Remarry my wife

Chapter 197 Tangled Heart

Chapter 197 Tangled Heart (3)

Xiao Tang frowned tightly, just now he thought this woman was crazy, now that she speaks so clearly, it doesn't look like she is completely crazy, what does she mean?
"Who told you that my wife is pregnant?" Xiao Tang said angrily.

The two men next to him hurriedly lowered their heads and said nervously: "I'm sorry, young master, it's the two of us who slipped our mouths!"

"Half a month pregnant, you and Zheng Yuan had sex with that woman at the same time, do you think that child will really be yours?" Lin Xiaer still yelled and laughed loudly.

"You! Do you think I will believe your words?" Xiao Tang said in a deep voice with a dark face, then winked at the subordinates next to him, then turned his head and left.

The woman's sharp scream came from behind, Xiao Tang was expressionless, he didn't believe and would not believe what the woman said just now, she was crazy, she must be talking nonsense!

After leaving the dark room, Xiao Tang's expression was very ugly, it was still sunny outside, he walked around the garden in a bit of ecstasy, and for some reason came to the window sill of Su Ruo's room again.

Xiao Tang raised his head and looked at the window. It has only been more than a week, but the autumn is getting stronger. The leaves of the sycamore tree are sparsely falling, and the ground has already been covered with a thick layer, and there is a crisp sound of rubbing when stepping on it. .

A few pieces fell on Xiao Tang's shoulders and refused to leave. Xiao Tang frowned and looked closely at the closed window. He knew that Su Ruo was sleeping deeply at the moment, and he would not see her like last time. Suddenly appearing on the window sill, he couldn't show the bright smile he had last time, his heart seemed to be tugged by something all the time, and it was difficult to breathe.

He really loves Su Ruo, but what if the child is really not him?He really couldn't bear the result of helping others raise their children!

No no no no no!That crazy woman must be talking nonsense, how could he just believe it, even if it was true, the child might be his!
The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. Xiao Tang got angry and punched the sycamore tree. The trunk of the sycamore tree trembled slightly, and a lot of leaves fell sparsely.

He smashed the sycamore tree several times in a row, his hand was scratched by the rough trunk of the sycamore tree, and seeing the bright red blood, he stopped his self-harm, then took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and walked to the villa...

(End of this chapter)

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