Remarry my wife

Chapter 1 Naked betrayal

Chapter 1 Naked betrayal (1)

[Ancient Gossip CEO Articles, enter with caution]

On a moonless night, a villa on Chongming Mountain, known as an inch of land and an inch of gold, is brightly lit.

Su Ruo didn't sleep well all night, tossing and turning, she fell asleep quietly in the middle of the night!

With a bang, the door was pushed open vigorously, and the sound of pushing the door in the middle of the night was extremely ear-piercing. Su Ruo was awakened suddenly, and turned on the bedside lamp.

When she saw a man and a woman walking in cuddled and unsteady, the blood all over her body began to rush to her forehead. She bit her lip, trying not to let her tears flow.

The two fell on the big bed together while flirting and swearing. They ignored Su Ruo who was next to them, kissed passionately as if no one was there, and took off each other's clothes...

"Ah Tang, is someone watching us?" The woman's voice was sweet, and she looked at Su Ruo with her drunken eyes.

"Don't care!" The man's handsome face was stained red by alcohol, and he walked on the woman's body while answering.

Su Ruo trembled and got out of bed, the smell of alcohol made her nauseous, tears could no longer be controlled, and flowed all over her face.

The handsome man on the bed is her husband who has been married for two years. He is also the man with the highest gold content in R City. His name is Xiao Tang.

After she graduated from university, she got married to the wealthy Xiao family politically.

Xiao Tang appeared in her life at that time. She had never been able to see through this man. He was four years older than her. She was 24 years old that year. At the age of 28, he had already provoked the responsibility of the entire Xiao family. Handsome and rich, he is the prince charming in the eyes of all women.

When Su Ruo saw him for the first time, her heart fluttered, but after 2 years, she didn't have a good word with Xiao Tang. The only one-time experience happened when Xiao Tang was drunk. , She was in Xiao's villa, and the number of times she saw Xiao Tang in the past two years was one of the few. After he took the woman home time and time again, regardless of her feelings, her heart slowly died.

But this time Xiao Tang really went too far, even if she is an unwelcome person, no matter how drunk they are, they shouldn't insult her like this, her patience is limited.

(End of this chapter)

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