Remarry my wife

Chapter 166 Ruthless Possession

Chapter 166 Ruthless Possession (2)

"Why are you ashamed? It's not like I haven't seen your body before. You dare to do that kind of thing with other men, it shows how lewd you are, and why are you pretending to be pure!" Xiao Tang sarcastically said.

"I didn't!" Enraged by Xiao Tang, Su Ruo roared angrily.

"You didn't? You said you didn't do that with that wild man?" Xiao Xuan stared.

"I didn't, I was framed, I don't even know what happened!"

"You don't know? Do you think I'm a fool, would you believe your nonsense?" Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows, and grabbed Su Ruo's hand a lot.

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not!" Su Ruo closed her mouth after saying this, she was so stupid, how could Xiao Tang believe her, it was a waste of words.

"If you don't make it clear, how can you make me believe it? You say it, and I let you say it!"

"..." Su Ruo responded silently!
"Don't tell me, you're guilty, right?" Xiao Tang's face was cold, and he continued to growl: "What's so good about that man, is he richer than me, considerate than me, or better than me in bed?"

"Tell me, tell me!" Seeing that Su Ruo kept silent, Xiao Tang shook Su Ruo's body fiercely.

"Yes, you are not as good as him, that's all right!" Su Ruo just yelled this sentence, and she regretted it. What did she say? Isn't this clearly provocative?How could a person like Xiao Tang bear it? She regretted it, and she really regretted it.

Sure enough, Xiao Tang was furious when he heard this.

He picked up Su Ruo, threw her to the ground, then picked up the puffy head, and poured it on Su Ruo.

The foam washed away, Xiao Tang didn't say a word, and carried Su Ruo on his shoulders again and walked out.

Su Ruo screamed and struggled in horror, but she couldn't stop Xiao Tang's actions at all.

Just now when Xiao Tang went into the bathroom, he had already pressed the inside line to ask someone to change the sheets. The servant changed the sheets as quickly as possible, and the big bed was already very clean at this moment.

Xiao Tuan carried Su Ruo to the bed with a blank expression, then threw Su Ruo onto the bed, and quickly pressed him down.

"You...what are you going to do?" Su Ruo was stunned, Xiao Tang, who was expressionless at the moment, looked like Shura from hell.

(End of this chapter)

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