Jade Guanyin

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The train to Qingmian, Yunnan departed from Beijing West Railway Station at [-]:[-] p.m., and Liu Minghao took me to the train station, all the way to the platform.

The farewell dinner was eaten at Liu Minghao's home. Liu Minghao's new wife—that is, Beibei's cousin—goed out to watch a movie and never came back, so we drank a bottle of Wuliangye, which we can't tell the truth from. , and was able to talk nonsense with a mouth full of swear words and alcohol.I mainly listened to Liu Minghao talking about the news of his acquaintances in Beijing, and I also talked about the basic necessities of life of the Chinese in the United States, and speculation.When he was almost drunk, Liu Minghao suddenly got up and left his seat, took out a thick envelope from his bedroom, and put it in front of me without a word.I opened it and looked, and it was exactly as I guessed. There was money in the envelope, which was 2 yuan that had just been taken back from the bank and had not been opened.

Liu Minghao blushed, not sure if it was because of the alcohol or because of the unusual embarrassment for him, as if he was not giving money, but receiving money.My brother, you know that my marriage is like going bankrupt, from a small landlord to a poor and hired farmer.Your sister-in-law is not as rich as Beibei's father, but she still has to imitate Beibei's appearance.It's also my fault that I used to brag with her, she thought my company was as good as Zhong Guoqing's.We spent 2 yuan on the wedding meal alone... Now with the [-] yuan, I am really struggling here.

I pushed the money back, sincerely.I said: "I didn't take the money you gave me last time, and I can't take it this time either. It doesn't make sense for me to ask for the money..." Liu Minghao pushed the money back and interrupted me: "This time is the same as last time. Not the same, this time you are going to find Anxin, you left Beibei where do you have any money. Now you don’t have a job, you have to carry some money with you on the way to Yunnan. You will never go again I beg Zhong Ning." I pushed the money back again, and smiled: "I still have some money, I'll come to you someday if it really breaks down." Liu Minghao lowered his head, I understood what he wanted to say, I want to say something, but I can't point it out for him.

"Yang Rui," Liu Minghao raised his head, but his gaze was avoiding me, "I know you haven't reached the end yet, this is my intention, now when I think of you in my heart, I feel sorry It's..." I smiled: "I don't even think about the past, you still think about it, forget it, let's look to the future, the future is always beautiful." We clinked glasses at the end and drank up the point I wish Liu Minghao a lot of prosperity in the future, I wish him to be kind to his wife, and I also wish him not to let his wife catch him.His wife's fierceness is a bit like Zhong Ning.Liu Minghao wished me a smooth journey, wished me all the best, wished me to find An Xin soon, and then be with An Xin...what should I do!

We went to the street, and there was wind on the street, and the bitterness of the wind reminded me that Beijing is already in severe winter.The wind also lets us know we're a little drunk.Liu Minghao vomited, and vomited in front of his car.I said are you okay, or I will type "yes".Liu Minghao shook his head and said it was all right, he even hugged me crookedly, and said drunkenly: My good brother, I have to send you to the train no matter what!

The streets are brightly lit, Beijing is really doing well now, and Beijing at night is even more bustling than Los Angeles just by looking at the lights.Where is Beijing now compared to those developed countries?When it comes to eating, drinking, playing, shopping, and high-rise buildings, it's not bad anywhere!If it's bad, it's dirty, and there are too many people, and the streets are full of people!In terms of the environment, it really has to count Europe and the United States.

At this time, I began to imagine the place called Qingmian I was going to.What is that place like?In the south of Caiyun, there are probably green mountains and green waters, and outstanding people!Who said that there is no place in China with a beautiful environment, if Qingmian hadn't had beautiful mountains and rivers, how could such a beautiful woman be raised!

Liu Minghao got into the car, and the engine was blaring extremely loudly.The way he drives does not look drunk at all, but he talks too much.He said that I never expected you to be so obsessed with women, I really admire you Yang Rui!

I said: "Didn't you take care of yourself, otherwise why would you get married?" Liu Minghao laughed loudly: "Oh, I'm different from you, I'm already a round older than you, if it drags on, my mother will definitely Don’t be in a hurry with me.” I said: “In the past, I was always afraid of being entangled by some woman. In fact, I didn’t know it. It’s a different feeling to like someone wholeheartedly. It’s good to discover this feeling now. It’s good to like someone wholeheartedly. It’s a different smell to be liked by one person wholeheartedly.” Liu Minghao smiled teasingly, and squinted at me: “What kind of smell?” I thought for a long time before I burst into a smile: “It smells like fake Wuliangye. Ah, isn’t this arguing, can Wei’er be able to explain clearly.” Liu Minghao said: “Is Anxin treating you exclusively? Didn’t she have several boyfriends in the past? How much do you really know about her? You are so kind to her Do you know the root and the bottom?” I didn’t answer this question.

