Remarry my wife

Chapter 143 Breakfast for One Person

Chapter 143 Breakfast alone (3)

"I'll just go back to the car and eat. I came here just to see if you're okay. Since you're fine, I'm relieved. Okay, I'll take you back." Zheng Yuan looked at Su Ruo seriously, with a smile on his face. The expression on his face was complicated. In fact, he really wanted Su Ruo to finish breakfast with him, but he couldn't be selfish and not consider Su Ruo. For a person like Xiao Tang, he remembered the fragments of books flying all over the sky. The car actually followed their car...

"There's no need to deliver it, you should go back to the car and have breakfast, or it will be cold, and I'm a little late coming out, so I have to run back." Su Ruo said apologetically.

"Okay!" Zheng Yuan did not refuse this time.

"Then I'll go first." Su Ruo smiled at him, then turned and left.

"Ruoruo." Zheng Yuan suddenly stopped her.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Zheng Yuan calling him to stop, Su Ruo stopped in her tracks.

Zheng Yuan opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing, he could only smile and let her go.

Su Ruo turned around and left inexplicably...

Seeing Su Ruo slowly disappearing in front of his eyes, Zheng Yuan sighed softly. He actually wanted to ask Su Ruo if he had read the words he wrote in the book, but since the book was torn up, it should be fine. I saw it, what a pity!

After standing for a while, Zheng Yuan turned around and walked to his car. When he passed the trash can, he looked at the breakfast in his hand, frowned and threw the breakfast into the trash can. What's the taste, he should go back to Zheng's house early, his elder brother will definitely wait for him to have dinner with him!

Su Ruo almost trotted all the way back to the ward, she was afraid that Xiao Tang would find out some reason later, so she lost her temper.

As soon as Su Ruo stepped into the door of the ward, Xiao Tang's voice came faintly: "Woman, buy some breakfast, why is it so late?"

"The queue is up to now." Su Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, then went in and started to organize breakfast.

"I thought you ran away again." Xiao Tang said in a faint voice, looking up at the woman who was arranging breakfast. Her hair was loosened, revealing her beautiful side and neck. It was really pleasing to the eye in the early morning.

"Do you want to eat by yourself or should I feed you?" Su Ruo directly ignored Xiao Tang's sarcastic words.

"Of course you feed me." Xiao Tong took it for granted, it's rare that he can be so leisurely now without doing anything.

(End of this chapter)

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