Remarry my wife

Chapter 2 Naked betrayal

Chapter 2 Naked betrayal (2)

Seeing the two people on the bed getting more and more violent, she couldn't bear it anymore, she left rationally, reached out and picked up the bedside lamp, and gave one to each of the dog and man rolling on the bed, Su Ruo only knew that anger made her work hard They exerted all their strength, and when they came back to their senses, they had already been beaten unconscious on the bed. It was unknown whose head was broken, and blood flowed down, slowly fainting on the yellow bed sheet embroidered with patterns, and the bed was red. , her eyes were red...

Su Ruo was a little flustered, so she didn't stay any longer, and hurried to get some clothes and passbooks, and left Xiao's house that night without looking back...

"Ruoruo, welcome back to our Gang of Four beauties." Xu Ningning went over and hugged Su Ruo vigorously.

"Men don't have a good thing, now it's too late to turn around, Ruoruo, we will always stand by your side." Yang Xue also went up to hug Su Ruo.

"Hey, unexpectedly two years later, our gang of four will be together again, let's hug." Chen Xiaoyan sighed, and stepped forward to give Su Ruo a hug.

"Men really don't have a good thing. I've decided not to touch those damned men again." Su Ruo's eyes were red, and her pretty oval face was filled with remorse.

The four women present are all beauties, and one is prettier than the other. They were in the same key university four years ago. Fate is a wonderful thing. The four of them all live in the same dormitory, and the relationship between the four is very strong. , wherever they go, they are together, and later the boys gave them the title of "beauty group".

These four beauties have been praised by men since they were young, and they are already visually fatigued by men. They let the boys in the university try their best to chase after them, but no one has ever caught them. The four girls have been single from freshman to senior year. Those boys are angry Envious, he changed the name of the beauty group to the Gang of Four. At that time, the boys may not know the name of the principal, but they will definitely not know the name of any beauties in the Gang of Four.

Among the four, Chen Xiaoyan is the oldest and the first to get married. Her family conditions are not good. After graduating from university, she followed a rich gangster brother. Although she left that brother later, she also got married. A piece of heaven and earth, now opened a nightclub, one of the few high-end entertainment venues in R city, eats both black and white, there are countless men around, but no one loves each other, in short, she is as strong as her name rock.

(End of this chapter)

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