Remarry my wife

Chapter 144 Picky Man

Chapter 144 Picky Man (1)

Su Ruo was a little helpless. This man really took it for granted. He hurt his back and made him unable to move. If he had known this, she might as well have been lying on the hospital bed by herself.

"Did you eat it yourself?" Xiao Tang asked.

"Not yet, I'll feed you first and then we'll talk." Su Ruo sat beside the hospital bed with rice porridge.

Seeing the rice porridge that Su Ruo handed over, Xiao Tang frowned: "Is it rice porridge again?"

"You can say whatever you want." Su Ruo frowned, and this man was about to start to dislike him again.

"I want to eat something with a taste, but the rice porridge has no taste at all." Xiao Tang turned away slightly.

"You are injured, so you can only eat light food, hurry up, open your mouth!"

"I don't want to eat it, it's tasteless." Xiao Tang looked disgusted.

"You! Then drink soy milk, it's still hot." Su Ruo endured.

"I don't drink that stuff."

"Then what do you want to eat?" Su Ruo couldn't bear it anymore.

"I want to eat western food." Xiao Tang said directly.

"Then go hungry!" Su Ruo looked defeated, this man wanted to eat western food, she accepted it.

"How can you talk to the patient like this, I thought I was quite heartless, but I didn't expect you to be even more heartless, talking to your benefactor like that!" Xiao Tang complained.

"I didn't ask you to save me, you posted it yourself." Su Ruo frowned.

"You are so heartless, I saved you, and you actually said such things."

Su Ruo closed her mouth, how could this man love to play with his temper like a child since he was injured, and also liked to bicker with himself.

"Why don't you talk anymore, is your conscience disturbed?" Xiao Tang raised his handsome eyebrows.

"You don't want to eat, do you? Then you are hungry. I'm going to eat breakfast."

"Hey, you dead woman, I will punish you when I get better!" Seeing that Su Ruo really turned around to leave, Xiao Tang became anxious.

"Then let's talk about it when you recover!" Seeing Xiao Tang's angry look, Su Ruo suddenly found that she was in a good mood.

Su Ruo can feel that Xiao Tang has changed a little bit. The previous anger had a terrifying oppressive feeling, but the current anger is used to adjust the emotional atmosphere.

Su Ruo was eating breakfast, while Xiao Tang was just angry. He was actually very hungry, but when he saw the rice porridge, his stomach felt a little nauseous.

(End of this chapter)

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