Remarry my wife

Chapter 138 Men Are Fickle

Chapter 138 Men Are Fickle (4)

"Housekeeper, go back!" Su Ruo ordered.

The butler was also tired and started to feel drowsy. Seeing what Su Ruo said, he nodded, and when he left, he told her that the porridge was still in the thermos.

Su Ruo went to wash her face, looked at Xiao Tang who was still awake, she saw that her dinner was prepared and still warm, so she went to finish the dinner.

Xiao Tang woke up halfway through the meal.

Xiao Tang has never felt so painful and tired before, this time when he opened his eyes, he saw Su Ruo who was eating at the side, and he blinked for a long time before he saw clearly that it was Su Ruo.

"Are you awake?" Seeing that Xiao Tang woke up, Su Ruo hurriedly put down her chopsticks with surprise on her face.

Xiao Tang frowned and looked at her, his face was dark, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse and terrifying: "It's really rare, you didn't run away while I was unconscious!"

Hearing Xiao Tang's sarcasm, Su Ruo froze for a moment, trying not to care about it: "Is there any discomfort, I'll call the doctor!"

"No need." Xiao Tang's voice was hoarse and indifferent. As long as he thought of waking up early in the morning and not seeing Su Ruo when he was sick, he would get angry when he thought about it. He wanted to treat this woman well, but now he suddenly felt that it was not worth it. He kind of changed his mind!
"Then are you hungry?" Su Ruo was already feeling a little uncomfortable, and asked him kindly, but she met him with such a cold face. If she didn't blame herself a little, she really didn't want to talk to him.

"Not hungry." The voice was still cold.

If Su doesn't speak anymore, what else can she say, this man is enthusiastic when he says enthusiastic, and cold when he says cold, his face is turned faster than a book, doesn't it mean that women are fickle?It turns out that men are like this too, she has seen it!

The room became very quiet, the two of them were thinking about their own things, and no one spoke for a long time.

Su Ruo couldn't eat dinner anymore, so she had to pick up the leftovers and threw them outside.

When Su Ruo went out, Xiao Tang moved slightly, but finally made no sound.

After Su Ruo went out, she stood outside for a few minutes before going in, Xiao Tang was still lying down, she finally asked again: "The rice porridge is getting cold, let me feed you!"

"Whether you're annoying or not, I'll tell you that you're not hungry!" Xiao Tang's voice was not loud, but full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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