Jade Guanyin

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

When I got off the train in Kunming, the city had just fallen asleep.The street is dark and there are few pedestrians.I didn’t find a taxi in front of the station, so I chose a random direction, walked a long way along the street, and finally found a place where I could barely curl up in a dirty and simple “bathing center” with a small light on at the door. The bunk, and near the water platform, took a hot bath.

During the daytime of the second day, I simply strolled around the street scene near the station, without purpose, absent-minded, and completely in the mood of a passerby.At dusk, I boarded a shabby-looking local local train, followed the sun that had already set in the west, and continued in the direction of Qingmian.The further you go, the warmer the weather, and the trees are green.At this time, Beijing has entered the coldest period of the whole winter, but here seems to be still in the golden autumn with high sky and light clouds.It's a pity that it was too tiring to travel long distances in such an overloaded carriage, and I completely lost interest in admiring the scenery along the way.In addition, the time difference in the United States has not been completely reversed. The daytime here is the late night in Los Angeles. I had a splitting headache from the shaking of the train. Before dark, I finally ignored the noise and jostling around me and fell unconscious on the small coffee table. He fell asleep drowsily and didn't wake up until late at night.

I awoke to a parked car, a desolate little station outside the window, and no one seemed to get in or get out of the car.When the train was moving, I accidentally saw a solitary station sign standing guard in the night on the dimly lit platform, and the dim station name on the station sign flashed past my eyes.My head suddenly became alert, and the drowsiness disappeared in an instant.

There are two words written on the stop sign - Wuquan.

Although things have changed, when An Xin told me about Wuquan for the first time, and what happened on the ferry boat in Wuquan, she was still so terrified.At that time, she didn't have time to think about the consequences that would be brought to her if Mao Jie fell into the hands of the police. Shock!
An Xin turned around and walked towards Chuanxian.Mao Jie followed, and they leaned against the fence of the boat strings, facing the gradually darkening Wuquan River, silent.An Xin put the heavy canvas suitcase under her feet, Mao Jie also put down the black Elephant brand travel bag, and put it next to the suitcase as if quite unintentionally.At this time, they saw that most of the passengers on board picked up their things and rushed to the bow.The boat is coming to shore.

Neither An Xin nor Mao Jie moved, allowing the passengers behind them to jostle around chaotically.An Xin felt that she should say something to Mao Jie, but she couldn't say anything.On the contrary, Mao Jie frowned, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you do this?" An Xin didn't answer, she knew that several scouts in the team were right behind them, so she just asked in the same low voice. She said to Mao Jie in a low voice, "Get off the boat." She saw Mao Jie bent down and stretched out his right hand to the two suitcases on the ground.She watched the direction of that hand, if that hand picked up the canvas box under her feet, Mao Jie's death penalty would basically be constituted.

That hand did not touch the canvas case, but picked up the black travel bag of the Elephant brand that he had brought, and following the fall and lift of that hand, her heart skipped a beat. After flickering for a while, she couldn't figure out whether she raised her heart or let it go.She thought that if Mao Jie had taken the canvas box containing the heroin, their operation today would have been completed, but he didn't.If he didn't take this canvas case today, then Mao Jie would not constitute drug trafficking at least in terms of behavioral evidence.She didn't want Mao Jie to deal drugs!

An Xin's gaze lifted from Mao Jie's hand and moved to his eyes, they looked at each other.Mao Jie's eyes were full of complaints and anger. He handed the black Elephant brand travel bag to An Xin, and whispered in a tone like a big brother telling a little sister: "You are not allowed to do this again in the future. Now, this isn't something girls do. I don't care how long you've been doing it, this is the last time, do you hear me!" An Xin didn't answer, because her heart was almost beating so hard that she couldn't speak.She saw Mao Jie hand over the travel bag to her, then bent down again, stretched out his right hand again, and that hand finally picked up the canvas case without hesitation.The moment the canvas box left the ground, An Xin's heart froze for some reason, and almost shrank into a ball in pain.

She stood there blankly, not knowing what to say or do at that moment.On the contrary, it was Mao Jie who calmly looked around, and then said to An Xin, "Let's go, I'll find you tomorrow, and we'll talk about it tomorrow when we meet." An Xin turned around numbly, and took the traveling dog Mao Jie gave her Bao, go to the bow.I don't know what's in the travel bag, it's not heavy, but carrying it with peace of mind, every step is as heavy as a thousand pounds.

