Remarry my wife

Chapter 118 I Have Feelings For You

Chapter 118 I Have Feelings For You (4)

After taking a shower, Su Ruo dawdled for a long time before going downstairs to prepare dinner. As usual, Xiao Tang would go to work, and he would leave around 9 o'clock, and she could go down and finish breakfast and dinner together.

She didn't go down until after 9 o'clock.

As soon as he reached the stairs, he heard the intermittent sound of the piano. Su Ruo went down and saw a man wearing a black round face, short sleeves, and jeans sitting in front of the piano. He took a closer look and found that it was Xiao Tang. The tune turned out to be the nursery rhyme "Two Tigers", which is still out of tune intermittently.

This kind of Xiao Tang is really a bit funny. It turns out that he doesn't know everything. At least he can't play the piano very well. Seeing that he is still playing with 2 fingers magically with great interest.

Su Ruo wanted to turn around and go back upstairs, but didn't want to meet Xiao Tang.

But Xiao Tang has sharp eyes. As soon as Su Ruo came downstairs, he saw it. Seeing that Su Ruo turned his head to leave, Xiao Tang said, "Why are you going up again? Why don't you come down to eat!"

Seeing that she was caught straight, Su Ruo stopped. To be honest, she was growling with hunger and wanted to eat very much. It was because Xiao Tang made her exhausted too much.

"This thing looks easy, but it's really hard to play by yourself. When I was young, the teacher taught me, and I drove her away because she was too ugly and liked to spit. Later, I didn't learn it. "Xiao Tang said to himself, and laughed after he finished speaking.

Su Ruo rolled her eyes, she found that Xiao Tang had become a little unfamiliar to her recently, she didn't know why he did this, but he didn't believe that Xiao Tang's change would be without purpose!So she has to make herself more cautious!
Seeing that Su Ruo still didn't respond, he seemed to be expecting it, got up and walked to the dining table.

After walking down, she stared at Su Ruo all the time, and Su Ruo felt hairy when she saw it, and then she heard Xiao Tang say: "I don't see where you have dressed up, and you have to wait until now after taking a bath?"

"It doesn't seem to be your business!" Su Ruo replied without looking at Xiao Tang.

"It's none of my business, woman, what you said is really ridiculous! I started waiting for you to have dinner with me half an hour ago!" Xiao Tang's voice was slightly agitated.

(End of this chapter)

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