Jade Guanyin

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Zhang Tiejun went to South Germany.

In less than a month, Zhang Tiejun will be 28 years old. The 28-year-old Zhang Tiejun has always been smooth sailing.

This is first of all because he has such a good family.Although the parents are not important figures in the military and the country, the Zhang family can be considered a famous family in Guangping.Zhang Tiejun was well-fed and well-fed since he was a child, and he received all positive education. He was always surrounded by countless praises and praises... This is a bit like me, the son of a factory director of a state-owned enterprise. People like us have a sense of justice and superiority. born with.

What's more, no matter how bad we learn later, how we follow the trend, how we follow the trend, how cynical we are, our hearts are always pure, sometimes so pure that it is almost fragile and pedantic.

Therefore, if some scandal occurs in our immediate neighbourhood, and among our loved ones, our astonishment will be more sudden and painful, and our sense of shame will be more intense and unbearable.Because it can really sting and even destroy the deep-rooted pretentious temperament that is hidden in our subconscious mind and hidden in our thinking habits.So people like us often end up being the most pathetic characters.

In this regard, Zhang Tiejun seems to be more serious than me.Maybe it's because he's a lot more upright than I am, maybe we're facing different levels of embarrassment and blows.I can accept An Xin's intimacy with Zhang Tiejun and Mao Jie in the past, because no matter how close they are, they are in the past, and love rivals who are not in the same time and space are often not jealous.However, I don't know if I find out that An Xin and I are having an affair with someone else and brings someone else's child to my home after we get married, will I be able to accept it calmly and treat An Xin and that other person's child with peace of mind? child.

Zhang Tiejun couldn't.

Zhang Tiejun rushed out of the house with the child in his arms. He could not let the child stay in his home for one more minute.He carried him straight to the train station, and when the child was carried out of the cradle, he woke up and cried loudly, but he did not comfort him.After crying, the child lost his strength and cried hoarsely until he reached the train station and fell asleep again. He fell asleep in Tie Jun's arms and boarded the train from Guangping to South Germany.

The fire in Tie Jun's heart burned his temples red, and this fire killed every channel in his mind.All he could think about was that the first thing he did when he saw An Xin was to slap her hard!He and An Xin, all the love and all the relationship between them will be broken today!From now on, everyone will go their own way, and no one will care about who lives or dies.

This train was a bit crowded, Tie Jun bought a platform ticket for the train, and only after the train passed Chu Hong did he make up for the ticket and grab a seat.The child was already unbearably heavy in his hands.After sitting down, Tie Jun took a closer look at the child's face, except for the word "chubby", the eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose, he looked nothing like himself.He also felt sick to the saliva that flowed out after the child fell asleep, so he didn't wipe it off.He didn't bring any towels and handkerchiefs when he came out.The whole thing made him sick.He thought that maybe he was the only one who was kept in the dark about this matter, including his mother of course.And the people around, especially the police officers of the anti-narcotics brigade, might have known about adultery long ago!
The child woke up near Nande. When he woke up, he found that he was in a different place, surrounded by noise and hungry. He was startled for a moment, and then cried again.Tie Jun checked the child's diaper and found that his butt was soaked, so he took it off and threw it in the trash can, but there was nothing to change. Fortunately, Nande was far away.

The baby was still crying, crying endlessly, Tie Jun knew it was time to nurse, but he didn't bring anything.Because the child was ignored, he cried loudly, and his hoarse voice soon became harsh and unpleasant.Seeing Tie Jun's sullen face, watching the child cry without taking any measures, the passengers around couldn't help but looked sideways, and then looked at each other suspiciously.The child's unrestrained crying intensified Tie Jun's disgust and irritability towards him. He patted the child with his palm and shouted: "Don't cry!" Those palms made all the passengers around look surprised.At this moment, Tie Jun noticed that his legs were hot and damp, and he was taken aback for a moment before he realized that the child had urinated again.The bubble of hot urine soaked his pants completely, and after the brief heat passed, the cool piss wetly stuck to his legs.

