Remarry my wife

Chapter 115 The So-Called Price

Chapter 115 The So-Called Price (3)

Su Ruo didn't understand why Xiao Tang ordered herself like this, so she had to sit down under Xiao Tang's staring eyes.

Xiao Tang leaned against the piano, squinting slightly at the woman sitting in front of the piano: "Play!"

Under Xiao Tang's pressure, Su Ruo trembled slightly, and put it on the black and white keys. Just after playing a few notes, Xiao Tang suddenly coughed lightly, and she was startled.

"Since you like playing this piece so much, play it seriously until I am satisfied! Don't stop for me! If you dare to stop, I will let you know what regret is!" Xiao Tang said coldly.

Su Ruo felt so wronged that Xiao Tang threatened her endlessly, making her unable to resist. Once she resisted, he would definitely threaten her with her friends.

Under Xiao Tang's pressure, Su Ruo closed her eyes slightly in order not to be affected, her slender fingers jumped on the black and white keys, playing "August is Young" over and over again!
Same as last time, Xiao Tang directly moved the work to the living room, and was busy with the work in hand while listening to Su Ruo playing the piano.

Su Ruo had to admire Xiao Tang for continuing to work like this. It was okay to play the piano at the beginning, but no one could play for hours after playing so well. A little twitching.

"Slow by half a beat!" Su Ruo slowed down slightly because of his hand soreness, and Xiao Tang said immediately.

Su Ruo's forehead was covered with sweat, and her fingers were sore, as if she was constantly directing her body. I really don't know whether Xiao Tang is listening to her playing the piano or working.

After playing it again, Su Ruo really had no choice but to stop, and her hands began to twitch.

"Why did you stop?" Xiao Tang put down the document in his hand, got up and walked towards Su Ruo.

Su Ruo frowned, biting her lower lip tightly, tears welling in her eyes, if Xiao Tang threatened her again now, she would rather kill her here.

Xiao Tang understands people's hearts very well, and he didn't say any harsh words, but stretched out his hand with a smile, lifted Su Ruo's chin, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you want to play this song again in the future?"

Su Ruo didn't know how many times she played it today, and now she feels a little sick just to let her hear this piece.

"Answer me!" Xiao Tang emphasized his tone.

Su Ruo shook her head.

Looking at Su Ruo's appearance, Xiao Tang knows that his goal has been achieved, he just wants her to remember that if she wants to play him, she can play him all at once, but there is a price to pay.

More importantly, there are some things that cannot be touched, which will cause trouble for the upper body!
How could someone as smart as Su Ruo not understand Xiao Tang's meaning!
(End of this chapter)

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