Remarry my wife

Chapter 140 Men Are Fickle

Chapter 140 Men Are Fickle (6)

Su Ruo went back to her sofa and didn't turn off the lights. She knew that she had had enough sleep during the day and just now. She still remembered the doctor's words. She still hoped that Xiao Tong would get better soon, and she didn't want to owe him favors!
With eyes open, in the dead of night, it is always easy to think of the past. Su Ruo remembered being punished to kneel down not long ago, playing the piano so softly, and remembering the changes of Xiao Tang in the past few days. She took herself to the reception and bought her ice cream. Taking her shopping and watching movies, and even protecting herself from harm...Looking at the handsome face of the man lying on the bed, what kind of man is this?You say he is acting, but sometimes his expression is subtle, you say he is extremely calm, sometimes he is a little naive, especially when he is sleeping, like a child... She really can't understand, this enigmatic man !

When he woke up the next day, Xiao Tang had already woken up. He was looking towards Su Ruo, and when he saw Su Ruo opened his eyes, he immediately turned his head.

Su Ruo got up, stretched her waist, and said to Xiao Tang: "Are you hungry? I'll go buy you breakfast after washing my face."

Xiao Tang didn't answer, but Su Ruo knew that after thinking about it, Xiao Tang didn't eat all day yesterday, and now that he is in better spirits, he must be very hungry.

She got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face, Su Ruo came out with a refreshed face, unexpectedly fell asleep last night, fortunately Xiao Tang didn't find anything else this time.

"What do you want to eat?" Su Ruo took the wallet and asked Xiao Tang.

"Anything." Xiao Tang answered after a while.

Hearing Xiao Tang say 'casual', Su Ruo wanted to laugh a little. The day before yesterday she always said casually, but today it was Xiao Tang who said casually.

It's easy to say whatever you want, she will buy it by herself.

He took his wallet and went out.

Around 8 o'clock in the morning, Su Ruo strolled towards the entrance of the hospital. Just after turning the corner out of the hospital building, a hurried man bumped into her while making a phone call!

"I'm sorry..." the man hastily apologized.

The two looked at each other and were stunned. Su Ruo looked at Zheng Yuan with a worried face in surprise.

"Ruoruo?" Zheng Yuan yelled, then quickly hung up the phone, and carefully looked at Su Ruo: "Do you have anything to do? I have been abroad for a few days, and I saw the news when I came back. I don't know if you are injured. I came here in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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