I know this used to be a problem for me.

Don't worry, how much do I know about you?How much do I really know about your past, your experiences, the men you've dated?

I know that apart from Zhang Tiejun, the son of the university president, there is another person, and that is Mao Jie who she mentioned to me the night I went to the Cultural Palace to apologize to An Xin.

The reason why I can accurately remember that night is because Zhong Ning accompanied her sisters to Inner Mongolia that day, and I went to the airport to see them off, and then I went to find An Xin.I bring peace of mind into my home.Still in my small, messy living room, still leaning against the sofa, sitting knees on the carpet, she talked to me about Mao Jie.

To that Zhang Tiejun, Mao Jie was a third party.Although An Xin didn't use this word to describe her relationship with Mao Jie, it was clear that Mao Jie was An Xin's lover.

I didn't see a photo of Mao Jie, An Xin said she didn't have a photo of Mao Jie, but she said he was tall and handsome.Perhaps it was this that made him shine in Zhang Tiejun's shadow.

An Xin met Mao Jie for the first time in the middle of the night in South Germany. She had something to do at school and left very late that day. She was hungry, so she walked into a snack bar and sat down to eat on the way back to the dormitory.There were a few men in the snack bar who were too drunk, and when they saw a single girl coming in, they came up and talked nonsense.A short and stocky man asked her if she was someone who sang, and Anxin said that you mistook the person, I am not a singer.Several other men immediately booed, saying that you are putting on airs, aren't you just a singer, there is nothing you dare not admit.An Xin ignored them, and bowed his head to eat a hot rice noodle soup.The short and stout man simply sat down next to her with a playful smile, and said: Sister, sing one, brother, I will pay.His face was a little unseemly close to An Xin, and his mouth was full of alcohol.An Xin lowered her head to eat the noodles without looking sideways, but the man actually bent down to look at An Xin's face, and commented that the skin was still white.His accomplice laughed.All the guys in the store hid away and didn't dare to come out. Except for another customer who was eating in this store, no one dared to meddle in their own business.

The customer was a young man in his twenties, who actually stepped forward at this time, and said, "Hey, don't bully people, bullying a little girl is nothing!"
The villains were stunned for a moment, and saw the situation clearly: the opponent was alone and weak, and dared to play a hero to save the beauty.The stocky man picked up a half-drunk bottle of beer and threw it over. The young man ducked, but he didn't dodge completely. The bottom of the bottle caught the edge of his scalp, and the bottle shattered with a bang on the wall. The blood gushing from his head pulled An Xin up from the chair.She didn't want to be entangled with these drunks at first, she wanted to eat a few more bites and go back to the dormitory, but now she can't go, because there is a brave bystander who has done something for her, she can't You can't just walk away like you're okay with your enemies.

This brave young man is Mao Jie.

Mao Jie's grievances diverted the attention of the drunks, and they turned their drunkards to Mao Jie, and they fought with Mao Jie.In fact, if An Xin was an ordinary girl, it would be normal for her to take the opportunity to escape at this time. She was rescued, but she didn't run away.After a few seconds, Mao Jie and the drunks who made trouble knew that she turned out to be a master of Taekwondo!
I haven't seen that scene. From An Xin's simple description, I guess it looks a bit like a scene from a Hong Kong and Taiwan fighting movie.Because I have experienced An Xin's whirlwind "swing legs", so I know she is not bragging.The power of that "swinging leg" has been constantly exaggerated by my later impressions, like a thunderbolt lightning.Those men were already drunk, so of course they were vulnerable, they were knocked to the ground three times or two, and those who tried to fight back and pretended to be tough were beaten again.

The owner and helpers of the snack bar, as well as Mao Jie, who saw the rough road, were all stunned.Mao Jie, perhaps, fell in love with An Xin at that moment.This was originally a pretty vulgar story, but the plot of "the hero saves the beauty" turned into "the beauty saves the hero" in the end, and "the beauty saves the hero" is relatively rare.

