Jade Guanyin

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

When the morning sun has not yet appeared on the ground, but the ground has already felt its ray of light, I finally ended this long trek that started in the western United States and reached the end of the whole journey-Qingmian.

The platform of Qingmian Railway Station was empty, and I was the only one who got off the train here.An old man in a faded railroad uniform waved a flag sleepily, then retreated to the cabin on the platform.Once the vibration of the train going away is gone, there is almost no sound here.

At the exit of the station, there is a small grocery store.It was obviously still early to leave the door for business, but the boss had already stood at the door brushing his teeth and washing his face.I walked by and saw biscuits and drinks on the shelves inside, so I took out my money and went in to buy them.Seeing that there was business so early, the boss showed all kinds of hospitality on his face, and came to support before the toothpaste foam on his mouth could be wiped off.I drank my drink and saw that there were still two copies of local travel guides on the shelf, so I bought one with the money I got back.It's a folding thing, it's old and faded, I don't know if it has been placed here for a few years.

Before sunrise, the sky was still a little dark, but it can be guessed that today is a sunny day.From the moment I set my first foot on the platform of Qingmian Station, my heart beat a little differently, and I could hardly believe that I had really come to the place I had been thinking about day and night.Every brick, every tile, every plant and every tree here, in my eyes, have long been in love with each other, are amiable and approachable, and have a destined connection with me.I even feel like I have been to this place before, and many details give me the surprise of deja vu.

I can't guess whether Zhang Tiejun longed for Qingmian when he was in love with An Xin.This may also be a psychological routine. When you love someone deeply, you will have inexplicable curiosity and concern for everything about her, including her relatives and old friends.To be honest, I often feel kindness and compassion for Zhang Tiejun.

The breakup between Zhang Tiejun and An Xin in that stilted building made people feel tragic, and the ending of that night was even more unexpected.I later asked An Xin where she wanted to go with the child in her arms, and she said she didn't know, she just wanted to leave that small and depressing room and run away with her son, even if she wanted to die.She had no clear idea of ​​where she was going, where she could go.Her spirit has been broken by grief.If it hadn't been for a sudden accident that just happened to happen, this grief might have killed her.

An Xin later told me that she really had thoughts of suicide at that time.Those who seek death are all mentally broken, believe in dying, and take death as a relief. When An Xin was walking this step, she was interrupted by another attack that seemed to come suddenly, but was actually planned for a long time, and changed her direction.The attack inadvertently reactivated her survival instincts.Instinct is a kind of energy outside the spirit, and it is the most primitive reaction of human beings.When you are about to commit suicide, if someone suddenly wants to kill you, will your instinct be to let him kill you, or to resist and survive?

This is a rare situation, a very extreme example, but it happened exactly once in An Xin's experience.At that time, she ran out of her stilted building with the child in her arms. In the later impression, she was suddenly hugged by a person just as she stepped out of the threshold. She instinctively yelled and pressed a sharp Dai waist knife on her throat. .From her body feeling, she knew that the person holding her behind was a tall and thin man, who dragged her and pushed her against her to force her to go forward.Almost at the same time she was hugged, the child in her arms burst into tears, crying earth-shatteringly.Then she saw a car parked in the corner ahead, and she immediately recognized the familiar car!
It's the 2000% new Santana [-]!

