Remarry my wife

Chapter 172 It's starting to turn sunny

Chapter 172 It's starting to turn sunny (3)

Zheng Yuan threw a CD to him, saying that it was the registration records and monitor records of the hotel after Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan disappeared, and that if he had a good look at it, he would find the problem.

Xiao Tang took the CD and just frowned, then Zheng Yuan said something that you would regret treating your wife like that and left!
Xiao Tang looked at the CD and hesitated for a long time before putting it into the computer.

The hotel needs a real personal ID card to board the plane, but the boarding ID card of 903 is not Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan, but a fake ID card. It is not surprising for that remote hotel to be able to board the plane with a fake ID card. In the complete monitors for the past few days, Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan have never entered or exited the door of the hotel or the elevator record, but two men who have been wearing caps have entered and exited 903 several times, because the monitors have dead ends. I just couldn't get a picture of the man's face disguised as wearing a hat, but that figure is definitely not Zheng Yuan. Zheng Yuan's figure looks a bit thin. It is also possible to hire people to do things, but if you observe carefully, you can see that when these two people entered the door, they didn't even ring the doorbell or make it dark. The way they looked when they entered, so it was strange because if these two people were Zheng Yuan's subordinates or friends, it would be impossible for them to enter without knocking or ringing the doorbell.

As long as you think about it hard, there are too many loopholes in this matter. For example, when he went to 903, the door was unlocked. When he went in, he saw Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan just woke up. It is possible that the door was unlocked. They were careless, but since they made an appointment with Chen Xiaoyan and the others, how could the two of them still be sleeping at that time? Based on what he knew about Su Ruo, it was absolutely impossible. If they had been sleeping , who sent the text message, why not just make a phone call, how convenient... This matter can be broken in many ways as long as you use your brain.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tang became a little silly. If this was just a trap set up by someone with a heart, then he had fallen into the trap, beating his wife and feuding with the Zheng family. The heart of the person who set it up is really poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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