The next thing that should happen is that An Xin wants to send Mao Jie to the hospital, but Mao Jie does not go, he asks An Xin to take him home, his home is nearby.This is somewhat different from what happened between An Xin and me one night. After I was injured by An Xin, I went to the hospital first and then let her take me home.

An Xin went to Mao Jie's house, and after arriving at Mao Jie's house, he bandaged his head.The blood on Mao Jie's face made An Xin feel weak, but after washing away the blood, he found that fortunately the wound was not deep, and the situation was not as serious as imagined.

Mao Jie's home is an independent courtyard. This kind of courtyard with "three rooms, four ears and eight feet upside down" is a symbol of wealth in South Germany.However, the interior furnishings of Mao Jie's house, in An Xin's opinion, are more or less a pile of poor and suddenly rich people, disorganized and lacking a sense of coordination, one can see that they are rich but they can also be seen that they are not educated.Mao Jie said that both his parents were in business, and his elder brother was also in business outside.He himself did not find a job after graduating from high school. He has been hanging out at home for three years, and sometimes helps his parents run business. Life is quite boring.Even though it was the first time they met, Mao Jie showed An Xin all kinds of photos of himself when he was a child.An Xin looked at it with interest, and could see that his family was very poor when he was a child. From the clothes and household changes in the photos, it can be seen that Mao Jie's family situation improved significantly after he went to high school, that is, in the past few years. .Mao Jie only grew in the past few years, and the longer he grows, the more beautiful he is, so his photos are also concentrated in these few years.While flipping through the photo album, An Xin persuaded Mao Jie to find a serious job, or learn something quickly while he was young, so as not to waste his youth.Mao Jie nodded and said he was right, saying that he thought so too.

Mao Jie's parents had already fallen asleep, and his elder brother was not at home all the time. There was a huge courtyard with ten or so houses, and only he and An Xin whispered.The night therefore seemed very tender and peaceful.This tranquility made An Xin feel very comfortable, and she had a good impression of Mao Jie.This may be the unexceptional reaction of any girl of An Xin's age-a handsome boy appeared unexpectedly in her life, and that boy stood up for her. Although this kind of story is very vulgar, it can open all Some fantasies that girls keep deep in their hearts.Therefore, after An Xin bandaged Mao Jie's wound, she was not in a hurry to leave. She sat down and looked at Mao Jie's photo album, and drank a cup of milk that Mao Jie made for her, which was said to calm the nerves and calm the nerves. Finally got up to say goodbye to leave when Mao Jie insisted on taking her home, she didn't refuse.

Both Mao Jie's home and Anxin's dormitory are in the north of Nande City, but the east and west are separated, and it takes more than half an hour to walk.The two of them talked lightly and happily as they walked along the wet and deserted streets of South Germany.Mao Jie is introverted and doesn't seem to be good at talking, but he is always excited and focused on An Xin's expression, which makes An Xin happy.This may be because Tie Jun is not by her side.She has no home here, no relatives, not even a friend of the same age.In South Germany, she lived a poor and lonely single life.

The topics among young people are always romantic and lofty. They walk in the streets and alleys with dirty water, talking about their personal ideals and the future of mankind.They asked each other about each other's life aspirations, and also informed about their own goals.They even want to influence each other, as if the two are already a pair of friends who are very important to each other.An Xin knew it felt a little ridiculous, they just met each other, but she didn't correct and stop the spread of this wonderful feeling between them.

An Xin first announced her own design for the future. The design seems to be realistic in every aspect, but together it can't help but seem greedy for perfection.She said that she plans to work at the grassroots level for a few years to accumulate more practical experience, and then go to school and graduate school.Then, there is a warm family.Then, have a child, preferably a girl.Also, practice taekwondo well.It is best to win a provincial championship or enter the top ten in the country while you are young, and take out the gold medal when you are old. It is a comfort to yourself and a show off to future generations.There are so many things An Xin wants to do, if a woman can really achieve all the above goals, it would be too spectacular and overwhelming.For example, the matter of having a child alone may be able to entangle a woman completely, making you unable to do other things and not in the mood to do other things.Once a child is born, for a woman it becomes the main body of her life, overwhelming everything else.A child almost makes a woman omit herself.Of course, this is usually unforeseen for women who have not given birth, and Anxin is no exception.

But Mao Jie's ideal for the future is extremely simple, that is: rich!He believes that he will be able to make a lot of money in the future!An Xin wants to inspire and guide him: Money is important, but can money replace all your happiness?Are you not ambitious?Don't need a sense of accomplishment?Don't need beautiful love?Mao Jie was very serious and eloquently said: Need!I need career, achievement, and love, but to get these, you must have money. With money, you can freely choose everything.Mao Jie said he hated the frowning look of running around all day to make a living.