The man opened the car door and pushed her into the car. At this time, she saw another person behind her, a slightly short but very stout accomplice.It was so dark that it was impossible to see their faces clearly.She held the child in one arm, and the moment they pushed her into the car and removed the waist knife from her neck, she suddenly exerted force with her free hand and slammed backwards, hitting the back The man's belly.The man didn't expect her to have such a skill, so he was caught off guard, staggered a step and fell to the ground.The short and stout accomplice happened to be in front of An Xin, before he could react, An Xin raised one leg high and slashed downward.She hadn't practiced taekwondo for a long time, but she felt that her crotch was still open. She could clearly see that her feet were already higher than the man's shoulders.Although Taekwondo is not as powerful as kickboxing and Sanda, its speed is unparalleled, especially the speed of the legs. As long as the legs are lifted up, you will never be able to escape.Her leg fell from the other's left shoulder and was splitting on his chest.Although the man is physically strong, it may be because he never expected to be defenseless—how could he have imagined that a woman holding a child in fear could perform the downward chop in Taekwondo so quickly—he It was knocked over all of a sudden.An Xin has practiced taekwondo for so many years, and her legs are always stronger than her fists, so she can't stand the punches.The leg gave her and the baby a chance to live for only a few seconds, and she took advantage of the few seconds they didn't get up, turned and ran to her house, all the while screaming Come out: "Tie Jun——" Tie Jun obviously heard her scream earlier, and then heard the child's sudden cry. Almost at the same time as Anxin shouted the word "Tie Jun", he opened the door and looked out. , coincided with An Xin rushing into the room head-on, Tie Jun didn't see anyone behind her, but subconsciously slammed the door shut.An Xin put the child on the bed, and then pulled the table against the door.Tie Jun realized what happened, but he didn't think it was too serious, he couldn't react yet.He was still stern to An Xin, with one hand still in his trouser pocket, and asked coldly, "What's the matter? What are you going to do?" Before An Xin could answer, the door was slammed open, and a crack opened.It was a wooden door, hit it again, and the door had already been split.It was only then that Tie Jun realized the seriousness of the matter. He was an intellectual and had never seen this formation before, so he panicked all of a sudden.Seeing that An Xin was supporting the table, he hurried over to help her support the table.As soon as he resisted, he heard two gunshots, and then he collapsed to the ground and couldn't get up.The bullet was shot through the half-opened wooden door, the wooden ballast on the wooden door exploded, and the bullet hole was impressive!An Xin quickly squatted down and used the table to cover herself. When she squatted down, she saw Tie Jun lying on his back on the ground, with large bloodstains on his shoulders and chest.An Xin touched his face, his face remained motionless.She called out "Tie Jun!" but there was no answer.The door was slammed again, and a wooden plank fell with a snap, revealing a large crack across the door.An Xin subconsciously gave up holding on, she picked up the child from the bed, still used the downward chopping motion, split the rear window with one foot, and then used both hands and feet to climb over the window somehow.She hugged the child tightly with one hand, and slid down while holding the wooden pillar of the stilted building with the other. The rough wood ballast of the wooden pillar scratched her palm and scratched her clothes. Unable to support the weight of her and the child, the whole person fell from the air and fell into the icy water of the Nanmeng River.For about a few seconds she lost consciousness, she fell into a blindfold, but the baby's crying woke her up again.She found the child still in her arms.She was amazed that she and the child survived the fall from such a high wooden post.She heard the cracking sound of the upstairs door being completely destroyed. She hugged the child and struggled to wade across to the opposite bank of the Nanmeng River.

The middle stream of the river was blocked by night fog, and it was almost impossible to see the scenery on the other side clearly.The heavy fog on the river also covered them, otherwise the murderer could have easily shot their mother and child to death in the river.She hugged the child to her chest and walked forward desperately. She tried her best but couldn't make big strides in the water, not to mention she was panting so hard that she was about to run out of strength.The water slowly flooded to her chest, and she had to lift the child high with trembling arms.The child was still crying, and apart from An Xin's gasping, the child's hoarse cry seemed to be the only sound on the Nanmeng River in the night mist, so it must have spread far, far away.

She couldn't remember how long she had struggled in the icy river, but when the river finally receded from her chest to her waist and abdomen, she saw the opposite bank and the hazy kapok trees on the other bank.She stumbled, and her feet finally touched the gravel on the shore. She could no longer support her body as heavy as a mountain, and she collapsed limply as soon as her knees loosened.She sat paralyzed on the gravel in the water, moaning with dying breath, the child in her arms was already unable to cry.She turned around and looked back, and the stilted building on the opposite side had been covered by night fog in all shapes and sounds.

