Jade Guanyin

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

But in any case, when An Xin looked back on her newly married life, her overall feeling was still good.The one that satisfied her the most was Tie Jun.I've seen Tie Jun's photo, but his appearance is lackluster, and he definitely doesn't match An Xin.But in An Xin's mouth, this husband-in-law is knowledgeable, upright, knows how to love his wife, and is not lazy, dirty, or lazy at home. In terms of personal life, he belongs to the type of man with few problems.It's not easy for a man to do that.The only problem with An Xin was that she was a little narrow-minded, and occasionally An Xin would show jealousy when she said a few more words to a young man with joy.For men and women who are in love, this kind of jealousy is originally a condiment of blind happiness, but because of Mao Jie's heart disease behind the scenes, Tie Jun's personality of not rubbing sand in his eyes made An Xin feel very frightened and uneasy, so An Xin felt that This is the shortcoming of Iron Army.

There is one more thing, the two of them also have a big dispute, that is, their future destination, should they stay in the beautiful small city of South Germany, or they will return to the big city Guangping together after Anxin's two-year internship expires go.

The Narcotics Brigade of the Nande Public Security Bureau was the first unit Anxin joined in the work. Although she has only worked for more than a year, she has already found a feeling of being at home.Everyone in the team is very kind and likes her very much, and she is also competent at work.It is quite close to Qingmian, her hometown.She and Tie Jun went back to Qingmian twice in half a year, and her mother also came to Nande to see them once, and the captain Lao Pan even invited her mother to dinner.Lao Pan's help to An Xin's work and his exemplary role as a leader in all aspects made him almost An Xin's idol.His care for An Xin in life is also as warm as a brother.All this makes An Xin think that she is inseparable from this job, these comrades-in-arms, her leader, this small town, and even the sunshine and drizzle every day here.

Although Tie Jun's work in the Suede Zeitung is also smooth, but on the whole it still feels like living in a foreign country.Even if he got used to living in South Germany, he never made it his home or his final destination.He came here mainly for peace of mind. It was originally a short-term temporary thing. After An Xin's training here expired, they should return to Guangping. This was originally agreed.Guangping has a large area and good conditions. That is the place to live a good life and do a good job.More importantly, Guangping is Tie Jun's home anyway, his mother is there, all his friends, classmates, and all useful social connections are there, so he has to go back.

This is a major event, a major event that determines the direction of their future life together. The two have discussed and even argued many times from retreat to pragmatism.Fortunately, the return date is not imminent, and they will not quarrel over it.The two sides express their views, basically still in the stage of theoretical discussion in a calm manner.