An Xin felt that Mao Jie's logic was a little messed up: without a career or achievements, how could he be rich?Career and achievement do not exclude money, on the contrary, they are the conditions for earning money.She guessed that Mao Jie probably yearned for the phenomenon of getting rich overnight.It's no wonder that this phenomenon is not uncommon in society, including small places like South Germany.It is adjacent to the Golden Triangle of the Opium Paradise, and has always been the "golden channel" for tens of thousands of tons of drugs to flow to the mainland and overseas.Yes, drug trafficking is the best way to make money, and you can make a lot of money. You don't need skills, just have the guts!What are you doing!

An Xin stunned Mao Jie by using this most extreme metaphor. He was stunned for a long time and finally gave a sly smile, and whispered to An Xin: "Why do you want me? I will do what you want! I am not afraid of taking risks for you! "This time, An Xin was stunned. Mao Jie's voice and expression, of course, had exceeded the scope of ordinary friendship, and it was a bit ambiguous.She pretended to be obtuse with a smile, and said: "What are you doing for me? You should earn money for yourself and for your parents, are you right?" Mao Jie still smiled, then walked with his head down, without answering.

His previous words, his subsequent silence, can be heard with peace of mind, it is a kind of courtship.She also became careful and consciously stopped the lively discussion.They listened to their own clear footsteps on the street at night, as if they were continuing to talk in their hearts.An Xin felt that it was nice to have a friend of the same age, a friend who could talk to each other, and felt very innocent.From what An Xin told me later, I can imagine that in that small border town, under the calmest moonlight, a pair of youthful young people walked silently, their footsteps were both confused and ethereal, a bit like their Mood.

They walked to Anxin's dormitory.

An Xin's dormitory is allocated by the unit. I went to see that place later, and it was in a large area of ​​high and low stilted buildings by the Nanmeng River.Diaojiaolou is the earliest classic residence of the Zhuang people in Yunnan. Because it is built along the water, long wooden pillars are used to support the living platform to prevent moisture.According to the imagination of our northerners, living on it is as pleasant as a pavilion on the water with castles in the air.But I never lived.From An Xin's introduction, I know that the stilted building was built in the 60s. It is no longer a traditional bamboo and wood structure. It is replaced by brick, stone and scale tiles. Modern decoration.Although the dormitory in Anxin is only more than ten meters square, the clear Nanmeng water can be seen through the window. You can see the bamboo rafts coming and going on the water and the kapok trees burning like sunset on the other side.In the distance, faint drums can be heard from time to time, and An Xin said that she has never been able to tell whether it is the water drum of the De'ang family or the elephant foot drum of the Dai family.Sometimes when the sound of the drum comes, there will be some mist on the surface of the river, blurring everything near and far... If you haven't been there, don't try to imagine it, because the sound and the scenery are definitely more than you can imagine. The feeling is much more touching.

When An Xin brought Mao Jie to the dormitory, it was already four o'clock at night. Speaking of politeness, she should let him enter the room to have a rest, drink some water before leaving.Mao Jie entered the house.An Xin poured water for him, but he didn't drink, looking around the room.All kinds of warm little sentiments arranged by a single girl made the boy a little fascinated.Every small decoration and small object unique to girls seems to be a kind of tease to Mao Jie.Finally, after a few minutes into the house, he hugged An Xin.He panted and murmured this sentence in her ear: "You and I will be fine, I promise to let you live the best life!" Many years later, An Xin told me this night, she Said that this evening was an irreparable mistake for her, and she said that maybe she needed something too much at that time.What does she need?A girl is alone in a strange town, going to and from get off work every day, and going back to the dormitory to read.Except for a month when Tie Jun came to see her from far away, and made out with her for two days on the stilted building, she still had to guard this loneliness by herself.A girl like a flower, she actually needs too many things.I can understand her state at that time.What happened between her and Mao Jie didn't make me disgusted, and it didn't make me unacceptable.

