because your sentence is very important. It may immediately draw the customer's attention and make the transaction fall short.

Using the request to close method can not only facilitate the transaction more quickly, but also save time and improve work efficiency.However, if the timing of requesting a deal is not applied properly, it may cause pressure on the customer, destroy the atmosphere of the deal, and instead cause the customer to have a feeling of resistance to the deal, and may also cause the salesperson to lose the initiative to make the deal.

[2] Hypothetical transaction method.

The hypothetical transaction method refers to a method in which the salesperson directly asks the customer to purchase the sales product by asking some specific transaction questions on the basis of assuming that the customer has accepted the sales proposal and agreed to purchase.

For example, "Mr. Yu, if you have such a device, will you save a lot of electricity, and the cost will be reduced and the efficiency will be improved, isn't it great?" come out.

The main advantage of the hypothetical transaction method is that the hypothetical transaction method can save time, improve sales efficiency, and appropriately reduce the transaction pressure of customers.

[3] Select the transaction method.

Choosing the transaction method is to directly propose several purchase plans to the customer and ask the customer to choose a purchase method.As mentioned earlier, "Will you add two eggs or one egg for soy milk?" and "Shall I see you on Tuesday or Wednesday?" These are all options.

In the sales process, sales personnel should look at the buying signal of the customer, first assume the transaction, and then choose the transaction, and limit the scope of selection to the transaction range.The point of choosing the transaction method is to make customers avoid the question of whether to buy or not.

[4] Secondary issue closing method.

Secondary problem closing is also called the method of avoiding the important and taking the light of the deal. It is a method in which the salesperson uses the small points of the deal to indirectly promote the deal.

An office supply salesperson goes to an office to sell shredders.After listening to the product introduction, the director of the office fiddled with the prototype and said to himself: "The thing is quite suitable, but it's just the carelessness of the young people in the office. I'm afraid it will break after two days of use." Said: "This is easy to handle. When I deliver the goods tomorrow, I will tell you how to use the shredder and the precautions. This is my business card. If there is any failure during use, please feel free to contact me. We will Responsible for maintenance. Director, if there are no other questions, we will settle like this?"

The advantages of the secondary issue transaction are: it can reduce the psychological pressure of the customer to complete the transaction, and it is also conducive to the salesperson's active attempt to close the transaction.Reserving a certain amount of room for transactions is conducive to the salesperson's rational use of various transaction signals to effectively facilitate the transaction.

[5] Preferential transaction method.

The preferential closing method refers to a decision method in which the salesperson urges the customer to buy immediately by offering favorable conditions.For example, a salesperson can say: "Manager Sui, we have a promotion for a while, if you buy our products now, we can provide you with free training and three years of free maintenance." This is called added value, added Value is an improvement of value, so it is also called the concession transaction method, which is a policy of providing preferential treatment.

[6] Guaranteed transaction method.

Guaranteed transaction method refers to a method in which the salesperson directly proposes a transaction guarantee to the customer to make the customer close the transaction immediately.The so-called transaction guarantee refers to a certain behavior that the salesperson promises to the customer after the transaction, for example, "Don't worry, we will deliver this machine to you on March 3th, and I will personally supervise the entire installation. After there are no problems , I will report to the general manager." "Don't worry, your service is completely in charge of me, I have been in the company for 4 years. We have many customers, and they all accept my service." Let customers feel You are directly involved, this is the guaranteed closing method.

[7] Herd transaction method.

The herd transaction method takes advantage of the herd mentality of customers. Everyone buys it. Do you want to buy it?This is the easiest way.The herd transaction method can reduce the risk that customers worry about, especially for new customers. Everyone buys, and I also buy, which can increase the confidence of customers.However, the herd transaction method has a disadvantage, which may cause customers' anti-herd mentality.Others want to buy, others are others, and have nothing to do with me.

[8] Objection to transaction law.

The objection closing method is a method in which the salesperson takes advantage of the opportunity to deal with the customer's objection to directly ask the customer to close the deal.Because any objection raised by the customer is mostly the main obstacle to the purchase. If the objection is resolved and the transaction is requested immediately, it will often have the effect of striking while the iron is hot.

[9] Summarize the interest transaction method.

The method of summing up the interests of the transaction means that the salesperson presents to the customer all the actual benefits brought about by the transaction between the customer and himself, sorts the items that the customer cares about, and then closely combines the characteristics of the product with the customer's concerns. , Summarize all the most concerned interests of customers, and prompt customers to finally reach an agreement.

[10] Pre-framing method.

Before the customer makes a request, the salesperson must determine the result for the customer, and at the same time, recognize and appreciate the customer, so that the customer can do what they say, for example: "Our product is for those who are determined and want to break through. It is used by yourself and those who improve their sales performance. I believe that you are definitely not the kind of person who doesn't like learning and doesn't seek to make progress."

[11] Regret to lose the transaction method.

Salespeople must learn to use the psychology of "fear of not being able to buy".The more people can't get or buy something, the more they want to get it and buy it. This is a weakness of human nature.If customers realize that there is a rare opportunity to buy this product, then they will take immediate action.

The method of regretting the loss of the transaction requires the salesperson to grasp the customer's psychology of "gaining happiness and losing it", and urges the customer to make a timely purchase decision by exerting a certain amount of pressure on the customer.

Generally speaking, you can do it from the following aspects:
The quantity is limited, which is mainly similar to "the purchase quantity is limited, if you want to buy as soon as possible".

Limited time, mainly to enjoy discounts within a specified time.