After the child urinated, the crying stopped suddenly, and he blinked at him with a pair of round black eyes as if deliberately provocative.Angrily, Tie Jun slapped the child hard on the buttocks, shouting, "Where are you peeing!" The child's body was shaken by the blow, and he burst into tears again.At this time, some brave people stepped forward.A couple with an eight or nine-year-old girl stood up and criticized him: "Hey, comrade, you can't do this to the child. Such a small child will be broken if you beat it like this." After the man finished speaking, the woman said again : "You should coax him. Is he going to be fed? Have you brought milk? I can warm it up for you. If you make him cry like this, he will cry out." Tie Jun was like a fool, blankly Looking at the couple who were examining him, and their eight or nine-year-old girl, the girl stared at him blankly with a pair of big eyes.

And the passengers around him, they were all looking at him, there was some concern in their eyes, but more questions and condemnations.Seeing that he was speechless, the husband suddenly asked this question.

"Hey, is this child yours? Who are you?" He opened his mouth for a long time, not knowing what to answer.

The wife asked again: "Are you his father?" Zhang Tiejun blurted out: "I'm not!"Not only is this child not his son, but now, in his eyes, he almost represents his enemy!
However, this sentence: "I'm not!" was even more troublesome, and almost everyone around stood up.then who are you?What is the relationship between this child and you?what is your job?Where do you come from and where are you going?Tie Jun couldn't resist so many chattering questions, he felt that he had no obligation to answer these questions, he picked up the child who was still crying silently, got up and left, he couldn't hide from me if he couldn't provoke me!But he forgot that the people from Yunnan are just as brave and nosy as the people from Tianjin in the north, so someone stopped him immediately: "Hey, don't go, tell me what's going on with this kid!" Tie Jun suddenly turned around and glared. , shouted: "You go away!" No one went away, but everyone got tighter and tighter.At this time, the policeman in the car came, with a burly figure and a solemn face, with a pistol in his waist and an electric baton pinned to it.He was called by a passenger running to him.After coming here, he first looked Zhang Tiejun up and down, and then asked loudly with a straight face: "Is this child yours?" Tie Jun looked around, swallowed, and said in a muffled voice: "Yes." The surrounding people immediately exposed: "No Well, you just said it wasn’t yours, why is it now?” The marshal waved his hand to make everyone stop talking, and then asked, “Do you have an ID card?” Tie Jun freed up a hand to feel around his body for a long time Then he said in embarrassment: "...I have it, but I forgot to bring it." The marshal half-smiled and said, "Let me see this kid, it's very good-looking, come on, don't cry..." When Tiejun was at a loss, he He took the child casually, handed it over to a woman beside him, and said solemnly to Tie Jun, "Follow me!" Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tie Jun followed the police and left.Only then did the passengers return to their seats one after another, commenting that this person is too outrageous, there are everyone in this world... The police took Tie Jun to the dining car, and the woman also hugged the child and followed him. Go to the dining car, find milk in the dining car, coax the child to eat, and the child will stop crying.The marshals here began to interrogate Tie Jun, where did he come from, what did he do, where was his household registration, what was his relationship with the child, and what was the child's name?etc.Only then did Tie Jun understand that they regarded him as a child trafficker.He just explained it.First of all, he had to admit awkwardly that the child was named Zhang Jizhi, and he was his son. He said that he took the child to Nande to find his mother.But the police kept a straight face, and claimed to him that he was the father of the child, that he was a cadre of the Propaganda Department of the Guangping Municipal Party Committee, that the child's mother was also a police officer, and you were all comrades in the trenches, etc. I don't believe it at all.Hearing that Zhang Tiejun had run out of words, the policeman said indifferently: "Well, didn't you say that your wife works in the Nande City Public Security Bureau? If you hand it over to the Nande City Public Security Bureau, won't you be able to see your lover?" Tie Jun blinked for a long time without saying a word.He originally thought that Nan De would throw the child into An Xin's hand, then give An Xin a slap in the face, and he would turn his head and leave.Now, those people in the Nande Public Security Bureau must all know that he is back. Maybe Captain Pan will come to pick him up and invite him to have dinner with An Xin.Is he going to eat this meal or not?