An Xin’s reasons for persuading Tie Jun to stay seem to be all for Tie Jun’s sake: First, the air here is good, which is good for Tie Jun’s health—Tie Jun has asthma—what’s more important than good health?Second, the top and bottom leaders here attach great importance to the Iron Army.Although Guangping is good, but the place is too big, there are a lot of talents, and the competition is fierce. It is not so easy to get ahead in Guangping.In South Germany, with the Iron Army's ability and that "background", it is estimated that there will be opportunities for promotion soon, so the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in terms of career; thirdly, in terms of life, the prices here are cheap and the supply is abundant. The things are affordable... and the reasons for Tie Jun's insistence on going back seem to be all for the sake of peace of mind, the first of which is that An Xin's job in South Germany is really unsafe.It is an exaggeration to say that half of the people walking up and down South Street at night may be doing business with drugs.This gang of police officers has an internal dictum and Tiejun also knows: South Germany is a battlefield!Tie Jun had been to the anti-narcotics brigade, and there were more portraits of martyrs on the wall of the anti-drug brigade's meeting room than pennants and awards.You said that you, a girl, have to go through life and death like this, do you want to be a hero?Have this addiction?
An Xin said: "I don't want to be a hero, but I like being with heroes." "Who? Who is a hero in your place?" His father took drugs to death, and he suffered a lot, so why did you come here?" An Xin said seriously: "Do you think that we all work hard here to avenge our personal revenge? We are here to... Tie Jun quickly raised his hand to make her stop: "Don't talk about big things with me. You are not an opponent when you talk about big things. You are different from Lao Pan and the others. You are a lesbian and a college student. You should not be allowed to work for a long time in the organization." This." At this point, there is no way to say without talking about the truth: "Anti-drugs is a matter of making contributions to the country and the people. Is it the patent of your men? After two years of studying, you are not qualified to do anti-drugs Lesbians are not qualified to do anti-drugs?" Tie Jun frowned: "What's the point of telling me your big truth? If you weren't my wife, I would immediately bring a group of reporters to interview you. Package you as a fighting The heroine on the front line of the public security anti-drug, you are praised every day on the newspapers, radio, and TV, making you a household name! Put you on the stove and burn it, so that you can't get off even if you want to, and you can't do it if you want to quit! It will not be so easy when you are tired, annoyed, wanting to live a life or just want to relax. You are a hero model, you have to act like a hero model, speak in the tone of a hero model, and go to the street to buy You can’t bargain with others for food, or they will say what a hero is like! If you really sacrifice one day, it’s really a good start and a good end. Wrong tree!" Actually, An Xin told Tie Jun a long time ago that Captain Pan almost never let her participate in any dangerous missions.In the entire anti-narcotics brigade, almost everyone has a conscious sense of protection for her, a female college student who has been trained in a decentralized manner.The Iron Army knows all this.

Of course, An Xin did not experience any danger during the entire training process of the South German Anti-drug Brigade. She even participated in a face-to-face sting operation with drug dealers.Although her participation in that operation was completely accidental, it was this accident that changed her later life.

It was a big case that the anti-drug brigade had been working on for a long time. An Xin only knew that every time there was an important clue in this case or some major action was to be taken, the Provincial Public Security Bureau would come.It was at the beginning of that year. The province found an important source of information from Myanmar. From the analysis of the information provided by this source, there must be a large stronghold for drug trafficking in South Germany. Captain Pan and the others really intercepted it according to the information. Several batches of drugs have been destroyed, and several drug dealers who came in from abroad to deliver goods were eliminated.There was a fight every time they intercepted, and the other party resisted tenaciously, so no one was left alive, so the clues of this case were always broken as soon as the clues were revealed, and the stronghold in the territory was never dug.

This case started to be filed in the spring, and there were many small victories in the middle, but the real breakthrough did not come until autumn.In autumn, they intercepted the latest shipment revealed by this intelligence source in a guest room of the Nande Hotel - 29 kilograms of high-purity heroin packed in a general brand canvas suitcase, and more importantly, They captured the delivery man alive in the toilet of that room.Moreover, the entire operation was well-planned and extremely secretive.Even the waiter in the hotel didn't notice when he was arrested.

The delivery man was taken back to the anti-narcotics brigade, and even Captain Pan was taken aback. She was a woman in her twenties.

This woman seemed to be a novice, and her only hope after being arrested was to survive, so she cooperated very actively during the interrogation, almost to the point of being attentive.According to her confession, she originally planned to go to a town called Wuquan, which is very close to the urban area of ​​Nande, in the evening of the next day to meet the person who picked up the goods.The secret language of the joint between the two parties is that the delivery person asked: "Do you know that it rains today?" The delivery person replied: "It will not rain today." The travel bag is used as the identification object, as long as the identification object and the code word are matched, both parties can change the bag.

This set is almost the same as what was shot in the movie, maybe it was learned from the movie at all.

Anyone who has watched the movie can probably guess the next step in this case. They sent someone to Wuquan disguised as a delivery man.Of course, the sender had to be a woman.