From then on, the situation between them became a bit troublesome for An Xin, and Mao Jie would go to this stilted building almost every night to find An Xin.It may be because things have changed. When An Xin talked to me about this matter two years later, she was very frank. She admitted that she and Mao Jie had done it twice again, but the contradictions and self-blame in her heart became more and more intense. .She didn't want to hang out with Mao Jie secretly like this anymore.Especially when Tie Jun traveled hundreds of miles to see her with all kinds of nutritious food made by his mother himself, she would have a lingering sense of guilt.She compared Tie Jun with Mao Jie. Tie Jun's appearance is far less handsome than Mao Jie, nor does he have the wild passion of Mao Jie.But he is stable, single-minded, and mature in thinking. From personal experience to cultural accomplishment, he is more suitable for An Xin.After rationality prevailed, An Xin decided to break up with Mao Jie early, and let it end as soon as possible.

Before she could figure out how to speak, Mao Jie spoke first.He ran to An Xin's dormitory very late that day, wanting to do that, but An Xin refused.She said Mao Jie, let's stop doing this, it's not an option, it's not good for anyone.

Mao Jie was hugging An Xin, he stopped when he heard her words, and looked at her without saying a word.An Xin was about to continue, but he interrupted her sharply: "Okay, we're married, I'll marry you!" An Xin looked at Mao Jie's face, that face was so pretty.She knew he was serious about her.She wants to break up with him but doesn't want to hurt him, she doesn't want to say that we are not suitable and you haven't even gone to college; she doesn't want to say that I can't stay in Nande for long and I can't find a partner here... She doesn't want to say anything is possible If she stabbed Mao Jie, she could only use confession, and she confessed herself to Mao Jie.

She said: "Mao Jie, I have a boyfriend, we are both engaged..." She wanted to talk about her relationship with Tie Jun and Tie Jun's family in detail, but she just finished saying Mao Jie's His complexion changed.Even, what An Xin didn't expect, he was stunned for a long time, and suddenly when An Xin was about to continue, he shouted: "Stop!" Then he jumped out of the bed, slammed the door and walked away!

His reaction startled An Xin, and it was this fierce reaction that filled An Xin with guilt.This made her realize again that Mao Jie was serious about her.It was she who lied to him and hurt him, even though it was Mao Jie who took the initiative.

Later, she wanted to call Mao Jie or write him a letter, but she didn't know what to write, and she didn't dare to face the embarrassment of talking to Mao Jie.She thought that Mao Jie would stop talking to her when he was angry and stop looking for her.That's fine, let him hate her for the rest of his life, and she also knows that it is impossible for anyone to hate anyone for a lifetime.Time is the most powerful digestive agent, which can dissolve all unforgettable things into nothing.

In this way, I spent a period of self-condemnation and uneasy conscience. I was tortured in my heart, and I didn't think about eating or drinking for a few days.The Chinese lack the spirit of repentance the most, because repentance is a product of the original sin theory of Western religions, and the Chinese do not recognize original sin, so there is no need for repentance.But she sincerely repented.She was just confessing, not regretting breaking up with Mao Jie, because she knew that she had to and could only make such a choice.

Two weeks later, she gradually calmed down, and her heart was no longer as uncomfortable as before. She thought everything was a thing of the past.But at this moment, Mao Jie came again.It was very late that day, he knocked on An Xin's door, and hugged An Xin tightly as soon as he entered the room.He said: "An Xin, you come with me, I have money, I can support you forever! You quit your job, we can leave this place." An Xin let him hug for a while, this moment represents her My apologies to Mao Jie for not expressing in time.But she said: "Mao Jie, I don't want to resign. I am different from you. I put career first. If it is not for career, I would not come to this small city in South Germany." Mao Jiesong After leaving her, he heard that An Xin's tone was serious, thoughtful, unchangeable and unquestionable.He turned pale, gasped, and said, "I thought you cared about me!" An Xin wanted to explain, she thought she should have a good talk with Mao Jie, even if she admitted her mistake, and begged him to forgive.She moved the chair and wanted to pull him to sit down, but before she could speak, Mao Jie violently shook her hand away. His whole body was trembling, and his voice was trembling uncontrollably.

"I thought...you cared about me!" He couldn't explain and apologize to An Xin, so he slammed the door and ran away again. Since then, he never came to An Xin again.But when he ran away, An Xin cried for some reason, because after all, Mao Jie had brought warmth and happiness to this hut.

This is the story that An Xin told me about another boy who appeared in her life on the night when Zhong Ning went to the Inner Mongolia prairie to accompany others on their honeymoon.This story is nothing special, but its ending made me feel a little inexplicably regretful, and I even felt a little sympathy for the unlucky and innocent Mao Jie. , I don't know why I think that kid looks a bit like me.

(End of this chapter)

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