She opened her mouth, and tears immediately flowed into her mouth.She tried her best to shout to the other side: "Iron Army—" but she seemed unable to hear her own voice.

When she found the police station on the opposite bank, she had almost lost the strength to speak. The police station called a doctor to give her an injection and treat the wound on her hand.At dawn, she and Captain Pan returned to the Diaojiaolou together.The sun has just appeared, and the eastern sun is shining in the eyes. I can see the distant mountains on the other side with peace of mind. The Nanmeng River is as flat as a mirror and as red as blood.The ochre-red soil unique to Yunnan that she stepped on under her feet was also blood-stained under the rising sun.The large and small intersections here have been occupied by police and police cars.Site survey and site investigation are nearing completion, and some police officers have begun to withdraw.The fog on the river spread to the shore early, and all the faces were hazy in the morning fog.All the vistas present a light yellow and old tone, only the flashing red and blue police lights on the police car that has not been evacuated are particularly dazzling.

An Xin did not find Tie Jun.She clearly knew that Tie Jun could not still be here, but when she walked into the dormitory with broken doors and broken windows and did not see Tie Jun, she still felt sore.A policeman in charge of on-site investigation came over to ask her about the situation last night and some details.She didn't know that policeman was from the Criminal Police Brigade. Except for the people from the Anti-drug Brigade, she rarely interacted with people from other units in the bureau.She did not answer the policeman's on-site investigation, but asked in a crying voice: "Where is my lover? Is he seriously injured?" Captain Pan whispered a few words to the criminal policeman, meaning that An Xin would look at it first. People, the investigation will be discussed later.The criminal policeman nodded and said that the person had already been sent to the hospital, and what kind of hospital he was sent to.Lao Pan and An Xin got into the car and rushed to the hospital.In the car, Lao Pan called someone. When they arrived, there were already policemen from the anti-narcotics brigade waiting at the door of the hospital.The police led them all the way in, not to the operating room, not to the ward, but to the morgue.

There are also many people in the open space outside the mortuary door, including the police from the anti-drug brigade and others.An Xin didn't know many people, except for a middle-aged man with a half-familiar face. She vaguely remembered that he was a leader of the Suede Zeitung.She couldn't tell how many arms were supporting her, holding her, letting her in.She saw a cot inside, a very narrow cot with a person covered with a white cloth.When she didn't see anyone, her feet could still move mechanically. When the stretcher came into her sight, it was as if a knife had been inserted into her heart. When it was stirred, her whole body shrank.She just cried a bit, and before she could make a sound, she completely exhausted the last bit of strength left in her body, and then her body sank down. On the countless arms, her consciousness drifted away.

When she regained her senses, she was already lying on a bed surrounded by plenty of sunlight.Lao Pan, and a middle-aged female comrade in the team, saw her wake up and leaned over to look at her, saying: Wake up!She wanted to sit up, but when she moved, she was held down by the lesbian: "Lie down, lie down, you just got an injection and you can't move."

She asked: What is this place?
The lesbian said: This is a hospital, you need to rest well, your body is going to collapse, what should you do with the child, you have to think about the child.

She froze for a while, as if she was trying to remember something, she said: I want a child... An hour later, the child came in my arms, white and fat with a bright face.I don't know who has been taking care of it.He had obviously eaten and slept, and there was still a bit of reluctance on his little face when he just woke up, and he also looked a little terrified.An Xin sat up from the bed to pick up the child. She hugged the child tightly and cried loudly in front of Lao Pan, doctors, nurses, and other comrades in the team!

The female comrades in the team sighed with her, and the eyes of several gay men were also red. Everyone present was moved, but no one persuaded her.Everyone knows at this time, don't persuade.

Tie Jun's mother rushed to South Germany that night, and an office director of the Guangping Women's Federation accompanied her.Those who went to the station to greet him were a deputy secretary-general of the Nande City Government, as well as leaders from the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Nande Daily News.They took her to the hospital in a grand and solemn manner, hugged her, and invited her to the reception room.After she was seated, tea was served in the hospital, and then the deputy secretary-general reported the bad news to her.