She squeezed in among the last passengers to disembark and stepped off the ferry.She knew that Mao Jie was right behind her, and she had intentionally distanced herself.She crossed the dimly lit pier, followed the flow of people to the street ahead without looking back, and before she crossed the first road, she heard an earth-shattering roar behind her that exploded onto the ground.At the same time, she also saw a lot of people on the street, looking behind her one after another, with surprised expressions on their faces.From the scary voice and the faces of passers-by, she knew that behind her, Captain Pan and the others had already made a move!

The whole trapping operation went smoothly and successfully, and Mao Jie was caught without any resistance.Captain Pan and the others took down a kid like Mao Jie with an absolute superiority in numbers and lightning speed!

The officers split into cars waiting nearby.An Xin bypassed a street and came here.Vice-captain Laoqian praised Anxin when he got in the car, saying: "Anxin is not easy. The first time I went out, I succeeded immediately. This is a temporary rescue that I didn't prepare in advance. I was much calmer than I imagined on the boat." Other comrades He also praised her: "Don't look at Xiao An's first time out, and he agrees with that kid like an old acquaintance. Usually, I really don't see Xiao An doing these things." Old Qian said: "Take care of this kind of trouble The little hooligan is pretty good, that guy on the train is close to An Xin. I am convinced of this kind of person. Ordinary people who do this kind of decapitation must be nervous and tense, no matter how daring a person is. I'm still guilty. But look at this kid, he still doesn't forget to hug the grass and beat the rabbit when he sees a beautiful little divination whistle. Regardless of whether he can beat it or not, it can be regarded as self-entertainment, looking for a pastime. His mother tucked his head in his trousers The belt is not your own.” Others also said, “I’m telling you, don’t underestimate these people, those who are capable of dealing in drugs must have the same psychological quality. After all, life and death are matters of understanding Not to mention how young this kid is, he is still a half-grown child. Now the younger generation do bad things, I found that they are bolder and more ruthless than adults, and they don’t feel any guilt at all. Do you remember last year That case, a ten-year-old child, killing people is like playing, he is not afraid at all, after being caught, he will eat and sleep in the detention center as usual, and he will not regret it at all." Everyone smiled and said it was right.

Only An Xin couldn't laugh, she couldn't find any joy of victory in her heart at this moment.For an anti-narcotics policeman, for a recruit who has achieved immediate success in his first battle, this joy is as usual.

She sat sullenly on the back seat of the van, staring out the window without saying a word.It was a dark night outside the window, and the moon could not be seen.The plainclothes police officers in the car talked to each other, and the topic moved to the River Lantern Festival just now and this year's Wave Water Festival. The chatter became more and more lively.Fortunately, the carriage was also very dark, no one could see the dullness on An Xin's face clearly, and no one noticed her abnormal silence.Maybe they all thought that she was too excited to participate in this kind of mission for the first time, and they needed to be alone to recollect the feeling of fighting just now.

They walked around the river, and they drove back to the anti-drug brigade after ten o'clock in the evening.Ya Maojie's car also drove back.Mao Jie was taken to a room for an overnight interrogation. The room was diagonally opposite to the office of the team headquarters where An Xin was located. An Xin could see the light leaking from the interrogation room through the window of the team headquarters.She thought that Mao Jie might not necessarily know that the girl he was pursuing played the role of a decoy today.

The first thing An Xin did when she returned to the team from Wuquan was to call Tie Jun and tell him that she might not be able to go home today and let him sleep first.On the phone, Tie Jun not only didn't say a word of blame or dissatisfaction, but also said some words of love for her, he said you are pregnant so you can stay up all night?Do you want me to talk to your leaders?She said no, I'll take care of it myself.Tie Jun said, do you want me to accompany you?An Xin said no need, we are working here, you go to bed first, I will try to go back early tomorrow.

She hung up the phone, tears almost fell for some reason, she felt sorry for Tie Jun—because of the matter with Mao Jie—and felt sorry for Mao Jie.She didn't expect that Mao Jie would die by her own hands, even though his involvement in drug trafficking had nothing to do with her relationship with him.

