Remarry my wife

Chapter 110 Write a song for you

Chapter 110 Write a song for you (5)

The book was suddenly taken away by Xiao Tang, Su Ruo turned to look at him.

Xiao Tang shook the book quickly, and a piece of paper fell out. He took it quickly and opened it. It was not a letter he expected, but a handwritten sheet music. Since Xiao Tang didn't know how to read sheet music. , but after thinking about it, I knew it was the piece that Zheng Yuan played on the stage just now, because "August is Young" was written on the top of the music score.

"Give me back the book!" Su Ruo was very dissatisfied with Xiao Tang's rude behavior.

"What? Is there something that must be seen?" Xiao Tang raised his hand and said coldly.

"Don't think about it all the time, okay?"

"This sheet music was made by Zheng Yuan for you, do I mean it wrong?" Xiao Tang shook the sheet music in his hands, growled, and then tore the sheet music into pieces in front of Su Ruo, tearing up the book as well. Yes, opened the window and threw them out together.

Su Ruo turned her head and looked behind her. Under the illumination of the street lamps, those pieces of paper were flying all over the sky like snowflakes.

"Why, do you feel distressed again?" Xiao Tang looked at Su Ruo's side frowning, and said coldly.

Su Ruo was really angry in her heart, but she knew it was a wrong choice to fight against Xiao Tang, so she could only swallow her anger in her stomach.

"Speak up! You said something about your dissatisfaction and threw away the things your little lover gave you. Don't you feel very uncomfortable?" Seeing that Su Ruo turned his head and kept silent, Xiao Tang became even more angry. Pulling Su Ruo, he pinched her chin with his hand, making her look at him.

"You're crazy, it hurts!" Su Ruo struggled in pain as Xiao Tong's jaw rattled.

"You kind of flirtatious woman, don't let you hurt, you don't know the lesson, look at me, tell me, what is your relationship with Zheng Yuan?" Xiao Tang's face was as cold as the frost in the middle of winter!He hates women's betrayal, very, very much!He wasn't sure at first, but Zheng Yuan's performance today made him burst into anger in an instant.

"I've been with him for a few days, and we just met twice." Su Ruo didn't want to answer, but her jaw hurt so much from being held.

"Do you think I will believe your words?" Xiao Tang narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Why do you ask me if you don't believe me! Let go!" Su Ruo struggled, her chin should be black and blue.

PS: Unfortunately, the battery ran out when I got up in the morning. I just came now. Fortunately, my sister wrote something early in the morning, so I can post it now, haha... I will continue to update today until I stop moving. I work so hard, and everyone is enthusiastic It's on, or the fire will be turned off halfway...

(End of this chapter)

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