Of course, this kind of wise and courageous mission can't have peace of mind. Not only is she worried about her safety, but to put it bluntly, letting a rookie like her who has no experience and never fought in battle is afraid of messing up the operation.The anti-narcotics brigade did not have a competent lesbian, so the city bureau specially transferred one from the criminal investigation brigade.That woman, An Xin, knew at a glance that she had been a criminal policeman for many years, and her calmness and swiftness were written all over her face.

The policewoman came early the next morning.The whole morning, Captain Pan was busy holding a meeting with all the people who participated in the sting operation, and had to send people to the train station to buy tickets, and sent people to Wuquan to check the spots. He was nervous all morning.An Xin made meeting minutes for them, and she took the initiative to chat with the female criminal policeman for a while during lunch. No matter how she spoke or behaved, she admired this eldest sister.

The train from Nande to Wuquan departs at four o'clock in the afternoon. From three o'clock onwards, everyone starts to go to the train station in batches.The train station is only ten minutes away from the anti-drug brigade.At a quarter past three, the female criminal policeman took the general brand canvas box filled with drugs and got into a taxi specially found by Lao Pan. She came out from the small street at the back door of the anti-drug brigade, turned around, and drove on. main road.Something that no one expected happened at this moment.

That was a car accident.

A small beer truck raced through the intersection. To avoid a group of primary school students on the opposite side, it crashed into the taxi with a special mission.The truck and the taxi were only slightly injured, not serious.The anti-narcotics policeman dressed as a taxi driver was unscathed, but the female criminal policeman sitting in the back seat hit her head on the barrier between the front and rear seats, her head was bleeding, and she fell into a coma immediately.

The joint task must be replaced immediately. The problem is that there is almost no time.Lao Pan was in the office of the team headquarters and was about to set off. When he answered the call from the comrade who acted as a taxi driver at the street corner, he was immediately dumbfounded.He was stunned for a long time, and finally, he turned his head to look at An Xin.

At that time, An Xin was cleaning up the rubbish left over from the meeting on the table and on the floor, and she didn't know what happened at all. Seeing Lao Pan looking at her, she also looked at Lao Pan.

Lao Pan almost thoughtlessly asked her, "An Xin, where is your gun?" Ten minutes later, An Xin put on her plain clothes—a white half-sleeve blouse with a gray vest over her coat. Wearing dark blue denim, typical student attire - standing on the street at the back door of the anti-narcotics brigade.With her right hand, she was carrying the canvas suitcase that had just been taken out of the hit taxi, and her left hand was raised to stop a passing taxi.She had a little difficulty loading the suitcase into the car. Lao Pan and the others were all nearby, in a van nearby, so they could only watch her, and it was impossible to come to help.They watched her pack the boxes, slam the door shut, watched the taxi start slowly with its turning lights flashing, and then started their van and followed it quietly.

An Xin's feelings about this operation are indescribable, because everything happened so suddenly.At that time, except for Lao Pan's car, all the comrades who participated in this operation had already set off, and she was the only one staying behind at the team headquarters.She was going to copy out the Mid-Autumn Festival sympathy letter sent by the brigade to the police officers who are not in the local area after cleaning. How could she expect that 10 minutes later, she would suddenly become the most important role in the whole operation!
She got off the train at the square in front of the train station, and walked into the station with the canvas suitcase. Those plainclothes policemen who arrived first inside and outside the gate of the waiting hall were not confused or surprised when they suddenly saw her appear like this. .But when they saw Lao Pan followed behind with a blank expression, they all guessed something, so they all entered the role one after another, observing those who should observe, and those who should get in the car.