The police did not let him go back to the original car, and he was not allowed to touch the child again.He was ordered to sit in a corner of the dining car and watched the police talking and laughing with several female stewardesses in the dining car.After being fed, the child was in a better mood, and was held and played by several female flight attendants in turn, making them giggle with her small grinning mouth and dimples.Tie Jun just watched, across several tables, watching them tease the children, watching them whispering about him.He was a little confused about his mood at the moment, whether he hated the child or loved the child.At a certain moment, he suddenly felt that it was his son, his obedient son who had been hugging, teasing and kissing him every day since he was born.He looked at the child's cute and loving smile, no one was more familiar with that playful expression than he, and he couldn't believe that it wasn't his son.

Nande has finally arrived.

It was already dark when the car arrived in South Germany.Zhang Tiejun was taken off the train, and the policemen and the police from the Nande Public Security Bureau Station Police Station made a brief handover on the platform.The marshals and the police station had obviously talked on the phone. The two policemen from the station police station, a man and a woman, looked him up and down with cold and disgusted eyes.The woman picked up the child from the flight attendant and left first.The man took out a handcuff from his waist, and he couldn't help saying that he was going to handcuff Tie Jun.Tie Jun protested loudly: "Why are you handcuffing me? What crime did I commit? What right do you have to handcuff me! Ask him if I committed a crime!" He wanted the policeman in the car to prove himself, but the policeman handed him over to the police station The person then turned and left, at this time stepping on the train.The train rattled, started moving, and continued on its way.From an unknown location and purpose on the platform, a long electric bell rang.

The policeman at the police station didn't bother him too much, and swiftly made a cruel move, twisting his hand behind his back, and handcuffed him when he was so painful that he couldn't struggle.Then he pushed him: "Let's go!" Almost pushed him a big somersault, and staggered for several steps before he stood still.Tie Jun was full of anger and threatened the police viciously: "I'll sue you! I'll see your siren! I must sue you." The police pushed him again as if he didn't care, and turned around to greet a staff member at the station, saying For other things, it seems to be about going somewhere together on Sunday.While making an appointment, he pushed Tie Jun away.The policewoman didn't know where she went with the child.

The police took Tie Jun to the police station, locked him in a small dark room and ignored him. It took more than half an hour before someone came in and took him to a room with a bed that looked like a single dormitory. : Which unit did you say your lover belongs to?public security bureau?There are more police units.Narcotics brigade?Do you have her phone number, what is her name?He said An Xin's phone number and name coldly, and the policeman locked the door and went out. He probably made a phone call. Believe it or not, he took off the handcuffs before he left.He stayed in this room with a bed and a writing desk for another hour or so. Suddenly, several people's voices sounded outside the door that had been quiet all along. The voices approached from far away, and he quickly unlocked the door and entered the room.Before entering the house, he had already heard that it was An Xin.

An Xin came in with several policemen from the police station.She also wore a police uniform today.She already had her son in her arms.The son was so obedient in her arms, he was only a few months old and already acted like a little bird.When An Xin saw Tie Jun, she couldn't tell whether she was surprised, happy or complaining. She said, "Tie Jun, why are you here? Did you call me this afternoon? Why did you hang up when I picked you up? What did you do?" Did someone get them here?" Seeing that it was true, the policemen at the police station were a little embarrassed, and apologized to Tie Jun, while trying to smooth things over for themselves: "I called him every three or five times and said he had arrested a police officer. Let us review those who kidnapped and trafficked children. I didn’t expect it to be your lover. It’s really flooding the Dragon King Temple. My family doesn’t recognize my family anymore. I’m sorry. You haven’t eaten yet, have you? Just eat here, eat here, we I haven't eaten yet!" Tie Jun stood up and left, of course he wouldn't eat here!Although he didn't eat at noon and was already hungry, how could he eat here!How can I sit and eat with An Xin, and this group of policemen who were so vicious just now!

An Xin saw that he walked out in a rage, which was quite embarrassing to others, and quickly apologized to the police at the police station, thanked him, and hurriedly chased him out with the child in his arms.After chasing Tie Jun on the street, she said, "What are you doing here? I'm going back in two days. Why are you running?" Tie Jun didn't speak, but just walked forward.An Xin chased after another two steps, and asked with a smile: "Do you miss me, or are you afraid that I miss the child? You are too. Hey, did you call me this afternoon?" Tie Jun suddenly stopped, he stared at Concerned about An Xin, he sneered viciously, and said, "You are here, how many men are always calling you, huh?" An Xin thought he was being narrow-minded again, Tie Jun has always had this problem.In the past, even Captain Pan would be sour towards An Xinhao, saying that Lao Pan cares so much about you so he is not afraid of others talking about him.An Xin almost quarreled with him over this matter.

