Remarry my wife

Chapter 141 Breakfast for One Person

Chapter 141 Breakfast alone (1)

"Ruoruo?" Zheng Yuan yelled, then quickly hung up the phone, and carefully looked at Su Ruo: "Do you have anything to do? I have been abroad for a few days, and I saw the news when I came back. I don't know if you are injured. I came here in a hurry."

"I... I'm fine!" Zheng Yuan suddenly appeared, and she didn't know how to react.

"Ruo Ruo, it's good to see that you're fine. I just sent someone to find the ward again. It's really fate that we met directly." Zheng Yuan raised his mobile phone and said.

"I'm fine, you..." Su Ruo didn't know what to say, she was still going to buy breakfast.

"Where are you going?" Zheng Yuan's blue eyes were as clean as ever.

"Buy breakfast." Su Ruo said softly.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you. I haven't had breakfast yet, I just got off the plane." Zheng Yuan wanted to reach out to hold Su Ruo, but hesitated for a while, and finally didn't extend his hand.

Su Ruo looked up at Zheng Yuan, dressed in suits and leather shoes. Although he still had a smile on his face, there was indeed exhaustion on his face that couldn't be concealed. She was touched by how much he cared about her. Women don't need too many words. Sometimes a sincere word can make them very moved.

Su Ruo nodded, and then took Zheng Yuan to Zhou Ji next to the hospital to buy breakfast.

There are already a lot of people buying breakfast now, and there is a long queue.

"I'm going to line up, you sit here for a while, come over when you arrive." Zheng Yuan said thoughtfully.

"No, I'll just go. Seeing your tired face just got off the plane, let's rest first, I'll go." Su Ruo shook her head with a smile.

"Hehe...then let's go together." Zheng Yuan also smiled, and the bright smile made the people queuing at the side, especially the women, turn their heads frequently, the mixed race, and such a handsome mixed race.

Su Ruo stopped arguing, and the two stepped forward to line up.

The other party in the queue was a bit crowded. I don’t know if some people did it on purpose or not. Su Ruo was pushed and shoved several times, and was almost pushed down the last time. Fortunately, Zheng Yuan quickly stretched out his arms and hugged Su Ruo’s waist. , did not fall.

Su Ruo was a little embarrassed, Zheng Yuan didn't let go of her arms around her waist, he used his body to separate the pushing and pushing team, and protected Su Ruo in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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