The interrogation of Mao Jie did not go well. Mao Jie refused to tell anyone his last name. He only said that his name was "Mao Mao". Totally denying that he had anything to do with the crate of drugs.He said that he boarded the boat in Wuquan to deliver tea to a relative who owned a grocery store that sold the tea.He said that a girl on the boat asked him if he brought the tea. The girl claimed to be the clerk of the grocery store, so he gave her the tea he brought.And the girl—that is, An Xin—asked him to help carry her heavy canvas box when she disembarked.The girl disappeared as soon as he got off the boat, and he was caught shortly after.He even reminded the police that you should arrest that girl as soon as possible. This is her trick to get out of the shell, and you have fallen into her trap! ... He made up this plot quite clearly, and he himself spoke seriously and plausibly.In the Elephant brand travel bag that he exchanged with An Xin, apart from the nylon bag that was originally put on the outside of the travel bag, the police found only a bunch of tea in small plastic bags, which was a low-quality and low-grade tea bag. The old Dianhong is worthless at all.

Mao Jie’s confession, and the physical evidence that matched this confession—the pile of small packages of Yunnan Dianhong—showed that his statement was definitely a well-made story in advance.The interrogating policeman asked Mao Jie where he lived, and Mao Jie told him, but Captain Pan immediately sent someone to search, and found that it was just a hut that had obviously been unoccupied for a long time and only contained some groceries.At this time, Mao Jie in the interrogation room shouted that he was wronged, and ordered the police to release him immediately, otherwise he would sue the police for illegal detention and violation of human rights.When the interrogation reached a stalemate, a director of the Provincial Public Security Department who was conducting investigations in South Germany, accompanied by several officials from the city bureau, rushed to the anti-drug brigade, and listened to Captain Pan's report on the general situation of the case in the conference room. , and then they discussed together how to proceed with the case.When she was discussing without any clue, An Xin knocked on the door of the meeting room.

She said: "Captain Pan, please come out for a moment, I have something to do." Captain Pan said first: "You wait for a while." But he quickly stood up and walked out of the conference room.There was no one in the corridor outside the meeting room, so he asked An Xin in the corridor: "What's the matter?" An Xin lowered her head, hesitated to speak: "There is something I want to report, that person... I used to know. "Which person?" "His name is Mao Jie, we are from Nande, and he lives behind the Labor Theater..." Captain Pan became a little serious: "How do you know him?" An Xin avoided the captain's gaze: "The former After a while, he chased me." Captain Pan was startled, he tried his best to remain calm, and asked: "When did this happen? How long has it been?" "It's been more than half a year." Captain Pan paused for a moment, eyebrows raised. The tightening became tighter, and he asked again: "Have you been in contact with him?" An Xin opened her mouth, she didn't know how to answer this question, and how to answer would be in line with the facts.She opened her mouth and was dumb for a while, and finally said: "Yes." "To what extent?" Captain Pan knew that his question was too harsh and sharp, so he had to slow down his voice a little: " An Xin, I'm not interfering in your personal affairs, you are a policeman, and you know this is a big case, if anyone or anything here involves you, you must make it clear to the organization." How could An Xin not Knowing the stakes, she knew that her relationship with Mao Jie could no longer be kept a secret.She told Captain Pan briefly, but truthfully, how she met Mao Jie, their contact later, and how she broke up with him later.She also concealed that there was such a thing between her and Mao Jie. She didn't say it directly, but of course Captain Pan understood.From Captain Pan's expression, she knew that these matters were very serious to her identity and the case.Lao Pan didn't immediately respond to An Xin's confession that was a bit late in principle, and didn't express a single opinion.He just said with a sullen face, "Okay, I see, you go back to the office first. You must finish writing the process of today's operation, and I will find you after a while." An Xin returned to the office and continued to write the entrapment operation According to the on-site situation report, she hesitated before putting down her pen to find Lao Pan.Although on the way back from Wuquan, she thought that she had to talk about her relationship with Mao Jie, but knowing that she had to talk and summoning up the courage to speak up was an uncomfortable process.Because she thought that once she said this, the whole team would know about the secret between her and Mao Jie.What's even more frightening is that Tie Jun will know, sooner or later!

What would happen if Tiejun found out?What would he do to her?
She didn't know, she didn't dare to think.

She originally wanted to make a request to Captain Pan, that is, to ask him to keep it a secret for her, to save her the face of a young girl, and to keep her newly established happy family.But Captain Pan's serious face oppressed her so much that she couldn't speak. She felt that she had no right to ask any more. She could only go back to the office, finish writing the report, and honestly wait for the organization's disposal and decision.