So An Xin blamed him and said: "Whoever calls me here, I don't know anyone. Even this afternoon, our colleague said that a man was looking for me. As soon as I answered the phone, he hung up. I thought it was What about you. Do you have something? How can you say it? When did you feed the child?" Tie Jun didn't want to look at An Xin anymore, he just looked at An Xin and the child and he wanted to cry!He turned his face away, panted heavily, and said, "Find a place, I'll tell you, let's talk it over!" An Xin also stood down, looking at Tie Jun's face, she couldn't see clearly when it was dark.Up to now, she still thinks that Tie Jun is still angry with those policemen.It was wrong for the police station to handcuff him with restraints, but she and they are both in a big unit, so what can she say?Can only calm down.

She said: "Are you still angry at the police station? It can't be completely blamed..." She didn't know that Tie Jun didn't think about the police and the police station. He interrupted An Xin with a particularly cold face: "Do you have a place? There is no place to go to your dormitory!" After he finished speaking, he strode forward, An Xin followed behind him and asked, "Have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat something on the street first?" He didn't answer.An Xin thought he was really angry, anyone would be angry if the police handcuffed him for so long for no reason.So An Xin didn't say a word anymore, and walked obediently towards her dormitory with the child in her arms behind Tie Jun.They also took a few bus stops among them.Tie Jun didn't talk to An Xin when waiting for the bus or when riding the bus, and An Xin hugged the child all the time, and he didn't help either.An Xin only knew that he was still angry and didn't care about it. She was already very happy to see Tie Jun and the child.On the bus, she kept teasing the child. She asked the child: Who am I?The child makes a simple sound: Mum, Mum.Just smile with peace of mind: Yes, I am mother!Ask again: Who is he?She pointed to Tie Jun standing aside.The child is still: mother mother.An Xin smiled again: No, he is the father.Dad, do you know?She didn't even turn her head when she saw Tie Jun, and she turned a deaf ear.She asked her son again: Then who are you?The child grinned, laughing very playfully, and smiling so reassuringly and lovingly.She said: You are Jizhi, Zhang Jizhi, it is you, remember?At this time, Tie Jun next to him turned his head and looked at their mother and son with disgust.An Xin also took a look at him, thinking that she would coax him slowly when she got home.

Anxin's dormitory is not far from the train station, and it takes about ten minutes by car to reach the river.They walked into the stilted building. Tiejun hadn't been here for a long time, the floor was still creaking, and the door was also creaking.As soon as you enter the house, you can hear the gentle sound of the Nanmeng River running under the opposite window, and smell the faint smell of the kerosene stove in the house.The familiar voice and the familiar smell made Tie Jun have mixed feelings. After all, there is a warm and joyful feeling here.

There is no major change in the room, it seems that there is an extra [-]-inch TV.Enter the house with peace of mind and put the child who has just fallen asleep on the bed and cover it.Then turn on the TV and turn the volume down.She explained that this TV used to belong to Captain Pan's house, and Lao Pan recently bought a big one, so he gave her the small one, and she can still watch it.She said to Tie Jun, "Let me make you something to eat." Tie Jun said, "Don't do it, I don't want to eat it." An Xin put the small kerosene stove back on, put a pot on it, and said, "Go Order the noodles, it will be ready soon. Here are some eggs.” A science program was playing on the TV, and the middle-aged hostess of the program was interviewing an elderly man who looked like a scholar.Tie Jun didn't watch TV, he didn't even sit down.Although, exhausted physically and mentally after hours of unbearable travel, he did not sit down.He glanced at An Xin, who was busy setting up a pot to boil water, and at the child sleeping soundly on the bed. These were all the same as before, outlining the happiness and warmth of a well-to-do family, without any difference.This scene made his eyes moist, made him nostalgic, made him reluctant to part, made him almost forget that this was a huge scam.The cruelty of this deception is precisely because it is so beautiful and touching, so when awakening, there is a pain like a heart-piercing dissection.He wanted to speak, wanted to speak out immediately about his decision to break off the marriage.He thought about it all the way, thinking about how he could speak more harshly, so hard that An Xin was in as much pain as he was.He wanted to turn off the TV, the nagging of a man and a woman on the TV made him nervous.He's about to announce to An Xin: Their love, family, happiness, everything, it's all over, it's over!He hoped that the surroundings would be completely silent at this time.He went to turn off the distracting TV.