Tie Jun's mother didn't know her son was dead when she came.She was about to go to the Municipal People's Congress in the morning to talk to Deputy Director Xing about Tiejun. The criminal who robbed her was injured in the heroic struggle and has been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Please visit her in South Germany immediately.Only then did Tie Jun's mother confirm that her son had really gone to South Germany.She guessed it as soon as her son ran away, but she couldn't confirm it.She got off the train in Nande and saw someone from the city government coming to pick her up, so she didn't think about the bad side.She is the secretary-general of the Women's Federation of Guangping. Usually, if she travels to the surrounding cities on business, there will usually be a person in charge of the relevant department in the city. What's more, this time her son was honorably injured fighting gangsters here. The place will double the courtesy.As soon as she got off the train, she shook hands with the deputy secretary-general and other cadres who came to pick her up in a calm and dignified manner, expressing her thanks, and said the usual polite words in official circles.After coming to the hospital and taking a seat in the reception room of the hospital, she has been calm all the time, with all her gestures looking forward and backward, and she is polite and thoughtful.

After the Deputy Secretary-General reported the bad news, she didn't react for a while, she was in a state of being in a daze, all expressions on her face stopped, and her eyes didn't move.The deputy secretary-general thought she was holding on, and cautiously asked a deputy director of the Public Security Bureau to introduce the case to her.The deputy director of the Public Security Bureau just said a few words. When he said that this was a long-planned murder case, and that the murderer was deliberate retaliation for the lawful suppression of his relatives by the public security organs in the previous stage, Tie Jun's mother suddenly lost her voice. burst into tears.Her cries were so horrific that they tore the hearts of everyone in the room.

Before Tie Jun's mother could cry, An Xin had already arrived outside the reception room.Captain Pan brought her here from the ward.She went through a hospital examination during the day and found that there were multiple contusions on her body, and the muscles in her legs and arms were severely strained.The heel was also swollen because of the excessive force in the chopping action. The doctor said that there was still a slight fracture in the calf bone; When the police station on the other side of the Meng River reported the crime, even the swaddling clothes in their hands were stained red with blood.Now, with gauze wrapped around her hands and medicine applied to her feet, she walked out of the reception room with the support of Lao Pan on a crutch.Old Pan said in a solemn voice, "Anxin, I know you are sad now, but you have to know that your mother-in-law is even more sad. She is only 28 years old with only one son. This feeling is unbearable for most people. Go in, don't cry, don't cry Let’s talk about the things that make your mother-in-law sad. You should comfort her well and persuade her that if you cry again, your mother-in-law will not be able to bear it even more, understand?” An Xin said, “Yes.” But the tears followed almost at the same time. The word "Understand" rolled down in big pieces.Lao Pan was about to help her aside first to let her bear it, when Tie Jun's mother happened to be hissing and crying in the reception room.An Xin threw her cane and pushed the door and rushed in. She rolled and crawled on her knees and rushed towards Tie Jun's mother. She cried, "Mom, Mom, let me go with him, I miss him..." She knelt Hugging Tie Jun's mother, the uncontrollable crying made the internal organs feel unbearably painful like a cramp.

She knows that she really loves Tie Jun, and Tie Jun is also good to her, he is really very good to her and the child!A year later, when An Xin talked about Tie Jun's death to me, she still shed tears, explaining that Tie Jun's death was a wound in her heart that never healed!
Tie Jun's mother also cried to death, but she clearly pushed An Xin away.She used hoarse, intermittent, and ambiguous curses, which shocked everyone present, including the city chief and Lao Pan.