The report was finished, but Captain Pan never came back.Later, she heard them—Captain Pan and the provincial director had a quarrel in the meeting room, and the cadres of the city bureau seemed to play a mediating role, but the voice of mediation was often drowned out by the fierce arguments between the opposing parties.

Afterwards, she knew that their quarrel was for her. After listening to Captain Pan's brief report on the relationship between An Xin and Mao Jie—Old Pan had to tell his superiors about this—suddenly made a bold proposal. Imagine, that is: Let An Xin try to break into the drug dealer's interior and maximize the results of this case.The specific plan can be: for example, let Mao Jie see that An Xin was also arrested, and then escort the two of them to a certain place, and make some accidents on the way, let them get away with it, let Mao Jie escape with An Xin, go to Find their accomplices and lairs, find out the inside story and catch them all.But Lao Pan immediately expressed his opposition to this idea. He said that this plan is acceptable, but the person who will implement it is not good enough, so the plan may not be implemented.The person he said to implement the plan refers to peace of mind.Lao Pan said: An Xin is a girl, pregnant, and a college student. She has been working as an office worker since she came here, and she has never done this kind of work.Now you push her to the cusp of such a storm all of a sudden, what to do if there is a danger, what to do if there is a danger?In addition to her, there is also the child in her belly, which is almost three months old.Besides, that criminal has been chasing her before, but has never been able to catch her. Now you let the criminal take her away, what if he wants to make such a nasty request?How to deal with him, this is the problem!
The director was so straightforwardly denied by a grassroots cadre lower than him, he felt a little embarrassed, so although what Lao Pan said was reasonable, even though he didn't know what Lao Pan said about An Xin, but because of his face So the first step is to stick to and explain your plan: "I'm not saying that we don't consider the safety of our comrades. We can design carefully and attack boldly on the basis of basically ensuring safety. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. What's more, our comrade didn't let her go in for a long time, but to solve the case quickly. It takes a day or two to get the case down! If the measures are in place, I think the safety issue can still be basically guaranteed. I said the basic guarantee, which means that there may be sacrifices. In our business, you say that there will be no sacrifices and that everyone is safe. Who will guarantee you this! Has no one in your South German anti-drug brigade ever sacrificed, ah ?” Seeing the strong and excited words of the director of the provincial department, the people from the Municipal Bureau also expressed their attitude: “If it is a quick solution, we can really think about it.” His tone was more than his agreement. It's more about persuading Lao Pan not to get stuck with his superiors, "Lao Pan, hasn't this college student been working here for almost a year? You can see if it works. Now, today is indeed an opportunity. You can see if there are any major security problems. As for whether that guy will force Xiaoan to engage in that kind of business, I think it is very unlikely. Who would think This matter. The first thing people need for survival is food and clothing, and the second is safety. Food and clothing are the first thing to think about lust. If food, clothing and safety are not solved, it is impossible to have much interest in that aspect.” Captain Pan saw This became more and more true, and he became a minority.The internal rule of the public security is that the first rank of officials crushes people to death. He argued a few more words, but his tone was no longer as aggressive as at the beginning.The director and the cadres of the city bureau still analyzed and explained, and it was useless for him to insist on his own opinion, so he said in a muffled voice: "You are the leaders, you should think about it carefully." The director of the province saw that his attitude was so stubborn. , simply ignored him, turned around and discussed the details with the people from the city bureau.With emotions on his face, Lao Pan walked out of the meeting room alone to smoke.He was very resistant to the director, so he came out to smoke.After taking two puffs of cigarettes, he saw a scout in the team coming out of the latrine on the opposite side. He suddenly turned his mind and called to stop the scout.

"Xiao Wang, come here." Xiao Wang came, and Lao Pan said, "Go to the team office and ask An Xin to come to the interrogation room and bring me the interrogation transcripts. Take as much as you have written down." Xiao Wang said: " I'll get it." "You tell An Xin to get it, she knows what to get." Captain Pan ordered the scout to tell An Xin to go to the interrogation room, and he watched An Xin come out of the team headquarters and go to the interrogation room.Several people in the interrogation room were interrogating Mao Jie suddenly, once An Xin entered, one could imagine what would happen, that is, Mao Jie saw An Xin.He was dumbfounded when he saw An Xin suddenly appear in this room, muttering to his interrogator, and then they sorted out the order of the pages of the previous interrogation transcript, typed it on the table and handed it to her, and she took it just went out.He stared blankly at her coming in, and then staring blankly at her going out. Then, the policemen continued to interrogate him, and he couldn't hear anything they asked him again.

