Remarry my wife

Chapter 100 Reception Disturbance

Chapter 100 Reception Disturbance (4)

"Mr. Xiao, about the shares with the Su family..."

"Miss Su, what is your relationship with the second young master of the Zheng family?"


The reporters asked questions enthusiastically, the light of the camera kept flickering, thinking that Su Ruo frowned slightly, Xiao Tang patted her hand, and then he stretched out his hand to block Su Ruo's eyes, smiling and handsome He replied: "My wife and I have a very good relationship. A baby will be born in 9 months, so please ignore those reports. Today we are here for a reception. Please make room, thank you!"

"Then what is the relationship between Ms. Su and the second young master of the Zheng family?" Another reporter asked again, digging for more inside information.

"It's just friends, don't write any more, or my wife will be under pressure." Xiao Tang joked, and then entered the venue with the help of bodyguards.

His high-profile appearance is enough to block some rumors.

After entering the venue, there were no reporters.

Many people have already come to the venue, and the reception has already started. When Su Ruo walked in with Xiao Tong on his arm, all the people in the venue paid attention to them. Not to mention the beauty of men and women, Su Ruo alone is priceless. The dress has attracted the attention of many people.

Xiao Tang greeted everyone one by one with a handsome smile, and Su Ruo even smiled appropriately.

It wasn't long before the two walked in, when suddenly the piano in the venue played a few wrong keys and stopped abruptly.

Everyone's attention returned to the people on the central stage of the venue. The man playing the piano on the stage was wearing a white dress. He stood up and looked at Su Ruo. The blue eyes were only Su Ruo's beautiful figure.

Su Ruo also looked at the man on the stage curiously. When she met those blue eyes, she was slightly taken aback. She could see Zheng Yuan here. He is still as handsome as before. No, it should be more beautiful. He was handsome, and the well-tailored white suit and dress added a lot of color to him. Compared with Xiao Tang's white dress, the two of them wore two flavors.

Xiao Tang coughed slightly, causing Su Ruo to look back.

Some people in the venue started talking about it. Many people have seen the gossip about Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan, and everyone is guessing that everyone has the spirit of gossip.

PS: I can’t write anymore, more than 20 updates, I have to rest for a while, there may be more updates, but it will be very late, everyone will wait, if you can’t wait, I will read it tomorrow, thank you Everyone's support!

(End of this chapter)

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