"You scoundrel! Tie Jun was killed by you, why don't you let him go! You killed him! What else do you want-!" The fifty-year-old mother with gray hair was exhausted. With the greatest strength, she stretched her voice and yelled out the anger in her chest. Her voice was so loud that it became deformed and hoarse, but what she shouted was hard to hear.But everyone knew she was scolding her daughter-in-law.An Xin prostrated herself on the ground, trembling all over, Tie Jun's mother pounced on her, almost desperately, then everyone swarmed up and grabbed the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.An Xin was escorted out of the reception room immediately, she could not cry anymore, her eyes were covered with tears, she was dragged away in a daze.Someone dragged a stretcher, and everyone rushed to lift her up. She lay flat and tried to struggle but couldn't move.She was shaking her head from side to side, her chest seemed to be pressed heavily by something, the only desire in her consciousness at that time was to be able to cry out!

After she was pushed to the ward, the doctor came to examine her and ordered the nurse to give her an injection.Possibly a sedative.After more than ten minutes, she slowly stopped sobbing, fell into a sleep state, and did not wake up until the next morning.

After she woke up, some comrades from the anti-narcotics brigade came to see her, some friends from the Tiejun of the Suede Zeitung also came to see her, and a leader of the Municipal Public Security Bureau also came to see her, and said condolences, commendations and words of encouragement.For Tie Jun's death, they also expressed their condolences to her and advised her to mourn and protect herself.People from the Criminal Police Brigade of the City Bureau also came to question her and collect evidence right in front of the hospital bed.The case is being investigated by the Criminal Police Brigade.From their words, An Xin could tell that there were not many clues to this case.

For a whole day, no one talked to her about Tie Jun's mother's situation, and no one even talked to her about Tie Jun's funeral.

For a whole day, Captain Pan didn't come.

Captain Pan didn't come the next day either.But there are still groups of colleagues and leaders flocking to the hospital to see her, and almost every group of people has to ask the same concern-the situation at that time, the current injury, where it hurts and where it doesn't hurt, doctor What should I say, wait.Everyone's faces were sad, and their voices were soft and slow. Some lesbians came and cried with her.Many people in the anti-drug brigade knew Tie Jun, and they used to envy him and An Xin as the happiest couple.It is precisely because of their happiness that the present misery is all the more pronounced.

For two days in a row, An Xin welcomed a batch and sent away another batch. For some reason, she secretly waited in her heart for Lao Pan.At this moment, Lao Pan has indeed become a brother and a father in her feeling.

In the early morning of the third day, Lao Pan came to the ward, and brought a man and a woman behind him.When An Xin saw those two people, she burst into tears, and she called out extremely wronged: "Dad, Mom!" An Xin's parents just arrived by train this morning, and it was Captain Pan who went to the station to pick them up.An Xin's honest and dull father took out some food and nutritional medicines for his daughter and put them in front of the hospital bed without saying a word, while her mother held her in her arms and made her cry.Her mother wept and said, "Son, go back with mom. Mom loves you so much. We will never be separated again." I've said it, but it feels different when it's said from my parents' mouths.This is the role of relatives. Relatives are often not as close and important as colleagues and friends in daily life, but once something happens, once a disaster is imminent, only relatives can heal your bleeding wounds and truly comfort your heart. Really settle down.

Parents wiped away tears for her, guarded her, and whispered.After she calmed down a bit, Lao Pan returned to the ward and told An Xin's parents that the doctor has come, you can go to the doctor to understand her injury.An Xin's parents left, leaving Captain Pan alone in the room.Lao Pan briefly talked with An Xin about what to do with Tie Jun's funeral, and told about the plan that Tie Jun's mother had discussed with the relevant leaders of Nande City.When Lao Pan talked to An Xin, his tone didn't mean to ask for her opinion.

In fact, Lao Pan already knew about the conversation between Tie Jun's mother and the leaders of the Nande Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Peace of mind and the child's relationship.At this point, the family ugliness had to be publicized, otherwise how could he exclude his legal wife when talking about Tie Jun's funeral?How could he not seek his wife's opinion?
Tie Jun's mother believed that An Xin was unshirkably responsible for her son's death. As the mother of the deceased, she would never forgive An Xin for the rest of her life.She no longer recognizes An Xin as her daughter-in-law, and no longer recognizes An Xin as Tie Jun's wife. Although legally, An Xin and Tie Jun have not dissolved their marriage, Tie Jun's mother has a genetic test certificate in her hand, as well as other Conclusive evidence can completely prove that this daughter-in-law was unfaithful to her husband, and it can also prove that Tie Jun had decided to sever the relationship with An Xin before her death, so she has every right not to let An Xin intervene and participate in Tie Jun's funeral.She said that this was not only her wish, but also Tie Jun's own wish.She could not allow her dead son to be defiled and his soul disturbed.