Captain Pan's goal was achieved. He pinched the cigarette, threw it on the ground, stepped on it and rubbed it to wipe out any sparks that might still be there, and then returned to the conference room.In the conference room, the director and several people from the city bureau were discussing enthusiastically, and the plan became more and more detailed and gradually took shape.Seeing Captain Pan coming in, the people from the City Bureau told him the plan they discussed just now - how to pretend to take An Xin and Mao Jie to the detention center, how to create an accident on the way to let them escape... Wait, it sounds perfect.And from the tone of the people in the city bureau, it could be heard that they still wanted to win Lao Pan to change his attitude.Although Lao Pan has the lowest position in this room, he is senior and experienced in operations, and it is up to his team to execute this plan.Therefore, they all hope that he can communicate in thought, and that the following actions will go smoothly if everyone agrees.

Captain Pan listened, without saying a word of objection, and nodded silently, expressing his obedience.So the people from the Municipal Bureau decided to do this. They immediately asked Lao Qian to terminate the interrogation, and then called several leaders of the team into the conference room to assign tasks.Everyone came, listened to the introduction of the plan by the people from the Municipal Bureau, and issued orders.Unexpectedly, as soon as the people from the Municipal Bureau said a few words, Lao Qian, the deputy captain who had been in charge of the sudden interrogation of Mao Jie just now, interrupted him: "No, An Xin and this guy have met before, and he knows what An Xin is. Identity!" The face of the director in the province immediately changed, and he shouted impatiently: "Didn't he not know, how did he know?" "Just now An Xin went to the interrogation room to get the interrogation transcript, did that kid see it. ""What kind of records are you taking, who told her to go!" "We didn't know you wanted to arrange for her to enter, so can you do it with peace of mind?" "Why not, don't underestimate the courage and wisdom of lesbians , Isn’t it the first time she participated in your sting operation today, she did a good job!” “Oh, this mission is different from that one, this one requires her to go deep in alone, does she have the quality to fight alone?  … ..." There was a lot of arguing, complaining and blaming each other, but it was too late to make any sense.The director of the scene, Captain Pan, just smoked on the sidelines and didn't say anything.At first, the director gave Lao Pan a suspicious look, but Lao Pan also pretended not to see it.

Next, they called An Xin to the meeting room.The director, people from the Municipal Bureau, Captain Pan and Deputy Captain Qian asked her again - how did she meet Mao Jie, how long had she been with him, what did she know about him... and so on.In fact, An Xin thinks about it carefully, she doesn't know anything about Mao Jie, except for his fierce personality, he claims to help the family with some business, and there is not much else.She knew that he had a father, a mother, and an elder brother in his family, but An Xin had never met these people.It's not that Mao Jie deliberately concealed something, but that she didn't have a deep understanding of Mao Jie's needs later on.She and him were just a short episode. She had a premonition that if this episode didn't end early, it would eventually bring her troubles, but she didn't expect the troubles to be so big in the end!

In the situation provided by An Xin, the only thing of real value was Mao Jie's home address.Lao Pan suggested that we must act immediately to search Mao Jie's home.Mao Jie has been arrested for three hours. If he has accomplices, his delay in receiving the goods will definitely arouse the vigilance of his accomplices. Maybe they are already destroying and transferring criminal evidence.

The director of the province immediately agreed with Lao Pan's opinion.So people and horses were dispatched, led by An Xin, divided into three cars, more than a dozen people, took advantage of the night, and came straight to Mao Jie's house like lightning.

An Xin only went to Mao Jie's house once, that was the first time they met, and that time was also at night, and she could still find some impressions of that time in the night.She took those cars, and the heavily armed policemen stuffed in them, through the streets and alleys, with bright headlights on, and drove past those old ones with some warm impressions.

