Remarry my wife

Chapter 111 Being Forced Again

Chapter 111 Being Forced Again (1)

The two twisted into a ball, and Xiao Tang stretched out his hand to close the curtain that separated the front and rear seats. The back seat was large enough for the two of them to move around.

The front of Su Ruo's clothes was a bit exposed, but as she was struggling, the clothes were pulled lower and lower, and the front was white, revealing more than half of the spring.

Xiao Tang lowered his eyes and saw the spring, he frowned slightly, he is a man, a normal man, and a man who will not restrain himself.

"Don't move." Xiao Tang said with a hoarse voice.

How did Su Ruo realize so much, Xiao Tang's hand not only hurt her chin, but also made her suffer a lot from holding her arm, her arm was red, she really wanted to be a Popeye, Lift Xiao Tang up and throw him out of the car.

"Don't move, woman!" Xiao Tang's eyes became darker, his voice became more and more hoarse, and his hands could not help but attack her chest.

When Xiao Tang's hand touched her chest, Su Ruo froze for a moment, then lowered her head to look, without even thinking about it, she waved her hand and wanted to slap the pervert.

Xiao Tang's movements were fast, when Su Ruo waved over, he grabbed her hand, and then pushed her, and she was pushed down on the seat.

"You...what are you going to do?" At this moment, Su Ruo realized the danger, seeing Xiao Tong's eyes stained red with desire, she was frightened.

"You have warned you not to move just now, and you will extinguish the fire by yourself!" The corner of Xiao Tang's mouth twitched, showing unruly.

Su Ruo is stupid, how did she know this just now, if she knew this earlier, she would rather let him dislocate her jaw, but now she is in the car, and there is a driver driving in front of her!

Seeing Xiao Tang pressing towards her, Su Ruo stretched out her hand to look at the car door next to her.

"Don't bother, the car door is locked." Xiao Tang smiled wickedly, reaching out to Su Ruo's face.

"Please don't do this, you're in the car now." Su Ruo saw that there was nowhere to escape, so she could only beg, playing with the car vibration, she couldn't bear it.

"It's okay, the driver can't see, he will automatically close his ears." Xiao Tang's hand moved across Su Ruo's fair and smooth face, with a bit of slyness and tenderness in his eyes.

"'re so perverted..." Su Ruo was so angry that she couldn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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