As for what to do with Tie Jun's funeral, she expressed her disapproval of being cremated locally, and hoped that Tie Jun's body could be transported to Guangping. cremation.After cremation, he was buried together with his father.

Before Tie Jun's mother had this conversation with relevant leaders of Nande City, Deputy Director Xing of the People's Congress of Guangping City had already called Nande City Party Secretary to ask him to take care of Tie Jun's mother's funeral in Nande.He told Nande's secretary that Tie Jun's mother was also the widow of an old comrade. It was indeed very unfortunate that Tie Jun's mother had just sent her husband away, and now she gave away her son, so he hoped to meet her wishes as much as possible.This phone call worked very well. The Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee who participated in the conversation immediately agreed to the above-mentioned request of Tie Jun's mother on behalf of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.It's just that after he came out, he privately suggested to the head of the Public Security Bureau to pay attention to methods for An Xin, pay attention to doing a good job, and not to intensify the conflict.After all, she has not gone through divorce procedures with the deceased.

So when Lao Pan told An Xin about these situations, his tone was very tactful, and he didn't reveal to her about Tie Jun's mother's views on her, nor those fierce words.He only briefly introduced how Tie Jun's body would be transported back to Guangping, and how to organize mourning and burial after arriving in Guangping. Specific handling of work and so on.He told An Xin that these funeral affairs will be handled according to the organization's regulations, so don't worry, Tie Jun's mother also represents the family members.His mother misunderstood you a little bit, you need to give her time to calm down, and now simply don't meet her, so as not to stimulate her emotions.Her white-haired person sends a black-haired person, and her life in the future will definitely be lonely and miserable enough. As a junior, you should sympathize, understand, understand, and take the overall situation into consideration.Now you mainly focus on recuperating and adjusting your mood, and you also have to take care of your children.When it comes to children, Captain Pan's words are simple and he doesn't expand much.About who the child belonged to, and what happened between Tie Jun and An Xin before he died, in fact, he already knew the general idea from the leader of the bureau who had talked with Tie Jun's mother, but he didn't say a word to An Xin, and he didn't poke him. Break this layer of window paper.An Xin and Tie Jun's mothers are equally unfortunate, and they should avoid hurting their sensitive and fragile nerves now.

After An Xin listened to what Captain Pan said, those words were not only a report of the situation, but also an exhortation.She nodded in a cooperative manner, saying that Tie Jun's burial depends on the organization's arrangements and Tie Jun's mother's wishes. She herself does not make any additional comments.Lao Pan looked kindly, and said: Good.

An Xin left the hospital the next morning. She didn't want to stay in the hospital, and she didn't want to spend the little medical expenses in the team.The Public Security Bureau was already very poor, and the annual medical expenses were paid out on a head-to-head basis. If she kept supporting her in the hospital endlessly, other comrades would not need to see a doctor.The anti-narcotics brigade rented a room for her in the guest house of the city bureau, and let her, her parents and her children live in temporarily.The dormitory in the Diaojiao Building must not be able to live in for the time being, even if the doors and windows are repaired, he can't live in it, because Mao Jie knows that place, and if he wants to kill her, he can hide from the first day but not the fifteenth.Her parents originally wanted to take her and the child back to Qingmian, but the case is not over yet, and there are still some situations that need to be verified with her. The criminal police team hoped that she would stay for a while.And she thought that she would go to Guangping to bury Tie Jun in a few days, so she couldn't go with her parents yet.She asked her parents to go back first, and she also wanted to move out of the City Bureau guest house.She inquired, and renting a room in this hostel costs 30 yuan a day. She felt uneasy because she was always short of police funds in the flower team, and everyone was watching.

