Remarry my wife

Chapter 168 Turning Point Turning Point

Chapter 168 Turning Point Turning Point (2)

"I'm fine." Su Ruo kept smiling firmly, she didn't want them to worry.

"Ruoruo, you are obviously very sad, why are you still laughing? Is it because you don't regard us as sisters? Don't sisters talk about everything? With your current state, how can you treat us as sisters?" Chen Xiaoyan saw Accustomed to the ways of the world, she is also the best at judging people, she immediately saw the grievance and sadness in Su Ruo's eyes.

"Yes, Ruoruo, there are only four of us now, why are you holding on so hard, even I can see it." With pity on her face, Yang Xue stretched out her hand to touch Su Ruo's meticulous makeup.

"Ruoruo, don't you think of us as sisters? We all know how much grievance you have received. Why are you doing this to hurt me..." Xu Ningning has a lot of feelings and is the closest to talking with Su Ruo. She hasn't said anything yet. After finishing speaking, they cried, let alone how Xiao Tang treated Su Ruo recently, just remembering the scene of Su Ruo being beaten in the hotel that day, they were all so sad.

"Why are you crying, I..." At first, Su Ruo was still holding on, but when she saw Xu Ningning crying, and seeing the jealousy of the two people next to her, her words became more and more choked up, and finally she couldn't hold back her tears. Beads that snapped like broken strings fell down...

In the end, the four sisters cried, and the man in front of the monitor frowned, closing his eyes and not looking again...

After the four cried for a while, they began to talk about business.

"Ruoruo, tell us what happened that day, the Zheng family is already investigating, and the matter has a clue." Chen Xiaoyan asked seriously.

Su Ruo's eyes were red, and she felt much better after crying. She talked about what happened in the hospital that day.

"You must not have seen the appearance of the person who beat you?" Xu Ningning asked anxiously, if he can find out that person, he can follow the clues to catch the murderer.

Su Ruo frowned and thought, everyone looked at her nervously, even the man behind the monitor clenched his fists nervously.

"By the way, that man's teeth seem to be made of silver. Before I passed out, I saw him smile, and a white light flashed across his mouth."

Su Ruo suddenly remembered that this was the only impression left in her mind before she fell into a coma, because the white light was too dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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