Remarry my wife

Chapter 114 The So-Called Price

Chapter 114 The So-Called Price (2)

Su Ruo withdrew her hand, she was really annoyed now, why did she play this piece so desperately, Xiao Tang's memory is really good, she can remember the piece clearly after listening to it once.

"It's a bit jerky, you need to practice more!" Xiao Tang walked towards her step by step, his face didn't change at all.

Su Ruo was a little frightened, the more Xiao Tang laughed, the more frightened she became, she stood up nervously, and began to back away.

"Why are you getting up? Keep playing. You'll get used to it after playing it a few times. When the time comes to a public place, I'll let you play on the stage. It's so beautiful!" Xiao Tang still smiled, but the danger was revealed in his words .

"I...I..." Su Ruo didn't know what to say. She said that she accidentally played this song or that she really thought it was a good song. How can you be so stupid to play this piece!The bowels of regret are cleared.

"You what?" Xiao Tang still smiled, his expression didn't change at all, but he was getting closer and closer to Su Ruo.

Seeing Xiao Tang getting closer and closer, Su Ruo couldn't stand the pressure any longer, she turned around and was about to run, and after running a few steps, she was caught by the fast-moving Xiao Tang.

"Wife, what are you running for? Are you afraid that I will eat you?" Xiao Xuan's face darkened, his handsome face showed signs before a storm was coming.

"I...I want to go back to my room to rest." Looking at Xiao Tang's gloomy eyes, Su Ruo stuttered a bit, she never knew that after these few days, she was getting more and more afraid of Xiao Tang, No matter how indifferent Xiao Tang was to her before, but he would not get angry with her, just like a stranger, then she needn't be afraid. After these things happened recently, she felt that Xiao Tang was not only domineering, but also gloomy and terrifying, and more It doesn't make sense.

"Wait a minute, I have something for you to do." Xiao Tang's voice was cold.

Su Ruo bit her lower lip tightly, Xiao Tang's strength was really great, and his arm that was holding her was red again.

"Don't you want to ask me something?" Xiao Tang sneered.

"What's the matter?" Su Ruo's voice was almost choked with sobs, she knew that she must be punished, how could she live in such a worrying and fearful life.

"Sit down and play the piece just now until I am satisfied!" Xiao Tang ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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