An Xin chased away my parents just two days after they arrived. On the day they left, Captain Pan and Captain Qian came to persuade them to stay, saying that this little money was nothing, and that it was affordable.Mom and Dad still left, and when they left, her mother hung a jade Guanyin statue that was consecrated in the famous Yuantong Temple in Qingmian around An Xin's neck.Said that Guanyin was specially asked for her, and the elders were asked to read the scriptures.An Xin knew that her mother had never believed in Buddhism, and she never had Buddhist altars, statues, wooden fish incense burners, etc. at home, and now she brought this to her.Probably a mother who wants to protect her daughter can't think of any way.The Yuantong Temple in Qingmian is said to be very spiritual, and people in Qingmian believe it.I don't know if the mother went to pray to the Buddha for her daughter to follow the customs or abandon the customs.She put the Jade Avalokitesvara on An Xin, and then wept while hugging her limping daughter who was covered in bruises.An Xin's father quietly handed over 1000 yuan to Captain Pan, saying that Captain Pan, please transfer it to her, and let her buy some good food. She doesn't want it if we give it to her.

It's only been a few days, and An Xin is so thin that she lost all color on her face. She really should be nourished.Her father is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, knowing that young girls are most likely to get sick if they are exhausted physically and mentally at this time and don't adjust quickly.

Her parents left and took her child with them.During the few days when she was hospitalized, the child was always carried by an elder sister in the team.Fortunately, this child seems to have suddenly become sensible. It is said that he didn't make a fuss at all, and didn't annoy him at all.The eldest sister told An Xin that An Xin wanted to cry, she felt that it was really embarrassing for the child, and the child is not yet one year old.

After sending her parents away, An Xin returned to the team that day, and the team sent someone to take out the bedding and washbasin with her from the dormitory and bring them to the team office.She planned to live in the office of the team headquarters. This was agreed by Lao Pan, and Captain Qian also had no objection. He even asked someone to help her vacate the small warehouse of less than five square meters in the office of the team headquarters, and repack her things. I made a yard, and used wooden boards to prop up a narrow bed, so that An Xin could rest and sleep here temporarily.

An Xin returned to the team without saying a word, she became taciturn almost overnight.When they helped her set up the bed board, she just carefully looked at the Jade Guanyin statue her mother gave her. After rubbing it for a while, she suddenly raised her head and said, "If I sleep here at night, it's like being on duty, taking care of both business and private affairs." Old Qian looked at her dazed eyes, and said with a smile, "How can I let you be on duty every day, who should be on duty or who should be on duty, and you should have a good rest." Although Captain Qian said so, it was still annoying He opened a line and added an extension to An Xin's bedside for the team's reporting phone.Just 5 minutes after it was installed, the phone rang, and Lao Qian picked it up, and said in a straight voice: "Hello, anti-drug brigade!" The person on the phone said something, and Lao Qian frowned. Handing the receiver to An Xin, he said, "Why did your private phone call come to this phone?" With An Xin in mourning, he may have to criticize a few words unceremoniously.

An Xin answered the phone, there was a man's voice on the phone, it was very clear, as if it was calling from the next door.Not only was it clear, but it sounded familiar, but An Xin couldn't remember who it was.

The man said: "Hey, is your husband's funeral done?" An Xin held the phone and was speechless.

The man was also silent for a while, and then asked again: "Two people died in my family, do you still owe me a life?"But An Xin visibly trembled all over, even Old Qian could tell.Probably, An Xin herself did not expect that her voice was surprisingly calm for some reason.

"Okay, where are you, I'll go find you, and I'll pay you back!" Old Qian, and another comrade who helped An Xin install the phone, could see that something was wrong, and they blinked at An Xin.Then they coincidentally heard An Xin say the last words before hanging up the phone: "Okay, I'll go alone, we'll see you soon!" After An Xin hung up the phone, Old Qian asked, "Who are you talking to?" , see you or leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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