Limited service, mainly because you will enjoy better service within the specified quantity.

The price limit is mainly for products that need to be priced up.

All in all, the salesperson should carefully consider the customer's consumption psychology, and then set up the most effective method of losing the deal.Of course, this method cannot be abused casually and created out of nothing, otherwise customers will eventually be lost.

[12] Because of the small loss of the big law.

It is a big mistake to emphasize that it is a big mistake for customers not to make a purchase decision. Sometimes even a small mistake can lead to the worst results.By reinforcing the pressure of "bad results", customers are stimulated and compelled to close the deal.

If the salesperson sells health care products, you might as well say this: "If you save this little investment in health, if you get sick in the future, you will spend dozens or hundreds of times the amount you spend on treatment! "This statement is actually the application of Dafa in daily life due to small losses.In such an example, the customer is faced with two choices, one can get potential benefits, while the other implies great risk [if he does not make a purchase decision].

[13] The method of closing the deal step by step.

Many customers tend to procrastinate before making a purchase.They will say: "I'll think about it." "I'll think about it." "Let's discuss it." "Let's talk about it in a few days."

When a good salesperson encounters customers who evade, they will first agree with them: "When buying something, you should be as cautious as you are, and you must think about it first. You are still very interested in this product, otherwise you will not take the time to think about it. Right?" They have to agree with your point of view.

At this time, if the salesperson presses one more sentence: "I'm just out of curiosity, I want to know what you have to consider, is it the credibility of my company?" The customer will say: "Oh, your company is good." Salesperson: "That's my character?" The customer said: "Oh, no, how could it be?"

The salesperson uses layers of approaching skills to keep asking questions, and finally asks the customer to tell what he is worried about.As long as you can solve the customer's questions, the transaction will become a natural thing.

[14] Assisting customers in closing transactions.

Even if many customers intend to buy, they don't like to sign an order quickly. He always has to choose from east to west, and keeps spinning around in product color, size, style, and delivery date.At this time, the salesperson has to change his strategy, not talking about the order for the time being, but enthusiastically helping the customer to choose. Once the customer chooses a certain product, you will get the order.

[15] Contrast the transaction method.

The salesperson writes both pros and cons.This is a method of using written comparison of pros and cons to prompt customers to make up their minds to buy.The salesperson prepares a pen and paper, and draws a "T" form on the paper.On the left side, write the positive reasons why you should buy, and on the right side, write the negative reasons why you should not buy. Under the design of the sales staff, there must be more positive reasons to buy than not. In this way, you can take the opportunity to persuade customers to make up their minds Make a purchase decision.

[16] Appreciate the teacher to learn the art method.

When the salesperson has exhausted his tongue and tried all kinds of methods to no avail, and sees that the business cannot be completed, he might as well change the topic and stop selling his own products to customers, but ask him about his own problems in sales. "I'm pretty sure this product will do you a lot of good, but unfortunately my verbal skills are too bad to express what I really mean. It's a real shame, if I could speak clearly, you'd be in for a treat Good. Can you do me a favor and tell me what is not doing well so I can improve?"

Subsequently, the customer raised dissatisfaction.The salesperson's response: "Did I really not mention this?" You apologize sincerely, continue explaining, reassure the customer, and of course re-offer.When you apologize, you must be sincere, otherwise once the customer doubts your sincerity, I am afraid they will immediately issue an order to evict the customer.

[17] Approval of the Closing Act.

At the end of the sales negotiation, the salesperson should ask the customer if there are any questions or concerns that have not been clarified.If the customer says there are no other questions, you take out the contract, turn over to the signature side, make a mark on the place signed by the customer, then push the contract over and say to him: "Well, please approve it here, We can start working right away.”

The word "approval" trumps "signature".At this point you push the entire sales contract in front of the customer, put your pen next to the mark on the contract, smile, and sit there straight up, waiting for the customer's reaction.

[18] Order Closing Method.

When the sale is about to end, the salesperson takes out the order or contract and starts to fill in the information on it. If the customer does not stop, it means that he has decided to buy.If the customer says he has not decided to buy, the salesperson can say: "It's okay, I just fill out the order first, if you change it tomorrow, I will tear up the order, and you will have plenty of time to think about it."

Salesperson: "Manager Zhu, there is no problem with the delivery date, other conditions are also good, and we have also settled the payment problem. In this case, can you fill in your name on this document?"

[19] Pet Transaction Law.

If you pass a pet store and see a cute puppy looking at you with big dark eyes, before you know it, you have walked into the pet store.At this time, the smart salesperson gently puts the puppy on your hand.You can't bear to let go anymore.This is the pet transaction method.

In fact, in actual sales, many salespeople are using this closing method.

[20] "Ten-fold test" transaction method.

In the sales process, if the customer does not fully understand the effects of the product and dare not make a rash decision, and your product or service has passed the test of ten times the test, the salesperson may wish to use this method .

For example, during a sales process, Han Ling saw a customer hesitate and said: Sir, many years ago I found a perfect way to test the value of something, which is to see if it can stand the test of 10 times the test.For example, if you signed up for a training class, which helped you increase your personal image and income, or you bought a certain product a few days ago to make you healthier, then what you paid is worth it.In our daily life, some things we think we enjoy the benefits, we are willing to pay him 10 times the price?Do you feel right? "

When the customer hears the words of the salesperson, it is indeed the same reason to think about it. Under normal circumstances, it is easy to make a transaction decision.

(End of this chapter)

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