At this time, he suddenly heard a familiar word, which was a word that popped out of the mouth of the hostess on TV. The word pierced his tired nerves like a needle: "gene"!He was startled, and his hand to turn off the TV stopped on the way.He made himself quiet, and then he heard that the man and woman on the TV were talking about "genes".They were discussing the creation of a human gene pool.At the end of the century, everyone is talking about genes, it seems fashionable.Tie Jun is in charge of the news. He knows that this is a very hot topic. Some people even regard the genetic issue as the most concerned technological revolution in the 21st century.But at this moment, at the moment when he was about to break up with An Xin, the TV program he accidentally saw was talking about genes!It anyway gave him a sense of doomed tragedy.He thought, this is not a coincidence, this is fate!Fate has arranged all the details, and it can no longer allow him to choose to try to fight. Fate is all chained and slow.

On the TV screen, the man who looked like a scholar was talking freely.He was talking about the United States, saying that the U.S. government is planning to set up a gene bank to store the genetic data of citizens to facilitate medical treatment, arrest criminals and other social management, but this has been opposed by many social groups on the grounds that the gene bank violates privacy of individual citizens.The hostess made a simulation of the debate, pretending to be on the side of the US government, and listed how accurate and convenient medical diagnosis is after the establishment of the gene bank, how accurate and fast criminals can be caught, and other benefits; Scholars imitate the opposition's point of view-no benefit can be at the expense of the privacy of the individual citizen. A citizen must have a sense of security in this society. His physical condition, disease, personal hobbies, sexual orientation, family background, etc. and hereditary status are his personal secrets and should not be fully grasped by the state or a certain organization.Tie Jun listened blankly, looking at his appearance with peace of mind, while beating eggs in a bowl, he came over curiously to hear what was said on TV.She walked into the TV, and found that Tie Jun's face was still gloomy and cold through the fluorescent light from the TV, so she wanted to find a topic to adjust the atmosphere.So she opened her mouth to express her agreement with the scholar's point of view: If I want to say yes, the right to privacy is actually a product of social progress and a basic human right.Especially in China, demanding respect for personal privacy marks the awakening of civil rights.We Chinese like to inquire about other people’s private affairs. If someone has some scandal, it will be spread quickly, and it will be made public to you immediately.Tell me how uncomfortable it is to live in such an environment.

At this moment, Tie Jun tilted his head to look at her, he seemed to have phlegm in his throat, making a buzzing sound.An Xin had never heard this kind of voice before, and it made her feel strange and frightened.

"Do you have any scandals? Why are you so afraid that others will know your privacy? Do you have any privacy from me?" An Xin was stunned, and her hand stirring the eggs stopped unconsciously.She looked at Tie Jun suspiciously. Tie Jun's eyes were red, staring straight at her, which was a look she had never seen before.She asked: "Tie Jun, what's the matter with you today? How did I provoke you?" Tie Jun's face began to tremble, and his voice also began to tremble, shaking a little as if he was about to cry: "I'll just ask you, what have you done?" Did you keep any scandals from me, did you keep any privacy from me?" Tie Jun's words, this expression, An Xin understood a little bit, she had a vague premonition that it was her relationship with Mao Jie, and finally something happened.But still with a little luck, she forced herself to be calm and angry, and asked: "Tie Jun, what's the matter with you? Just say what you want to say." Tie Jun's tears flowed down, and he didn't want to. Yes, but as soon as he saw An Xin, as soon as he walked into this stilted building that was once full of laughter and warmth, his heart broke.He knew that the best things in his life were irreparably broken, never to be healed again!He couldn't imagine how to live without children without An Xin, and he couldn't imagine whether he could get out of this pain.

