Remarry my wife

Chapter 116 Sharing the same bed

Chapter 116 Sharing the same bed (1)

It was late before dinner.

Su Ruo didn't want to eat at all, but was dragged to the dining table by Xiao Tang, and the servant also arranged the dinner.

After entering the two adjacent positions, Xiao Tang turned his head and said to Su Ruo calmly: "Eat more, I don't want you to hear your stomach growling when you sleep at night."

Su Ruo lowered her eyebrows and didn't respond. She just wanted to finish her meal and go to rest early. It's a pity that when she picked up the ivory chopsticks, she used her hands too much today, and the hand holding the chopsticks kept shaking. It doesn't stop, I can't control it well.

Hearing the sound of ivory chopsticks touching, Xiao Tang frowned slightly and turned to look at Su Ruo. When he saw Su Ruo's trembling hands, he raised his eyebrows.

"I won't eat!" Su Ruo was a little annoyed by her own hand, she put down her chopsticks, and was about to get up and leave.

"Wait." Xiao Tang stopped her, and then picked up a spoon beside Su Ruo: "I told you, you are not allowed to go hungry!"

Su Ruo frowned, sat back in her seat, took the spoon, she was not used to eating with a spoon, and she was not that little Korean, it was very inconvenient to use a spoon for eating every day, especially for picking up vegetables, see Xiao Tang Unable to walk easily by herself, she had no choice but to eat white rice directly.

Xiao Tang was eating, seeing that Su Ruo only grilled the rice but not vegetables, he smiled slightly, and without thinking about it, put the vegetables in Su Ruo's bowl.

"Tell me what you like to eat, and I'll bring you food!" Xiao Tang's tone was relatively gentle.

Su Ruo pursed her lips lightly, seeing that Xiao Tong gave her a little bit of everything, the dishes in the rice bowl piled up like a hill, fearing that Xiao Tang would ask to eat up all these meals later, she hurriedly said: "Enough, enough !"

"Eat more, you are too thin, I feel uncomfortable in my arms." Xiao Tang said duplicity, Su Ruo's figure is indeed very good, with protruding front and back, but he prefers plumper women .

Su Ruo wants to roll her eyes, this man always acts according to his standards, his current behavior is equivalent to giving you a slap and rewarding you with a few sweet dates, she doesn't care about Xiao Tang at all.

After eating in a hurry, Xiao Tang let him go back to his room after saying that he was really full several times.

(End of this chapter)

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