Remarry my wife

Chapter 117 I Have Feelings For You

Chapter 117 I Have Feelings For You (3)

"Wife, you have to be more confident, don't let my child not be pregnant after 9 months, others will think that our child is the same as Nezha, although it is not so exaggerated to be pregnant for two years, but it is not normal if it exceeds 10 months In this case, Xiao Tang's lie will be exposed, he is such a face-saving person, how could he allow his own lie to be exposed.

Originally early in the morning, Xiao Tang asked for love to himself in a gentle and gentle way. No matter how much Su Ruo hated Xiao Tang before, he couldn't help but be infected by such a warm and harmonious morning atmosphere. Xiao Tang's words made the already thin harmony It was broken in an instant, and her sober self Xiao Tang didn't love herself at all, he just loved his face and his money!What does he care about? If he has a child by then, he will still think that she will die or live!

"Why don't you talk? Do you have a pregnancy phobia?" Seeing that Su Ruo kept silent, Xiao Tong frowned and looked at Su Ruo. This woman is really puzzled. It's rare for him to be so warm, and she doesn't want to talk to him. Really It's too much, it feels like he doesn't want to divorce her, she seems to have a face, thinking that if she doesn't divorce, she can make her face at will!I really don't know what to do!
"I'm going to take a shower." Not wanting to talk to Xiao Tang, Su Ruo got up and wanted to go to the bathroom.

"I'm with you." Xiao Tang also got up.

Su Ruo walked to the bathroom on her own, and quickly closed and locked the door before Xiao Tang had time to enter the bathroom.

"Woman, open the door!" Xiao Tang couldn't believe that the woman locked him out, so he patted the bathroom door hard.

"You go to your own room to take a shower, I want to wash alone!" After Su Ruo finished speaking, she didn't care whether Xiao Tang would lose her temper, she went straight over and turned away her shaggy hair, letting the cold water pour down on her After searching over and over, the soundproofing of the bathroom door is already good, and with the sound of water, Su Ruo couldn't hear what Xiao Tang said outside the door. She wanted to take a full bath right now.

"Dead woman, I will remember you!" Seeing that he had knocked on the door for a long time, but Su Ruo didn't come to open it, Xiao Tang said this angrily, and went back to his room through the secret door...

After taking a shower, Su Ruo dawdled for a long time before going downstairs to prepare dinner. As usual, Xiao Tang would go to work, and he would leave around 9 o'clock, and she could go down and finish breakfast and dinner together.

(End of this chapter)

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