The No. 200 train from Nande to Wuquan is a small regional train in the province. The total journey is only more than [-] kilometers, and it must stop at every station.An Xin had never been on this train before, and only after getting on the train did she realize that there were not too many passengers, and there were still many vacant seats in her compartment.As soon as she sat down, the car drove away, and when the announcer announced the name of the next stop—Wuquan, she felt a little nervous.She shifted her gaze to the side, looking out the wide-open window at the brightly lit mountains in the distance.Just when the sun was setting to the west, a few veil-like white clouds condensed on the mountain, and the white clouds caressed the golden terraced fields. In the terraced fields, there was no plowing figure.Although An Xin grew up in a remote mountain city, she has never been to the countryside to do farm work. She has never figured out who planted so many terraced fields on the mountain?
The admiration and conjecture about the terraced fields eased her tension, and she almost forgot that there was a general brand canvas box full of heroin stuffed under her seat.Along the way from Nande to Wuquan, the scenery is beautiful.Within a hundred miles of South Germany, it can be called an undeveloped natural park. It is a huge scenic spot with the most colorful plant populations, hills, plains, forests, and rivers.It may be because it is too close to the border and the anti-drug struggle is too sharp, so there are not many people who come here from other places to travel.

Wuquan is only more than 30 kilometers away from Nande, but An Xin has never been to Wuquan.According to the account of the captured female drug dealer, she will board a boat at the well-known ferry terminal in Wuquan to the other side. After boarding the boat, she will see the receiver with the elephant brand travel bag, and then she and He handed over on the boat, and they went their separate ways after the boat arrived on the other side.When An Xin came out, she was in a hurry, and she didn't have time to ponder over all the details. She just tried her best to memorize the two code words, for fear that she would forget and miss the important thing.Especially the question she wanted to say first, once she forgot it would be a mess.As for other things, including the surrounding environment of the ferry terminal, and how other comrades will contact her when the time comes, she doesn't know anything about it.

Of course, she didn't even have time to call Tie Jun. She made an appointment with Tie Jun yesterday to go home and cook for him.She wondered if the mission would go well.But even if everything goes well, she will probably be home after ten o'clock in the evening.Tie Jun might be angry if he didn't see her when he got home from work, and he might force her to change jobs in the future.

Looking at the moving dusk outside the window, An Xin thought wildly all the way.She thought of her hometown Qingmian.The clear dusk is more peaceful than here.She didn't know if there was a county town smaller than Qingmian in the whole of China. It was just a few streets and markets sandwiched between two huge cliffs.At dusk, the cliffs are covered with dazzling gold, while the small town is shrouded in a silent shadow, and the slowly moving light and shade express its unique depth.She thought of Beijing again, and what left her deepest impression was the dazzling sunset on the turret of the Forbidden City, which overlooked the noisy streets with heavy traffic, but still held onto and made you deeply feel the solemnity of history. A vast, formless and impenetrable solemnity.

Then she was suddenly bumped by something, a passenger who slumped down next to her so loudly that it was almost suspiciously provocative.She turned her gaze away from the window, and looked back, and there was a young man sitting next to her, dressed in bright clothes, which was in sharp contrast to the unsightly people in the carriage.Not only was he not sorry for bumping into her, but he also smiled at her, but she was about to frown and stare when she was so startled that she almost cried out.

——Mao Jie?
Mao Jie was still as handsome as before. He looked at her with a smile and asked first, "Why are you here? I saw the back of your head for a long time, and you were afraid of recognizing the wrong person." An Xin panicked for a while and couldn't speak. It's really not the right time to meet Mao Jie here.Mao Jie said again: "I know you are avoiding me, but think about it, can you hide in such a small place as Nande?" An Xin looked around subconsciously, not knowing that Captain Pan and the scouts in the car were watching. Seeing that Mao Jie was so intimate and familiar with her, what guesses would he make?She subconsciously responded to Mao Jie: "Who is hiding from you?" Then she didn't know what to say, she just thought about how to find a way to send him away as soon as possible.

