Remarry my wife

Chapter 167 Turning Point Turning Point

Chapter 167 Turning Point Turning Point (1)

Su Ruo stood in front of the mirror, looked at herself, her face was haggard and lifeless, and the mark on her body had faded a lot. It had been more than a week since she was force-fed and possessed last time. After leaving that morning, he never appeared in front of her again.

She didn't know what kind of tricks Xiao Tang was playing, but this kind of quietness made her feel even more uneasy. She clearly knew that the future would be dangerous, but the danger would not come for a long time. The pain of knowing that there would be harm but not knowing when it would come would be taken away immediately. It's even more uncomfortable to get hurt.

She has been lying on the bed for more than a week, and since she was force-fed by Xiao Tang last time, she no longer goes on a hunger strike, so she will not foolishly do a second time, nor will she do anything that will cause more trouble. Knowing that Xiao Tang was really afraid that she would commit suicide or something, she took back all the deadly things in the room, and she just had nothing to do, and spent more than a week in a daze without knowing anything outside.

It was rare for her to get up today to tidy herself up because the butler told her that the young master asked Chen Xiaoyan and the other three to come and see her, and she got up in the mood to take a shower and clean herself up.

She was afraid that her sisters would worry about her, so she took all the cosmetics brought by the butler, and after washing her face, she put on a light makeup, otherwise she would not dare to see her sisters with her bloodless face.

After putting on makeup, Su Ruo sat in the room and waited.

It didn't take long before she heard the sound of the door being opened, and then the butler led three women with their own merits into the room.

"Ruoruo..." The three of Chen Xiaoyan shouted at Su Ruo who was standing up and smiling at them.

When Su Ruo saw her good sister, grievances surged up in her heart, and she worked hard for a long time before suppressing it.

The three of them came over and hugged Su Ruo together. Su Ruo bit her lips tightly and didn't let herself cry. At this moment, she saw that her sisters were more kind than everyone else. They made her feel relieved.

"Ruoruo, are you doing well?" The three asked in unison, looking at Su Ruo.

Su Ruo had obviously put on makeup today, and her facial features didn't seem to have changed much from before, but there was a bit of uncomfortable emotion in those beautiful big eyes, and they knew in their hearts how wronged Su Ruo was.

(End of this chapter)

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