He cried and said, "Anxin, you think I'm defrauding you, huh? You think what you do is perfect and no one will know, huh? Don't you think about it, I came here from Guangping so far, could it be To defraud you? I came here by train at such a late hour, and you gang of policemen handcuffed you for an hour, just to defraud you? Ah!" An Xin knew that the situation was over, and her whole body was plunged into indescribable fear.She also cried: "Tie Jun, I love you, do you think I don't love you, do you think I betrayed you..." Tie Jun gritted his teeth: "Yes, you are right, you betrayed me!" An Xin Tears fell down one after another, "...well, that's all happened in the past, I'm sorry for you, Tiejun, you, can you listen to my explanation, can you give me a chance Tie Jun waved his hand, very definitely, "I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear your stinky stuff, I don't want to hear it! I don't want to dirty my ears! The two of us, starting today , it has nothing to do with it! I am no longer your husband, I am no longer the father of this child, and I have nothing to do with you from today on!" An Xin threw the bowl in her hand, and the bowl was already well mixed The eggs shattered on the ground with a bang!She came over to hug Tie Jun, but Tie Jun said get off, and shook her away forcefully, causing her to sit on the ground.She got up, knelt down and grabbed Tie Jun.

"Tie Jun, you don't want me. Why don't you even want the child? I don't own the child alone. For the sake of the child, please forgive me. A child cannot live without a father!" Tie Jun threw An Xin away again, The word father stung him!He squeezed out all his resentment, uselessness, and grievances from between his teeth, word by word: "You, you take him, do you hear me, you take this child, go find his own father, Do you know where his father is? Do you know! You don’t know? Well, let me tell you, the court has found him not guilty, and the Public Security Bureau has released him. I think you and him should have met What? You said you don’t know? You don’t know? You still pretend to be like me!” An Xin knelt on the ground and looked at Tie Jun through her tearful eyes: “Are you crazy Tie Jun, the child belongs to you, it’s you Yes! Don’t listen to other people’s gossip, of course the child is yours! Look, he looks exactly like you..." Tie Jun raised his trembling hand, pointed at the small [-]-inch TV, pointed at A man and a woman who were still arguing endlessly said viciously: "Do you know what a gene is, huh? Gene! I have the certificate of this child's genetic test! Didn't you hear what they said just now, gene You can reveal all the privacy and scandals of people like you, didn't you hear it just now!" An Xin stared with a pair of eyes in panic, she understood what he said, and she felt that she was going crazy.With tears in her eyes, she looked at Tie Jun and at the sleeping child.The children were tired from crying on the road, but they were not woken up by being so noisy.At this moment, An Xin felt like she was out of her mind, she opened her mouth and couldn't speak, and she couldn't cry.She knew what was going on, and she understood that in her life, the most terrible thing that shouldn't have happened had finally happened.She and Mao Jie had done it three times, except for the first time, the other two had contraceptive measures.This is what An Xin said to me more than once later, a woman, don't make a single mistake, it can ruin your life!An Xin didn't have time to realize at that time that her life, career, family, and everything in the future will start from this moment, fundamentally, directionally, change the trajectory, and stumble away towards a completely unknown dangerous path!Before she could make such a cruel prediction, she had already collapsed.She was paralyzed on the ground, with no strength in her body. She saw Tie Jun's feet move, walked to the edge of the bed, and stopped there for a moment. She knew that he was looking at the sleeping child for the last time.She heard him say with difficulty in a crying voice: "This is your child, I will give it back to you!" An Xin finally got up, picked up the child from the bed, opened the door and ran out .The moment she picked up the child, she burst into tears.It was the child who made her weep.In her chaotic consciousness, the only living thing she could hold on to was this child!

She ran out the door, and she didn't even know why she was running out, or where she was going.She burst into tears when she stepped over the threshold, and she knew she was homeless!She also knew that she couldn't even go back to Qingmian's hometown, how could she have the face to meet her parents, how could she have the face to go back to the team to meet the leaders and colleagues!How can I have the face to meet my former classmates, teachers, coaches and friends!The only thing she has the face to face is this completely ignorant child who belongs only to her!

(End of this chapter)

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