She had the impression that Mao Jie's home was near the Labor Theater, and their car drove around in the streets, and finally, she found that place.That's right, she remembered that it was a quite big courtyard, there were several towering trees in front of the gate, and in the dark night, she only remembered that the canopy of the trees was dense and dense, sheltering the small courtyard with three layers inside and outside, which felt very secret.She remembered that the main entrance of Mao's house was quite large, and there were dogs in the yard.An Xin and Mao Jie came here that day because they didn't want the dog to bark in the middle of the night, so they entered the house through the back door.

She took them to the back door, and it was very quiet.The officers turned off their lights and got out of the car.Captain Pan directed some people to go to the front door, while others went to guard the walls on the east and west sides. Captain Pan himself led people to knock on the back door of Mao's house.

As soon as the back door was knocked, the dog in the front yard barked wildly, and the anti-drug team who barked the door had to increase their strength and knock on the door louder.After a few knocks, a gunshot rang out from the front yard: "Crack! Crack! Crack!" The gunfire was irregular and hasty, and even Captain Pan seemed a little surprised.He immediately shouted at the team members around him: "Break it!" Several team members went up together and slammed the door hard with their shoulders.But the back door, like the front door, is an iron door, hitting iron with flesh like an egg hitting a rock, and the door didn't move at all.

The gunshots in front were so dense that even An Xin could tell that it was already a scuffle.Captain Pan could even tell which guns were our Type [-] and Type [-] pistols, and which ones were not.He could judge from the sound of the gunfire that our people had the upper hand.At this time, someone suggested that the front door be reinforced, but Lao Pan ignored it, but he only left two people to continue to bluff the door, and the rest went to strengthen the encirclement of the four courtyard walls.He told An Xin to go back to the car immediately, and the back door was also very unsafe, so he ordered her to leave immediately, while he rushed to the front door.

An Xin didn't expect, she didn't expect a fight at all.She heard the intense gunshots that were close at hand, and she seemed to realize that all of this was not a dream, a misunderstanding, or a false alarm, and everything was real.This sudden outbreak of battle without any warning made it difficult for her to connect with the trendy, energetic, cool, straightforward, enthusiastic, and chasing boy Mao Jie, but everything happened so quickly , let her happen before her eyes without thinking.She didn't know whether she should go back to the car and hide, she walked a few steps towards the hidden place of the car and then stopped suddenly.She realizes that she is not a witness who needs to be protected in this case, but a soldier of the anti-narcotics brigade, and she should not hide in a safe place during the battle.But what else could she be doing without getting back in the car?She didn't even bring a gun, and she rushed in to no avail, and it added chaos and had to be protected by someone.She didn't know how to advance or retreat for a while, she turned around subconsciously and walked along the courtyard wall towards the main entrance, not knowing what she was going to do at the main entrance.It was very dark, and she could hardly see whether this section of the courtyard wall was guarded or not. At this moment, the gunshots stopped suddenly, as if very neatly.

The gunfire stopped, and there was a strange silence in the entire courtyard wall, which seemed to indicate that the battle was over.According to later comrades in the team, the entire battle lasted only a little more than a minute from the time the criminal fired the first shot, but in terms of peace of mind, it seemed to last half a night.

There were actually only two criminals who confronted the police with force, one was Mao Jie's father and the other was Mao Jie's mother.Mao Jie's father heard someone knocking on the back door and opened the front door to go out. He happened to collide with the anti-narcotics team at the front door and opened fire immediately. A minute later, he was shot dead in his bedroom.And Mao Jie's mother was wounded in the leg, and then captured.When she was carried into the car, she was hoarse and yelled, and An Xin didn't understand a word of what she was shouting.

I was outnumbered in this battle, and it wasn't a difficult battle, but it was fought quite suddenly. One of the anti-drug team members also died. A bullet wiped a bloody groove at the base of his thigh. Although it was a minor injury, it was relatively dangerous.That team member just got married not long ago, and this bullet almost killed his queen.

The injured team members were sent to the hospital together with Mao Jie's mother.One trouser leg of Mao Jie's mother was covered in blood, but it was only when she arrived at the hospital that she realized that it was just a pain in the flesh, not a muscle or bone.The wounded were sent away, and the police immediately searched the entire courtyard.Some young and bold people in the surrounding neighbors came out to watch the excitement one after another after the gunfire stopped for half an hour, but the scene of the battle had been sealed off by the police, and the crowd watching the excitement could only squeeze into the isolation line unsatisfactorily. Look out to the yard from afar.