Mao Jie smiled and said: "Why didn't you hide? I looked for you several times and you weren't here, and you didn't go back in the middle of the night. Did you live somewhere else?" An Xin didn't answer his question, but asked instead: "You go Where? Where do you get off?" Mao Jie pointed forward in a general way: "In front, how about you?" An Xin's answer was also vague: "I got off in front. Mao Jie, don't look for me again Now, I will come to you if I have something to do.” Mao Jie said: “Okay, when will you call me, let’s agree!” An Xin said: “If you are free, I will come to you.” Mao Jie said: “That’s not okay, You have to tell me. Where do you live now? Where do you work? You didn’t even tell me which school you went to for such a long time. We are too unequal." An Xin said: "You You didn’t tell me what kind of work you do.” Mao Jie said, “I said I don’t have a job now, and I’m helping my parents with business, why didn’t I tell you!” Thinking about it, An Xin also said that.She rationalized: "Who knows what kind of business your family is in, and you haven't mentioned it." You don’t look like a teacher?” “Then what do I look like?” “I look like a student at most. Are you a college student? I know that there is only one university in South Germany, which is the School of Forestry, which is privately run. I went there to find you. But I didn’t find it. Is the name you told me your real name?” “I still wonder if you are real.” “Then I’ll bring you my household registration and ID card tonight for you to check! You go back to your place today Do you want to stay? I'll find you at night." An Xin saw that he was getting more and more entangled with him, and was a little anxious.She had to end the conversation immediately, because Wuquan was close at hand.She stood up and said that she wanted to get off the car: "I won't go back tonight. If you want to find me, you can find me tomorrow. Tomorrow at [-] o'clock in the evening, I will still be at the entrance of Ruixin Department Store. Let's meet again and I will tell you What is it for?" The train staggered into the platform of Wuquan Station, An Xin bent down and pulled out her suitcase from under the seat, when she bent over, Captain Pan and two other scouts squeezed in from behind in good time Come up and squeeze beside her, separating Mao Jie.It seemed that there were quite a few people who got off the bus at Wuquan, and the surroundings were a bit chaotic. Amidst the noisy voices, she heard Mao Jie's farewell to her behind him: "Okay, see you tomorrow, see you soon." An Xin huddled in the crowd The passengers got off the train, and the people who got off the train crowded the narrow and long platform to the brim, making it impossible to evacuate for a while.Following the flow of people, An Xin managed to squeeze out of the platform and came to the small street in front of the station. She looked back and saw Captain Pan and the others also squeezed out.As soon as she saw Lao Pan, her nervous mood relaxed a little.

She dragged the suitcase down the side street.Turning around a street corner with no one around, Lao Pan followed and asked softly, "Who was that just now? What's the matter?" An Xin didn't want the work unit to know that Mao Jie existed in her private life, so she told him Zuo said disgustedly: "A little bastard, a little bastard, pestering me with nothing to say, if it wasn't for this task, I would have scolded him long ago." Lao Pan also believed it, and didn't ask any more questions, just Remind her in a low voice: "Did you forget the code word at the joint?" She said: "Yes, I will ask that person first: Do you know if it rains today, and the person answered me: If it doesn't rain today, it will rain tomorrow." Lao Pan nodded, Remind her how to get to the pier again.The two walked out of the street corner without saying a few words, and they separated immediately after they left the street corner, each with indifferent expressions on their faces.

If Wuquan is not considered a city, then it must be considered quite a small town.It has several very lively streets, which look no worse than the commercial districts of South Germany.But the most famous place in Wuquan, apart from the Manlong Temple, the largest Buddhist temple in the entire southern Germany, is the ferry terminal that can only be seen after crossing these several streets.The name of Wuquan originated from the wide Wuquan River.

In other words, the Wuquan River is longer, wider and flatter than the Nanmeng River, and it is also another branch of the mother river of the Nujiang River.It is also the most noteworthy scenic belt in South Germany.Many large ethnic festivals and cultural, sports and folk celebrations organized by the South German regional government are held here.When An Xin came to the river this day, the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark.She lined up to buy a ticket and walked into the pier, but there was no ferry on the pier.On both sides of the shore, for some reason, many small boats gathered, and many people were loading paper lantern boats on those small boats.There were a lot of onlookers crowded around, and many of them were tourists from afar who could tell at a glance, and there were also many people taking pictures, and the spotlights flickered.An Xin glanced sideways at Captain Pan and the others. Lao Pan seemed to be at a loss for the unexpected excitement here.An Xin asked a man who looked like a cadre beside him: "Comrade, what are so many people doing here?" ——So he answered enthusiastically: "It's lighting up. Today is our River Lantern Festival, once a year. It will be nice to light up the lights when it gets dark. Are you going to take a boat?" The cadre looked like the man asked her.

