Remarry my wife

Chapter 101 Reception Disturbance

Chapter 101 Reception Disturbance (5)

Some people in the venue started talking about it. Many people have seen the gossip about Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan, and everyone is guessing that everyone has the spirit of gossip.

Xiao Tang's hand moved to Su Ruo's waist, and he intimately supported Su Ruo's waist and walked forward.

Su Ruo withdrew her eyes, it's not good for her and Zheng Yuan to spread gossip, but now that they look at each other a few times, the news will spread even more.

Zheng Yuan may have realized this too, he saluted the people present with an apologetic smile, then stepped off the stage gracefully, and walked to his seat.

Xiao Tang, the richest and most powerful person in City R, came in, and there were so many people who came to say hello, Xiao Tang greeted each one decently, Su Ruo kept smiling, she just felt that the corners of her mouth were going to stiffen from laughing.

A lady handed Su Ruo a glass of cocktail, and Su Ruo just reached out to take it.

Xiao Tang, who was reminiscing with the others, suddenly turned his head, reached out to help Su Ruo take the drink, and then said to Su Ruo with a bit of blame: "How can a pregnant person drink?"

"I see. I'm sorry. Mrs. Xiao is pregnant. Of course she can't drink alcohol. Here, this is juice." Su Ruo handed over a glass of juice.

"I'm sorry, I scared you with my actions just now." Xiao Tang smiled slightly awkwardly.

"How could it be? President Xiao cares so much about your wife. Mrs. Xiao is really blessed. Congratulations on being pregnant!" The lady said enviously.

As soon as the lady finished speaking, everyone who heard it nearby congratulated Xiao Tang unanimously.

Xiao Tang kept saying thank you with a smile on his face, while Su Ruo on the side just wanted to laugh, it was strange that she was pregnant, but Xiao Tang told her not to go against his wishes beforehand, and she didn't bother to explain.

Many wives congratulated her, and Su Ruo followed Xiao Tang's example and said thank you.

Su Ruo felt something, looked up, and happened to meet Zheng Yuan, who was holding a glass of wine in the corner not far away, and was looking at her. He also saw that Su Ruo saw him, and he raised his hands Glass, and smiled at him.

Su Ruo didn't dare to cause trouble, so she quickly turned her eyes away, she knew that if Xiao Tang understood, Xiao Tang would definitely not make it easier for Zheng Yuan, so a clean and talented man, she couldn't let him have trouble, otherwise she would have a conscience will be uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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