The search went relatively smoothly. In the storage room, kitchen and a cellar of Mao Jie's house, hidden drugs were found. The amount was not large, including heroin and opium cream. Of course, the amount added up was enough for the death penalty .

It was dawn when they handed over the yard to the local police station for protection and then evacuated.After returning to the team headquarters, we had dinner first. After dinner, most of the people found a place to take a nap. Captain Pan and Captain Qian continued to interrogate Mao Jie.This time when Mao Jie came up, he told him that his house had been ransacked last night. Do you know what was found?It's better if you confess as soon as possible. If you confess, it's your own confession. If you confess, you will be lenient. If you admit it after we tell you, it won't count.But Mao Jie still didn't say anything. He asked the policeman with a straight face: Are my parents at home?What did you copy?

His father died, his mother was injured, and his brother was away, and he was not told of these for the time being.

Captain Pan and Captain Qian took turns to interrogate him, and alternately came out and took a nap on the desk.At noon, everyone was exhausted, and Mao Jie suddenly said: You ask An Xin to come, and I will tell her when she comes.

Captain Qian came out to call An Xin, and An Xin entered the interrogation room.As soon as she entered the room, Mao Jie stared at her. He kept staring at her and sat down behind the table opposite him.

Captain Qian said: "She's here, you can tell." Mao Jie said: "You all go out, I'll tell her alone." Captain Qian thought for a while, and even shook his head at the other people in the room to signal them go out.Then, he handcuffed Mao Jie behind his back to the chair with a handcuff.Then, he also went out.

Then, An Xin met Mao Jie's eyes.There were only the two of them in the room, and they had been lovers.Now, one is the high-ranking interrogator, and the other is the prisoner who is handcuffed and interrogated.

An Xin spoke first, and she tried her best to sound as strict as an interrogator: "Speak up," she looked at Mao Jie with a stern face, "Didn't you ask me to come to speak?" Mao Jie also looked at it. Looking at her for a long time, a trace of pain appeared on his face: "I just understand now," he said, "You have been lying to me, you have never been in love with me from the beginning! You used your face to seduce me , Let me fall into your trap! So you are a fucking dog of the police, a bitch in heat!" An Xin's eyes were red, but she knew that she must never cry in front of him, what a shame it would be.She suppressed her emotions and said tremblingly: "It doesn't matter what I am, what matters is why you do this! I also understand now that your beautiful clothes, the car you drive, and your money all depend on They came from drug dealers!" Mao Jie suddenly choked up, he suddenly burst into tears, his hands were handcuffed to the chair behind him, and the tears on his face could not be wiped off, he lowered his head and sobbed: "Damn, I What a fucking idiot, I love you like crazy!...I thought...I thought I would do anything for you, I would do anything...everything! But you're actually doing it Me! Okay, you have completed the task, you can shoot me now, if you have the ability, shoot me now! Do you hear me, I will ask you to settle the bill after I die! I will not let you live happily after I die... An Xin couldn't help but shed tears, she didn't sympathize with Mao Jie, not at all, she didn't love him, but she couldn't explain why her nose was so sore.Her tears couldn't stop falling, was it because of the short-lived love they once had?Is it because of the warmth he gave her before?Was it touched by his crying now?An Xin couldn't tell.Maybe she shed tears just because she was too fragile by nature.She quickly wiped away her tears, stood up, opened the door and went out.

Captain Qian and two other comrades were standing in the corridor by the door, smoking.Seeing her coming out, she threw away the cigarette butt and asked, "How is it? What did you say?" An Xin shook her head, then turned her face to look into the distance, she said, "I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything." Captain Qian cursed , and then waved to the two comrades to go in, saying: "Aren't you kidding me! Come on, it's time to tell him about his father and mother. What's the use of being stubborn like his father!" They again went in.An Xin stood in the corridor without moving, as if she wanted to calm down her mood.There was no one in the courtyard of the entire team headquarters.The sun was so bright that it made the dry land pale and blindingly white, which made the corridor very dark.This sharp contrast between light and dark made it difficult for An Xin to calm down. She wanted to cry but there were no tears. At the same time, her heart was full of fear and anxiety.She didn't know if this matter would reach Tie Jun's ears one day!

In the interrogation room, Mao Jie's cry sounded, the cry was quite miserable, like a child, at least he could hear his pain with peace of mind.She knew that they had told him about his parents, and they would tell him sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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