Remarry my wife

Chapter 137 Men Are Fickle

Chapter 137 Men Are Fickle (3)

After waiting for half an hour, the doctor came out, and Su Ruo hurried up to ask about the situation.

"The patient overwhelmed the wound last night, tore the wound, did not treat it in time, and had a little infection. Fortunately, nothing serious happened. Your family is also true. The patient is unconscious when he sleeps at night. You should be careful not to turn over or something. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." The doctor's voice was slightly reproachful, and Su Ruo felt embarrassed when he said it, she didn't expect so much, who knew that Xiao Tang slept so restlessly at night!
The doctor continued: "The patient is in a coma, your family will take good care of it, don't let this happen again.

Su Ruo hurriedly nodded, and one minute later, Xiao Tang was pushed out from the operating room. Su Ruo bid farewell to the doctor and followed Xiao Tang.

Back in the ward, looking at the pale face of the comatose man, Su Ruo felt a little guilty for not taking good care of herself, not to mention Xiao Tang would blame herself, even his brother would blame her!

Sitting next to the hospital bed, this time Su Ruo was not careless, and kept looking at Xiao Tang, fearing that he would turn over in a coma...

At noon, the housekeeper came to deliver the tonic soup. As soon as we met, he saw the young mistress who was dozing off from time to time beside the hospital bed and the young master who was still sleeping. He greeted him cautiously.

Su Ruo was taken aback. Seeing the housekeeper's apologetic expression, she smiled. Unexpectedly, she almost fell asleep. She slept too late last night, and now she is staring at Xiao Tang boringly, not taking a nap. Also strange.

After chatting with the housekeeper for a few words, Su Ruo told him about the situation in the morning, and then asked the housekeeper to watch Xiao Tang in the afternoon. She was too tired and went to take a nap first!
It's night when Su Ruo sleeps.

When she got up, she felt much more refreshed, her nose was no longer twitching, and she turned to look at the hospital bed. Xiao Tang hadn't gotten up yet, and the butler was dutifully watching over her.

Looking at the clock, it was past 9 o'clock in the evening, Su Ruo called the housekeeper.

The butler just yawned. Seeing that Su Ruo had woken up, he hurriedly told about what happened at noon. At noon, Pan Ziyuan and the others all came, but seeing that Su Ruo had been sleeping soundly and did not wake her up, Xiao Tang remained in a coma. , they stayed for a while and then left.

(End of this chapter)

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