Remarry my wife

Chapter 173 It's starting to turn sunny

Chapter 173 It's starting to turn sunny (4)

Thinking of this, Xiao Tang became a little silly. If this was just a trap set up by someone with a heart, then he had fallen into the trap, beating his wife and feuding with the Zheng family. The heart of the person who set it up is really poisonous!

After watching the CD, he couldn't calm down for a long time, and the first thing he wanted was to ask his own group of capable men to investigate this matter, and he had been suffering from a high fever for several days due to poor rest, wound inflammation, and waited for half of his illness to recover. , it's been almost a week.

He wanted to talk directly to Su Ruo about the disappearance that day, but he was afraid that he would lose control, and even more afraid that the woman would ignore him, so he had to invite her sister to talk to Su Ruo, and he watched it on the monitor. .

The result was the one that was satirized just now!
"It's me!" Seeing Su Ruo's frightened look, Xiao Tang said.

Su Ruo saw clearly that the man sitting beside her bed was Xiao Tang, she was slightly relieved, this man appeared so scary, really!
The two fell silent for a moment, Su Ruo frowned, and turned away from looking at Xiao Tang, but Xiao Tang kept staring at Su Ruo's profile.

"What's the matter with you?" Xiao Tang couldn't stand being watched, Su Ruo could only say coldly, it's really immoral to come out in the dead of night to scare people.

"It's nothing." Xiao Tang took it.

"Then you go back, I want to rest!" Su Ruo felt a little baffled, she really couldn't understand this man more and more, he didn't show up for more than a week, and when he showed up, it was at this time of night!

"I want you to accompany me." Xiao Tang said in a low voice, his voice was a little hoarse, and he found that things were beyond his expectation, and they were developing in a direction that he could not grasp more and more.

He is not someone who trusts others easily, but seeing Su Ruo holding Chen Xiaoyan and the others crying so wrongedly today, he felt a pain in his heart, and he realized that he really misunderstood!

If all this is a misunderstanding or a trap, then how he will face Su Ruo in the future, he can't even think about how he beat her so cruelly that day!
"President Xiao, there are so many women in this world. If you want to find someone to accompany you, you just need to tickle your fingers. Why bother with a bitch like me." Su Ruo sarcastically said that she had been in a panic for more than a week. Seeing Xiao Tang appearing, she couldn't help but fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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