"Yes, take a boat, and I'll go to the other side of the river." "Ah, the boat is coming soon. You should be able to see it on the boat in a while. There are all lights floating on the side of the river. It's going to be dark again." Just click on it. If you don’t hurry, you can wait for the next boat. It’s very beautiful after dark, very beautiful,... Where are you from?” An Xin casually said that she came from South Germany, and she didn’t want to be with her. He chatted, expressed his thanks and dragged the box to the pier.She had no interest in admiring the sights that were about to appear on the river.Although she had heard about Wuquan's annual River Lantern Festival when she was in college in Guangping, she couldn't have the leisure to stop and have fun like the people here, she is not a tourist today!
The ferry boat finally came from the other side of the river. It was a wide-body boat that was much bigger than An Xin imagined. It was not only wide, but also long.The Titanic-like momentum and volume of this ferry boat make the originally wide Wuquan River appear narrow.The boat has a wide front and rear decks, which can hold more than a dozen cars.There is a canopy in the middle, and the style of the canopy is a bit of the style of ethnic minorities, with a somewhat gorgeous feeling in the fancy.On both sides of the ship, there are more exquisite railings, just looking at the railings, it looks like an ocean liner sailing on the sea.

There were many people coming from the opposite bank by this boat, and some of them seemed to be tourists for the river lantern festival.There were quite a few people waiting to board the boat and go to the opposite bank, and there was some confusion at the pier.The people on the boat squeezed up without waiting for the people on the boat to go down.An Xin saw that several scouts had already squeezed onto the boat first, occupying every corner of the boat.Lao Pan also went up, standing on the back deck, his eyes swept past her face without stopping, but she knew he was urging her.So she picked up the suitcase, followed a group of men and women who looked like farmers, and stepped onto the crowded trestle.

After boarding the boat, she chose a more conspicuous position and looked around.There are still many people crowded on the trestle bridge to board the boat, and the order seems to be neglected.As soon as the trestle was withdrawn, the whistle blew, and for a short while, the ship slowly left the shore.

An Xin stood on the back deck, looking from the burning embers of the sunset in the sky to the river sinking into the shadows.Sure enough, she saw those beautiful paper lanterns that had just been lit, floating on the misty river.Although it was not completely dark yet, those paper lanterns looked red, flickering on the darkened water, making people feel very warm.The warm red light brought the whole river into a fairytale fantasy.Seeing the slowly swimming fireflies, An Xin almost forgot her nervousness; she even forgot the heavy responsibility she was shouldering at the moment; she even forgot what was in the canvas box in her hand.She was really a little forgetful, and she sighed in her heart that life is so good.She wished that Tie Jun was here at this time. He is an idealist and likes to pursue any romantic mood, so if he is here, he will definitely fall in love with this wonderful river lantern festival like a fairyland.With such a sentiment and atmosphere, he would definitely be able to write an aesthetic prose after reading it.

