Remarry my wife

Chapter 145 Picky Man

Chapter 145 Picky Man (2)

After Su Ruo finished her breakfast, she turned to look at the man with closed eyes and pale face. She also felt a little bit sorry, and her heart was soft. No matter what, Xiao Tang saved her. She walked over and said, "I'll get some Put sugar in it, so that it will have a taste, don't you think it's okay?"

Xiao Tang snorted softly and turned his head.

"Then what do you want? It's impossible to eat Western food. You can only eat light food now." Su Ruo asked patiently, not wanting to care about the sick.

"Anyway, I want to eat something with flavor." Xiao Tang said coldly.

"Then I'll call the housekeeper and ask the housekeeper to bring some soup. You can make do with a few mouthfuls of rice porridge first."

"I won't eat, I won't eat!" Xiao Tang shouted with anger on his face.

Su Ruo burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Seeing Su Ruo smiling, Xiao Tang glared at her and asked.

"Do you know what you look like now? A crying child who can't eat what he likes. It seems that the IQ of injured people tends to decrease." Su Ruo half laughed.


Just as Su Ruo was about to speak, there was a knock on the door.

It's only 9 o'clock now, and I don't know who came to visit so early.

Going to open the door, Su Ruo frowned when she saw a woman wearing sunglasses and wearing a big-brand outfit, followed by a few bodyguards. Isn't this the woman she met in the restaurant that day? After looking at it carefully, Su Ruo finally remembered that this is a very popular celebrity recently, her name is Xia Er, she usually looks online when she is bored, there are photos of this woman everywhere on the Internet, no wonder she thinks she looks familiar.

"Is this Xiao Tang's ward?" Lin Xia'er asked with no expression on her face. As soon as she got off the show, she ran over with the soup made by her assistant.

Su Ruo nodded. She didn't know how this woman was found out. When Xiao Tang was injured, he rejected all the visitors. If he was such a beautiful person, if he didn't refuse, the ward would have been trampled several times.

"Please let me go, I want to see him." Although he said please, there was not much politeness in his tone.

"I'm sorry, miss, Xiao Tang is not seeing anyone now." Su Ruo also responded coldly, although the other party is a big-name star, it doesn't mean he is a polite person, which makes Su Ruo uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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