The boat has reached the middle of the river, getting farther and farther away from the piece of paper lanterns that look like sparks of fire. The piece of "fireflies" echoes the last piece of sunset glow in the western sky.And the sky in the east is as blue as a peacock's screen tail, so deep and full, so thorough that there is no trace of impurity.An Xin thought: These drug dealers really lack common sense. They ran into such a blue sky and asked if it was raining today.Let the people next to you hear it, don't you think you are crazy!If it’s raining, you’d be insane if you ask this question. If it’s raining, you’ll be even more insane if you answer that it won’t rain today or tomorrow.This code word is only natural to ask and answer when the sky is about to rain, but there are many people who ask this question when it is about to rain.In the lectures of the teacher of the Public Security College, he also said: Do not talk about the weather when doing reconnaissance and intelligence work, because it is easy to be disturbed by accidental coincidence.Fortunately, today's weather is good, no one will talk about the rain, and the code word of the receiver is: if it doesn't rain today, it will rain tomorrow, which can cover up the stupidity of the previous question.The people around listened, and they could barely hear it.An Xin even childishly thought, after she catches the person who picks up the goods, she will tell them the common sense about the code words of joints, and let them know that they were caught because they were too stupid!
The consignee should be on this boat at this time, searching around with peace of mind, but they have not found the target they are looking for.The only identifying mark they knew was that the man would be carrying an elephant-brand travel bag.She, and of course Captain Pan and the others, had already started to pay attention on the pier, and no one had seen anyone carrying such a bag.

The boat was getting closer and closer to the other side, and An Xin's nervousness along the way was replaced by a strong suspicion. She thought that maybe the situation had changed, maybe the person who picked up the goods didn't come today at all.Or, the woman they caught in the hotel lied to them, maybe there was no such thing as Wuquan's delivery, and she was probably all nervous today.She thought about why she was so nervous, they were all in front, back, left, and right!She figured that her nervousness probably belonged to a normal kind of excitement!
The other shore is already in sight, and the people waiting for the boat on the shore can already be seen clearly.If it wasn't for the darkening sky, they would probably be able to see their eagerly awaiting expressions.An Xin's gaze at this time actually stopped looking for the target that didn't seem to exist at all. She looked left and right, trying to find Captain Pan in the crowd, and to see the reaction on his face at this time.Unexpectedly, her eyes met a familiar figure, and she turned her back subconsciously, not wanting to be seen by that person.It's Mao Jie again!It turned out that he also got off the car at Wuquan and got on this ferry.The moment An Xin saw Mao Jie, she thought he was following her here, but looking at it secretly, it didn't look like it, because he obviously didn't see that she was also on the boat.Next, An Xin saw a scene that shocked her!Mao Jie took out a black travel bag from the big nylon handbag he was carrying.An Xin didn't take her eyes off it, she saw clearly that the travel bag was from the Elephant brand.That's right!This brand new Elephant travel bag is exactly what they were looking for!
An Xin's eyes widened, she could hardly believe her vision!
Another scout who was not far from Mao Jie also saw the travel bag, and his eyes swept towards An Xin like lightning.Only then did An Xin wake up like a dream and remembered to move her steps, and walked towards Mao Jie mechanically.

She stood behind Mao Jie, who was folding the nylon handbag with his head down, and then stuffed it into the Elephant travel bag, completely unaware of An Xin behind him.It wasn't until he pulled the cable of the travel bag back and turned around that he suddenly saw An Xin's eyes looking straight at him. The surprise on his face was as vivid as the surprise in An Xin's heart when he saw him just now!
"Hey, why are you taking this boat too?" Mao Jie smiled in surprise, the sincerity and innocence of that smile made An Xin feel strongly shaken and questioned that Mao Jie was the person they were looking for.She could hardly control the trembling in her heart to her lips and into her voice.

She said: "...You, do you know that it's raining today?" She trembled because she was afraid, and she was afraid that Mao Jie would be able to pick up this code word.She was afraid that her relationship with Mao Jie would be so cruel.

Mao Jie's face showed the expression she expected - he looked at her very blankly.Then, a few seconds later, the expression changed from dazed to surprised.He seemed too startled to speak.His appearance made An Xin's whole brain go dark!
Mechanically, and with a touch of fluke, she repeated: "Did you know it's raining today?" Mao Jie opened his mouth, opened his mouth for a long time, and then answered very slowly and with great difficulty: " …If you don’t download it today, you will download it tomorrow.”

(End of this chapter)

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